#ps i still love you


Hey y’all. I made some last-minute To All the Boys-inspired Valentine’s cards. They’re available as a digital download, so you can print them at home just in time to give for Valentine’s Day. Or just whenever you feel like it since they’re not overly Valentine’s-y.

Absolutely loved the Netflix adaptation of To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. I need to read the thi

Absolutely loved the Netflix adaptation of To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. I need to read the third in the series now! 

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team johninfelizmente ainda não encontrei screencaps boas deles então desculpem a qualidade e aproveteam johninfelizmente ainda não encontrei screencaps boas deles então desculpem a qualidade e aproveteam johninfelizmente ainda não encontrei screencaps boas deles então desculpem a qualidade e aproveteam johninfelizmente ainda não encontrei screencaps boas deles então desculpem a qualidade e aproveteam johninfelizmente ainda não encontrei screencaps boas deles então desculpem a qualidade e aproveteam johninfelizmente ainda não encontrei screencaps boas deles então desculpem a qualidade e aproveteam johninfelizmente ainda não encontrei screencaps boas deles então desculpem a qualidade e aproveteam johninfelizmente ainda não encontrei screencaps boas deles então desculpem a qualidade e aproveteam johninfelizmente ainda não encontrei screencaps boas deles então desculpem a qualidade e aproveteam johninfelizmente ainda não encontrei screencaps boas deles então desculpem a qualidade e aprove

team john

  • infelizmente ainda não encontrei screencaps boas deles então desculpem a qualidade e aproveitem esses iconzinhos rs 
  • like if you save/use!!!
  • if you want to repost any matching icons credit me (@atlasruel) on twitter or my tumblr @baematchings, please!

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[last lines]

Holly Kennedy: Dear Gerry, you said you wanted me to fall in love again, and maybe one day I will. But there are all kinds of love out there. This is my one and only life. And it’s a great and terrible and short and endless thing, and none of us come out of it alive. I don’t have a plan… except, it’s time my mom laughed again. She has never seen the world. She has never seen Ireland. So, I’m taking her back where we started. Maybe now she’ll understand. I don’t know how you did it, but you brought me back from the dead. I’ll write to you again soon. P.S… Guess what?

- PS I Love You, Richard LaGravenese (2007)

Daniel Connelly: [reading Gerry’s letter] Dear Holly, I don’t have much time. I don’t mean literally, I mean you’re out buying ice cream and you’ll be home soon. But I have a feeling this is the last letter, because there is only one thing left to tell you. It isn’t to go down memory lane or make you buy a lamp, you can take care of yourself without any help from me. It’s to tell you how much you move me, how you changed me. You made me a man, by loving me Holly. And for that, I am eternally grateful… literally. If you can promise me anything, promise me that whenever you’re sad, or unsure, or you lose complete faith, that you’ll try to see yourself through my eyes. Thank you for the honor of being my wife. I’m a man with no regrets. How lucky am I. You made my life, Holly. But I’m just one chapter in yours. There’ll be more. I promise. So here it comes, the big one. Don’t be afraid to fall in love again. Watch out for that signal, when life as you know it ends. P.S. I will always love you.

- PS I Love You, Richard LaGravenese (2007)

Van egy koreai szó, amit a nagyi tanított. Jung. Két ember közti kapcsolatot jelent, aminek nem lehet véget vetni, még akkor sem, ha a szeretet gyűlöletbe fordul. Akkor is élnek benned a régi érzelmek, sosem tudod a másikat teljesen lerázni magadról, a szívedben megmarad a másik iránt érzett gyengédség.

Jenny Han: Utóirat: Még mindig szeretlek!

“People come in and out of your life. For a time they are your world; they are everything. And then one day they’re not. There’s no telling how long you will have them near.”

Lara Jean, P.S. I Still Love You

“It’s called jung. It’s the connection between two people that can’t be severed, even when love turns to hate. You still have old feelings for them; you can’t ever completely shake them loose of you; you will always have tenderness in your heart for them.”

Lara Jean, P.S. I Still Love You

“When you lose someone and it still hurts, that’s when you know the love was real.”

Ms. Rothschild, P.S. I Still Love You

“I suppose you can’t hold on to old things just for the sake of holding on.”

Lara Jean, P.S. I Still Love You

With summer officially here, and more time to read, we thought we’d start up our Friday Reads posts

With summer officially here, and more time to read, we thought we’d start up our Friday Reads posts again. Check out what the gang at Simon & Schuster Canada are reading this week!

Brendan, Editor: I can never read just one book at a time, but I’ve started trying to balance the number of books on my nightstand by picking just one book of poetry and one full-length book. Right now, I’m pairing Adrienne Rich’s The Dream of a Common Language withLincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders.  Each writer knows how to craft superb poetry and prose, so even if I don’t read for a long time, every word is exquisite.


Shannon, Publicity Assistant: I’m in the midst of the last in Jenny Han’s latest series, Always and Forever, Lara Jean,and it is just as page turning as To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before andP.S. I Still Love You.  I’m so going to miss these characters, but I’m excited to see where their stories end.  How will Lara Jean deal with moving away to college?  Will Kitty be okay as the only one of the Song Sisters left at home?  Will Lara Jean and Peter make it through all the changes?! I guess I better keep reading to find out!


Alexandra, Marketing Assistant: This week I’ve been reading Roz Nay’s Our Little Secret. This book packs a punch, taking psychological thrillers to the next level. Angela is being held in a police interrogation room and questioned on the disappearance of her ex’s wife, Saskia. Our Little Secret has everything I love in a  book: a sweet romance, intriguing characters, and unexpected plot twists. Trust me, you won’t see this ending coming! 


Samantha, Sales Operations Associate: I tore through James Maskalyk’s Life on the Ground Floor in two days – it’s Maskyalyk’s engaging memoir of life as a doctor in a Toronto emergency room and his trips to Ethiopia to train doctors in emergency medicine.  In Toronto, he works long shifts at St. Mike’s dealing with everything from heart attacks to homeless people looking for a place to sleep.  In Ethiopia, the hospital doesn’t even always have electricity, and there have never been emergency rooms before.  Maskalyk is patient and compassionate in his writing, not ignoring the toll the profession takes on him, but not neglecting the patients’ dignity, either.  It’s clear that outcomes are affected by the resources the hospital has available, but in the end he is hopeful that continuing training and funding will raise standards outside of Canada.  Highly, highly recommended.


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AUTORA: Jenny Han

EDITORA: Intrínseca



Agora, no último ano do ensino médio, Lara Jean e Peter Kavinsky, ainda namorados, precisam decidir para que faculdade vão. Enquanto isso, Lara precisa organizar o casamento de seu pai, aproveitar o verão com sua irmã, Margot, resolver as coisas da formatura e da viagem da turma. Neste livro, mais do que nunca, a principal é obrigada a fazer escolhas difíceis que envolvem razão e emoção.

Este, com certeza, foi o meu preferido da trilogia. A Lara Jean e o Peter finalmente conseguiram engatar no namoro sem brigas bobas por falta de comunicação, como no segundo livro. Com todo esse clima de nostalgia nós acompanhamos os personagens se desenvolvendo e tomando decisões importantes. A escrita da Jenny Han é super fluida, como sempre, então você lê o livro bem rápido.

Recomendo para quem começou a trilogia, porque nele você encontrará um ótimo desfecho para personagens incríveis. Espero que vocês gostem tanto quanto eu. Obrigada por lerem :)

AUTORA: Jenny Han

EDITORA: Intrínseca



Nessa continuação de uma das leituras mais fofas do ano nós começamos quase no mesmo ponto onde o livro anterior parou. Lara Jean escreveu uma carta para Peter Kavinsky falando de seus sentimentos e só falta entregar. Além disso, um dos garotos para quem a Lara escreveu uma carta reaparece em sua vida, e com várias coisas acontecendo ela precisa aprender a lidar com um relacionamento, amizades e sua família.

Muitas pessoas falam como acharam a Lara Jean chata desde o primeiro livro, no meu caso isso aconteceu somente no segundo. A maioria dos personagens estavam irritantes, na verdade. O livro é cheio de mal entendidos por falta de comunicação (o que me irrita profundamente), sem contar que quando ele acaba você vê que a história poderia ter sido completamente descartada porque ela começou e terminou da mesma forma.

Confesso que como li o segundo e o terceiro livro um seguido do outro, não consigo diferenciar exatamente o que aconteceu em cada um, para mim está tudo misturado (risos). Mas era basicamente isso que queria dizer. Para não ficar só com reclamações, também quero complementar que a leitura é fluida e, apesar de tudo, você consegue se divertir e aproveitar o livro.

Recomendo que quem tenha começado a trilogia não tenha medo de pegar o segundo porque o saldo final vale a pena. Obrigada por lerem :)
