#boy positivity



heres for all my boys with “bad” teeth

  • boys with crooked teeth
  • boys with stained teeth
  • boys with missing teeth
  • boys with cracked teeth
  • all boys who dont have perfectly straight white teeth
  • you look super handsome and your smile still lights up a room!


goofy boys are a gift. boys who are funny in a sweet and nice way and who always wanna help cheer people up are lovely


Too many people overlook how cute boys with brown eyes are. If you’re a boy with brown eyes and you’re reading this, guess what; you cute.


dear BOYS & MEN

you are handsome, valid, and amazing regardless of your body type. society’s crazy expectations do not dictate your worth. you don’t have to have styled hair to be good looking. you don’t have to have a six pack or muscular arms to look good. you don’t have to be 6’1 to be dateable. you don’t have to have a sharp jawline to be attractive. cellulite, fat, hair, whatever: you’re alright. you are incredible as you are. I hope you feel like it someday soon, if not now


underaprecciated boy aesthetic: sleepy boys. boys who wear baggy sweatpants everywhere and have those cute tired grins. boys who yawn and stretch n u can see a bit of their tummy under their shirt and lean and slump on every available surface (esp when the surface is u). boys who’s clothes r always soft because their pajamas and regular wardrobe are one and the same and have bags under their eyes and messy hair 24/7



hey, it’s gonna be okay. one day you’re gonna find yourself in exactly the right situation. doing what’s best for you isn’t selfish. everything is gonna turn out just fine, okay?


Happy International Men’s day!

All men reading this deserve happiness in their life, not just today, but every day.

All men deserve reconition for their achievements and kindness from others. When I say all I include: trans, cis, disabled, abled, gay, straight, bi, pan, aro, ace, queer, white, religious, non-religious, men of any race or ethnicity.

I hope that if you give out kindness and support you will receive kindness and support in return.


men who aren’t bad people don’t have to apologize for other men being bad people.


A lot of men have stretch marks. You’re still handsome. Please don’t forget that.


You don’t have to be smart to be valuable. Your worth is not defined by intelligence.


Everyone always makes positivity for boys who like makeup. Boys who like feminine things. Boys who are emotional. And that’s great!

But shoutout to boys who like sports.

Boys who don’t usually express their emotions.

Boys who joke about inappropriate/immature things.

Boys who like weightlifting.

Boys who like dogs more than cats.

Honestly, why can’t we also appreciate masculine boys?

Feel free to add on!


Why are men so attractive??? I’m not complaining. I’m just impressed.


Dear mentally ill men:

We have something inside us that is our enemy, that is sometimes stronger than we are, that can kill us.

Sometime we feel weak, sometimes it gets the better of us, sometimes people tell us that makes us not real men, sometimes people tell us we’d be better if we just stopped needing to be a man we’d be better. 

Neither of those it true. Our masculinity is a real part of our humanity and no one should be using it to forbid us fro needing help.

And put it this way: do you really think we would have survived this long if we weren’t real men?


Reminder that bi guys aren’t just gay guys who haven’t come out yet. Bisexual males exist and are valid.


Don’t forget to tell yourself that you are beautiful/ handsome today.

My gorgeous boyfriend is raising money for him to get top surgery as he has been waiting on the NHS waiting list for over 2 ½ years now. He is told it could be 3 years before he actually gets surgery but with going private it can be as little as four weeks waiting. Although, it is £6000. It would be greatly appreciated if you could donate something so he can start living his life. If you can’t donate, no worries, just sharing this would be great! Thank you so much ❤️

I made this blog when I was 16 or 17 which is super weird to think about because im 20 now. its nice though that so many people have followed and have sent asks and ill try to be more active on here

Boys who wear dresses, watch “girly” shows, enjoy wearing makeup and high heels

I love you. You’re perfect just the way you are and never be ashamed of it
