



i would be for real so pissed if i was snorpy. like if i found out there actually was a conspiracy watching my every move but ONLY after i had already started getting professional help for my paranoid delusions about there being a different fake conspiracy watching my every move, and Also learning that sometimes the real conspiracy just lets people think they’re the fake one so they don’t blow their cover, i would start going to the gym more often just so i could punch drywall without immediately shattering every bone in my hand.

two people have rb’d this now with tags to the effect of “man we should just stab alegander” and while i hold nothing against people who wish to give alegander the ol’ webkinz milk plushie treatment, i admit this reaction confuses me because alegander does not register as a very threatening presence. maybe that’s just a me thing but i think it’d be way funnier if like, snorpy saw the actual triplicate space or at least a branch Of the snakolytes, and reacted like guillermo del toro did when he saw that ufo and was like, Disgusted to realize that it looked like every bad alien sighting description ever. like legitimately disappointed by how generic it was.

“i wish i could say it’s exactly as how i predicted, chandlo dearest,” snorpy says into a payphone. “it’s not. it’s worse. no, not worse as in - it’s just so lame. one of their agents works at grumpbucks. just… ugh.”





What is this batch of files?

These are voice banks of the Grumpuses from the video game Bugsnax except I modified and rendered their voicelines to turn them into UTAUs!!

What’s an UTAU/UTAUloid? And what’s a .UST file?

UTAUs, or UTAUloids refer to voice banks that work on the Vocal Synthesizer Tool, UTAU! They’re VERY similar to Vocaloids, except UTAUs are made for free and by other people. Vocaloids are made under third-party companies, for example, Hatsune Miku was made by Crypton Future Media, and thus costs money to use. UTAU, however, is completely free! The .UST files are the UTAU tool’s vocal track file, where the songs are made! There are many online!

Did you seriously copy some of the sounds similar to one another?

Yes. Sorry…These aren’t perfect voice banks either since I can’t properly make them smooth and many of the actual Grumpuses’ lines were limited, especially Clumby’s.

How do I use these?

By installing the UTAU software, click your “Utau” or the character picture you get as the default, if you get one and select “Select…” (Sorry, I don’t know a lot about the Windows variant”. Click the folder to open the Bugsnax voice sample! (I THINK that’s how it works. Sorry-)

Do these voicebanks support Hiragana and/or Romanji?

These voicebanks only support Hiragana. But if you contact me at P!V Quantum hangin’ out#3449 on Discord or lil-goat-is-watching on Tumblr with a Romanji UST, I’ll convert it into Hiragana for you!

Can I use these to make Friday Night Funkin’ Characters and/or covers?

Absolutely!!! Please credit me however when using them.

Can I upload covers of these to YouTube?

Same answer as the question linking to Friday Night Funkin’, I also highly suggest crediting Young Horses and the Voice Actors of whoever you choose too.

How should I credit you?

I’d prefer if you simply credit me via my Tumblr, lil-goat-is-watching.

How long did ALL 14 GRUMPS take to make

The first Grump I started my UTAU work on, Floofty, began development on Sunday, 14th November 2021. On Monday, 10th January 2022, development finally ended once the icons were added, so I’d say 57 days! Or 8 weeks or 1 month and 3 weeks or ye-

May I have the link?


Enjoy, everyone!!! I hoping all of this goes well ;w; (Even if ya don’t like the inconsistencies-)




i’ll be looking at both the latin american and castilian spanish translations, but for the sake of my hands, this’ll just be covering the main expedition members. also, disclaimer that spanish is only my second language, so i might be missing out on some stuff! if you have any fun dub name observations in either of the spanish translations or in any other language, i’d love to hear ‘em!

Keep reading

Loving these sdlkfjdsa seeing the localizations is always fun!

As a few additions, Wambus’ latinamerican last name refers to ara la tierra, from arar as in plow the earth!

Also, Wiggle is Soprina Serpentina, first part likely referring to soprano, while the latter is party streamers (serpentinas)

For Cromdo in the Castilian version, Roco Cararroca is literally just rock facerock

As for Chandlo’s “fortacho” in Castilian, it refers to “fortachón”, which is used to simply refer to someone who is really strong

And for the Fizzlebeans, their last name in Latinamerican is pretty much the direct translation (or rather, meaning “fried bean”). In Latinamerican, Snorpy’s is Inventín as in a little inventor, while Floofty I believe might be Proti as in Prototipo, prototype. I can’t be too sure about Snorpy’s in Castilian, but for Floofty it seems a play on the onomatopeia to munch something, “ñam”

For Eggabell, Cascabell I believe is a play on the name Isabelle and Cáscara, as in egg shell

I don’t know enough about the French version to write a detailed description of everything + first names aren’t translated, but here are some fun facts I got about everyone’s last names:

- Filbo’s Flanquignol which. I’m not sure where the flan- comes from (possibly “flan” as in the custard cake, but not sure what it’s related to?) but the quignol is from “guignol” which has multiple meanings including 1) a puppet; 2) a silly person.

- Wambus is Saperligot, probably from the old expression “Saperlipopette” (kinda the old people equivalent of “gosh!” or “goodness!”) and “ligot” which is a lighter or fire match (something to do with his temper?) or “ligoter” which is to tie up (something to do with his farming job…?)

- Beffica’s Truffeluette which is from Truffe (“snoot”) and “luette” (“uvula”, probably something about her talking)

- Gramble’s is Dodeluquet, which is probably Dodu (“chubby”) and Freluquet (multiple definitions, but the one that would apply the most is “frail” or “scaredy”)

- Wiggle which is Tirelipotin: from “tirelire” (“coin bank”) and “potin” (either “gossip” or, well, “bottom”)

- Triffany is Cancanotte which is “canotte” as in either 1) a cute word for tooth; 2) vest in Italian. Not sure what Can- is from though.

- Cromdo Trogne which is just face (though a bit informal)

- Snorpy and Floofty is Flopinambour, which is based on the “topinambour” (“jerusalem artichoke” according to Google), which looks like this:

(I’m gonna guess it’s something to do with the noses?) Not sure what Flop- is from if anything.

- Chandlo is Funpop. Nothing really French about it I just thought it was funny. Also it’s one syllable off Funko Pop which is kinda frightening /j

- Eggabell is Dorlomelette which is from dorlote/dorloter (“to pamper”/“cuddly” in some contexts) and omelette which is. omelet (duh). It’s kinda cute! Lizbert’s just Mégafig (which is kinda weird because fig in French is written figue, but eh).

- Clumby’s Scriberson from Scribe (“scribe”/“scrybe”) and -son (probably as in the american last name suffix)



i’ll be looking at both the latin american and castilian spanish translations, but for the sake of my hands, this’ll just be covering the main expedition members. also, disclaimer that spanish is only my second language, so i might be missing out on some stuff! if you have any fun dub name observations in either of the spanish translations or in any other language, i’d love to hear ‘em!

Keep reading

This is a little redundant because I took a while to write this post, but! Love talking about Bugsnax translations. And I know European Spanish and American Spanish aren’t the usual ways to describe these types of Spanish, but I like those terms better.

I’m not a native Spanish speaker either, but I know enough to mostly get the names. I think the rule for the European Spanish translation is food names, and the rule for the American Spanish translation is really bad puns. Like so bad that someone at my level can either get them right away, or find them by typing the name in Wiktionary and then backspacing until something comes up.

Additional things:

Soprina for Wiggle is maybe like soprano? I don’t know. But I think Serpentina is calling her serpentine in the same sense as “wiggle” is? Her big hit in this version is called “Haz La Serpentina”, so it seems to be doing the same thing there.

Triffany’s name in American Spanish is Estrefanía, which is from Estefanía, the Spanish version of the name that’s used in English as Stephanie. So her name is more like Strefanie in this version. Her name in European Spanish is Trufinia, which I think is supposed to be like Truffany? To keep the food theme going.

Soprina for Wiggle is maybe like soprano? I don’t know. But I think Serpentina is calling her serpentine in the same sense as “wiggle” is? Her big hit in this version is called “Haz La Serpentina”, so it seems to be doing the same thing there.

Snorpy’s American Spanish name is short for Inventino, so it’s kind of weird that he bothers to shorten it at all. His name in European Spanish, Zuki, is short for Azucarías. That’s “sugar” with “ías” on the end, but I don’t know what that means. Maybe a localisation of the -ton in his original name?

Floofty’s American Spanish name is Proti, which maybe comes from the proto in prototype? I can’t think of anything else at the moment. And their name in European Spanish is Ñamti, which I think is just Yumty. The Preying Picantis is called Ñamtis Picantosa (Spicy yumtis, I think?), and Grumplantis is called Ñámtida (Yumlantis), and it’s very confusing.

Fizzlebean in American Spanish is Frijolfrito, which is fried bean, so it’s more of a food name than in the original.

Shelda’s full name in American Spanish is Camelia Bolsadelana, which I guess is from Camila for her first name, and just “bag of wool” for her surname. In European Spanish, it’s Yerbi Inspirahondo, so her surname is like “inspires deeply”. I’m not sure about Yerbi. Might just be by analogy from Shelda -> Shelsy?

The casca in Eggabell’s American Spanish name is from cascarón, eggshell. So her name in that translation is Eggshellbell Duckychicken. Whoever translated it really laid it on thick.

Lizbert’s name in American Spanish is Isaberta, and it’s not short for a longer name. But characters do call her Isa sometimes. I don’t know why they went for the Isabelle thing when Eggabell already has a name like that. Lizbert’s name in European Spanish is Elisaberta, but it seems to be Lisa almost all of the time, more than it’s shortened in the original version. I don’t think it gets shortened further.

Also, Clumby’s name in American Spanish is Cleta Claranoticia. I don’t get the Cleta part, but her surname is just Clearnews. In European Spanish, her name is Jamona Cabreona. Jamona I think comes from jamón, ham, and is slang for a fat woman, which, rude. And Cabreona seems to be calling her an annoyance. Someone didn’t like Clumby very much.



i’ll be looking at both the latin american and castilian spanish translations, but for the sake of my hands, this’ll just be covering the main expedition members. also, disclaimer that spanish is only my second language, so i might be missing out on some stuff! if you have any fun dub name observations in either of the spanish translations or in any other language, i’d love to hear ‘em!

Keep reading

Loving these sdlkfjdsa seeing the localizations is always fun!

As a few additions, Wambus’ latinamerican last name refers to ara la tierra, from arar as in plow the earth!

Also, Wiggle is Soprina Serpentina, first part likely referring to soprano, while the latter is party streamers (serpentinas)

For Cromdo in the Castillian versionn, Roco cararroca is literally just rock facerock

As for Chandlo’s “fortacho” in Castillian, it refers to “fortachón”, which is used to simply refer to someone who is really strong

And for the Fizzlebeans, their last name in Latinamerican is pretty much the direct translation (or rather, meaning “fried bean”). In Latinamerican, Snorpy’s is Inventín as in a little inventor, while Floofty I believe might be Proti as in Prototipo, prototype. I can’t be too sure about Snorpy’s in Castillian, but for Floofty it seems a play on the onomatopeia to munch something, “ñam”

For Eggabell, Cascabell I believe is a play on the name Isabelle and Cáscara, as in egg shell

i’ll be looking at both the latin american and castilian spanish translations, but for the sake of my hands, this’ll just be covering the main expedition members. also, disclaimer that spanish is only my second language, so i might be missing out on some stuff! if you have any fun dub name observations in either of the spanish translations or in any other language, i’d love to hear ‘em!

- filbo’s last name in latin american spanish is nomanda, which is probably supposed to be referencing “no manda” as in “not in charge/doesn’t make the rules/isn’t the boss.”

- beffica’s name in the latin american translation is fisgona averiguatodo. i Think “fisgona” is just supposed to mean “snoop” while “averigua todo” translates to “find out everything.” her castilian last name, metomentodo, translates to something like “meddler/busybody”

- wambus’ latin american name is granjo aralatierra. i assume his first name is just supposed to be granja as in farm but with an o. aralatierra i’m pretty sure is just supposed to be “a la tierra”/“down to earth.” his castilian name is pancho alaplancha which is VERY fun, but i don’t have much to say about it except that “a la plancha” just means “on the griddle.”

- actually a LOT of characters in the castilian spanish translation seem to just have real food names? filbo’s name in castilian spanish is just “cinnamon french toast,” beffica’s name boniata is pretty obviously derived from “boniato” aka “sweet potato,” gramble is pepenillo aka “pepinillo” aka “pickle,” etc etc. makes me wonder if it operates on chowder rules where most of the characters are named after real food but the food/bugsnax have punny names.

- speaking of gramble, his last name in both spanish translations is risitas! which translates to “giggles.” a pretty literal translation, but it’s also adorable, so i find it worth noting. in latin american spanish, his first name is bondoso, which generally means something along the lines of “kind/good-natured/etc.”. curiously, this is NOT his name in the portuguese translation, even when bondoso has the same general meaning there (i.e. “kindness”)

- wiggle’s latin american name is soprina serpentina! not sure what her last name is supposed to be referencing?? either it’s a loose connection to wigglebottom because snakes. wiggle. or it’s calling her a figurative snake? not sure. her castilian name is meneo desenfreno; “meneo” is a pretty direct translation of her english first name, while “desenfreno” translates Roughly to “indulgence”/”lack of restraint”

- triffany’s name sadly seems to have gotten pretty un-noteworthy spanish translations - the most notable thing about it is that her castilian surname is “explorarruina.”

- cromdo’s latin american name is oportu nista. “oportunista.” self-explanatory. his castilian spanish name is roco cararroca which admittedly i am at a Loss for how to translate. anyone more fluent in castilian than me pls get back to me on this.

- chandlo’s name in latin american spanish is adonis parkuro. adonis. parkuro. a parkouring adonis. i love it. his name in the castilian spanish translation is fortacho guacamole, which i Also have a hard time translating. guacamole is obvious but fortacho i’ve only heard Specifically to refer to… cars? well-built/sturdy cars specifically.

- the fizzlebean siblings’ first names are either unremarkable or untranslatable for me (in latin american spanish, snorpy is given the Pretty self-explanatory first name of inventín, which is the most i can make of it.) HOWEVER in castilian spanish, their last name is bichorraro, which is derived from “bicho raro” - literally translated, that just means “strange bug,” but used colloquially it means something along the lines of “freak/weirdo.”

- shelda’s name in latin american spanish is chamala, which i’m Told refers to smoking tobacco specifically which would be funny but i can’t find anything else verifying that. her name in castilian spanish is yerba, which just means herb.

- in latin american spanish, eggabell is cascabell patipollo! not sure where her first name comes from, but her last name looks like it’s derived from “pato y pollo” aka “duck and chicken,” so i can only assume the egg puns were preserved somehow. in castilian spanish, her name is huevabell zampanuggets. “hueva-” is pretty obviously derived from “huevo”/”egg,” while the “zampa” in her last name is i Think supposed to translate to “gobble.”

- lizbert Also got pretty literal translations in both spanish versions, with the notable exception of her castilian surname, which is higochumbo, aka “prickly pear”/”barbary fig.”


Bugsnax localisation analysis thingy, woo-

To start this off, I am a native russian speaker and fluent in english, so I played both the original version of Bugsnax (english) and the rus. localisation.

And I noticed a bunch of differences and interesting details, mostly regarding character names and how some things are called.

Soo..I’m gonna explain some stuff about the localisation! Because I have nothing better to do!

Bugsnax and Grumpuses as species.

In the localisation, Bugsnax are reffered to as Жуконямки (Zhukonyamki) which is. Pretty much a direct translaton.

Жук = Bug

Нямка = Snack

Therefore Жуконямки.

Also the letter ж kinda looks like a bug if you think about it…

Grumpuses meanwhile are called Хрумбы (Hrumby) which is a pun on a word “хрум” what describes a sound of someone eating and well…Grumpuses do eat a lot so-

Snaktooth Island and it’s locations.

Snaktooth itself is called Вкусняшный Остров (Vkusnyashniy Ostrov) which basically means “yummy island” and conveys the fact what there are some tasty beings on this island. Meanwhile, Broken Tooth is just directly translated as Сломанный Клык (Slomanniy Click) which I think sounds badass.

As for the locations on Snaktooth itself, all of them got translated really well with the names what have both words with a same starting letter in them (Boiling Bay, Simmering Springs, Garden Grove, etc) still have that in the translation.

So it goes:

• Flavour Falls - Пряные Потоки (Pryanie Potoki)

“Пряный” means “spicy” or containing spices, so it does convey the “flavour” aspect. Meanwhile, “поток” is “flow” and there’s a river there.

• Garden Grove - Ароматная Роща (Aromatnaya Rosha)

It literally means “Good-smelling Grove”. Nice.

• Simmerring Springs - Искристые Источники (Iscristie Istochniki)

“Искристый” means “shimmering”, but in this context it’s like. Uh. “it’s hot so it sparkles”, I guess.

• Boiling Bay - Бухта Бурления (Buhta Burl'eniya)

A direct translation, nothing much.

• Scorched Gorge - Палящее Ущелье (Palyasheye Ushelye)

Also a direct translation.

• Sizzling Sands - Пески Прожарки (Peski Prozharki)

“Прожарка” means “roasting”. It’s basically calling the desert an oven.

• Sugarpine Woods - Сахарный Бор (Saharniy Bor)

It’s just. “Sugary Forrest” essentially. Love it.

• Frosted Peak - Морозильный Пик (Morozilniy Pik)

This one’s kinda funny, because we call freezers “морозильник”. The mountain is a fridge. Egg is in the fridge-

And finally

• Snaxburg - Хрумбург (Hrumburg)

This essentially sounds like naming a town “peopleville” knowing хрумб means grump, but still, it’s nice.


A pattern I noticed while playing different localisations is what characters get translated surnames. It kind of put me off on my first playthrough with the localisation, but I got used to it, so here they are:

Lizbert went from Megafig to Мегафрукт (Megafruit). I guess the translators really wanted to show who’s the head homosexual here.

Eggabell’s surname turned to Тефтеллер (Tefteller). I’m undure where they got that from but “тефтель” is “meatball”. I guess like…Batternugget. Maybe from that.

Filbo now is Простофильсон (Prostofilson). “Просто” means “simple” and “фильсон” is just a derivative from his name, I guess. But if we wanna make it convoluted, he is now Filbo, son of Fil, the simpleton-

Beffica’s surname - Хитропырка (Hitropyirka) - consists of words “хитро” - “sly” (which is descriptive of her character) and “пырка” - in this case, “nose” (which is derived from the “snoot” part of her og surname).

Wambus…Хмурохрум (Hmurohrum) which is basically just. “Grumpygrump” if you remember the хрумб thing again and it’s hilarious to me.

Triffany’s surname somehow became Лоттакрофт (Lottacroft). I guess they were referencing Lara Croft, but eh?? Dunno, kinda strange, but okay.

Gramble’s last name is Хохотунчик (Hohotunchik) here which is fitting, as it’s a word used to describe a person who laughs a lot. And y'know. Gigglefunny.

Wigglebottom turned to Вертихвостс (Vertihwosts) which just means “wiggletail”. Pretty cute, I think.

Cromdo’s surname is now Морд (Mord) which is just the word “морда” but without the last letter. “Морда” is used to describe a face of an animal/a face of a preson in a derogatory way, sooo-

Chandlo’s is a ride. It’s Зажигатор (Zazhigator) which is definetely derived from the “funk” part of his name, but the word “зажигать” can mean both “party” and “set something on fire”, so Chandlo may seem as or a party guy, or an arsonist.

Snorpy and Floofty are paired up here sinse they’re sibilings with the same last name. They’re Крышесдвиг (Kryishesdwig) sibilings here and it’s hilarious to me, because it’s based on a common saying “крыша поехала” (“roof is sliding off”) which is used to describe someone going insane. And, well, these are Floofty and Snorpy we’re talking about.

Shelda’s last name is mentioned once in the end of her sidequest, so my memory could be wronging me, but it was translated as Шерстиклок (Shersticlock) which means something like “a ball of fur”.

Clumby’s…surprisingly the same, just transcribed into Кламбернат.

Same cannot be said for…


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gallusgalluss:some quick doodles of the first 2 queens because i think they’re extremely cool (also gallusgalluss:some quick doodles of the first 2 queens because i think they’re extremely cool (also


some quick doodles of the first 2 queens because i think they’re extremely cool (also liz is here too hi liz)

Post link


i would be for real so pissed if i was snorpy. like if i found out there actually was a conspiracy watching my every move but ONLY after i had already started getting professional help for my paranoid delusions about there being a different fake conspiracy watching my every move, and Also learning that sometimes the real conspiracy just lets people think they’re the fake one so they don’t blow their cover, i would start going to the gym more often just so i could punch drywall without immediately shattering every bone in my hand.

two people have rb’d this now with tags to the effect of “man we should just stab alegander” and while i hold nothing against people who wish to give alegander the ol’ webkinz milk plushie treatment, i admit this reaction confuses me because alegander does not register as a very threatening presence. maybe that’s just a me thing but i think it’d be way funnier if like, snorpy saw the actual triplicate space or at least a branch Of the snakolytes, and reacted like guillermo del toro did when he saw that ufo and was like, Disgusted to realize that it looked like every bad alien sighting description ever. like legitimately disappointed by how generic it was.

“i wish i could say it’s exactly as how i predicted, chandlo dearest,” snorpy says into a payphone. “it’s not. it’s worse. no, not worse as in - it’s just so lame. one of their agents works at grumpbucks. just… ugh.”

i would be for real so pissed if i was snorpy. like if i found out there actually was a conspiracy watching my every move but ONLY after i had already started getting professional help for my paranoid delusions about there being a different fake conspiracy watching my every move, and Also learning that sometimes the real conspiracy just lets people think they’re the fake one so they don’t blow their cover, i would start going to the gym more often just so i could punch drywall without immediately shattering every bone in my hand.


Floofty you sent this letter didn’t you



Elizabert and Eggabell are canonically alive and happy! It seems they’re even cleaning up Snaxburg, as well!

me 2 days ago: yeah the dlc was pretty good but i don’t think it’s enough to actually get me back into bugsnax.

me looking at my old WIPs and remarking on their ability to be reworked to be more in-line with canon for Absolutely No Reason At All: haha…. heh… hm. 

jeneco: just finished Bugsnax again after the Bigsnax DLC, it’s such a good game!! so here are some jeneco: just finished Bugsnax again after the Bigsnax DLC, it’s such a good game!! so here are some


just finished Bugsnax again after the Bigsnax DLC, it’s such a good game!! so here are some doodles from last year, my own grumpus journalist (their name is Sniffle!) and my favorite character Floofty

Post link

imagine this was posted during the hype ok

make him a tumblr sexyman NOW/j
