#bsd jouno


Tecchou: If you water water, it grows.


Jouno: No wait, he’s got a point.


i do pretty firmly believe that jouno’s “huh?” here is probably out of like genuine confusion and not like. disbelief. because fukuchi was literally like “i wanted to show you……… This” and then Stopped Talking and did not elaborate and jouno is fucking Blind. jouno doesn’t know bram he has no way to recognize him and depending on whether you think bram has a heartbeat or not jouno might not have even been able to tell he was there—i’m inclined to believe he doesn’t because jouno didn’t seem to hear or sense him at all as they approached. and if that’s the case fukuchi essentially said “i need to show you something” to a blind person and gestured at what jouno would perceive to be Absolutely Nothing and failed to explain literally at all for a minute or so

the alternative is, of course, that bram does have a heartbeat. and if that’s the case jouno probably heard it and then also heard the lack of. any other organs. so fukuchi was like “i need to show you something” [severed but somehow living head on a stick] which. can you imagine. if your boss just showed you a severed head and didn’t elaborate. jouno was probably like. what the fuck


just tetchou poking jouno with his sword


[tecchou confessing to jouno over text]

tecchou: i have a crush on you

tecchou: very big crush

tecchou: like dinosaur

jouno: [Read ✓✓ 9:47pm]

this is so funny i had to redraw it

I can’t stop thinking of a songfic of Criminal by Britney Spears and Jouno. I am simping…


The Hunt for Priceless Tears

What would you do if you tried to find something that is basically non-existent on the internet? What if you have searched the depths of the internet, wading through the old Geocities sites and Japan’s National Diet Library’s archive for a specific piece of work? When nothing came to fruition, would you lay down and say “There is nothing else that I can do.”?

Many might’ve just stopped there and called it a day but, where there is a will, there is a way.

Keep reading

Maybe Techou and Jouno are each other’s impulse control. Because Jouno is forced to be a slightly less violent person when he’s around Techou, and Techou couldn’t find Jouno for like 15 minutes and decided to abandon his duties, monologue about how great he secretly is, and beat up a kid, so like… Maybe it really is for the best if those two stick together.
