#brian quinn


Young Fan: I see you as a role model!

Q: *panicking* Thanks, but reconsider!

Sal: *choking on the floor*

Q: I’m trying to call 911 but the 9 button isn’t working!

Joe: Turn it upside down and use the 6!


Sal: *stops choking momentarily* What the fuck?!

Murr: At my age, do you know how I’m statistically most likely to die?

Sal, Q, and Joe: At the hands of your best friends?

Murr: An accident.

Sal, Q, and Joe: Oh, that’s how we’re gonna make it look.

Q: Have a safe flight.

Sal: I have no say in the matter.

Q: *driving off* Die, then.

Sal: *to Q and Murr* I can’t even tell you two apart half the time because I don’t go by looks or name, I go by the amount of pain in my ass, which makes you two identical.

Some Guy: Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t punch you in the face.

Sal: Judge said I’d go to jail if someone punched me in the face one more time.

Joe: I’ll open my mouth and swallow you whole arm.

Murr: It’d be way too rewarding.

Q: When you move in to punch me, I’m gonna hold a bucket up to my face, and then your fist will just punch the inside of an empty bucket and you’ll look ridiculous.

Murr: *texting Q* Hey, do you have Anxiety Prime?


Q: Yeah, I have both.

Q: *cuts himself while shaving*

Dramatic Caption:


Q: *on his way to his punishment* I’m ready. Depression. I’m ready. Depression.


Theidiotsare back in town ft. Grandpa Q


He’s so hot


Baby is more of a drunk than I am
