#bruno x fish lady


Bruno showimg off his latest novella to his sisters and their husbands.

Bruno: The lead is betrayed by his best friends! They’re his best friends and then they go and marry his sisters! Now he can understand his clumsy friend marrying the oldest sister, he would literally die without her. But the other one?! His other sister has anger issues! What’s a poor man to do?

Julieta and Pepa know this about them. Julieta giggles at Bruno’s dramatics while Pepa considers zapping her brother with lightning from her cloud.

Augustin and Felix are slowly realizing the novella is about them.

Augustin: Uh Bruno?

Bruno, being dramatic and extra lets his eyes glow green: HE MARRIES HIS BEST FRIEND’S SISTER!

Felix, the one with a sister: Wait what?

Osma, pops up out of no where: Bruno and I are engaged.

I was rereading some of my seer Julieta posts and now I decided that during the rebuilding of Casita Julieta bonded with her daughters by playing matchmaker with them. They were trying to get Dolores with Mariano and Bruno with Osma.

They even got Augustin to join in too. He was grateful for Bruno’s help during those ten years and now wants to see Bruno happy with the love of his life.

Pepa was a little harder to convice until Julieta said that it looked like it might rain on their wedding day in her vision.

Pepa, who made it her life goal to make it rain on both of her siblings’ wedding days after they flooded her brain on her’s, immediately agrees to help.


here’s how it went( i was there)

She is very angry at Bruno for breaking her heart and than vanishing without a trace, but it’s easier to talk about a silly vision than that, especially to his sobrina. It’s not like Mirabel wants to know about their past anyway

i haven’t drawn a kiss in ages gosh
