#but like


I had this dream that I had this dream where Zane was just obliterated in a fight trying to protect the Ninja. He was believed to be dead when Zane’s spirit surrounded the Ninja and came together the reincarnate Zane as a human.

And then I woke up from that and spent the rest of my actual dream freaking out over the implications of a human!Zane. I remember a few headcannons about it.

- His eyes are still blue, but they no longer glow

- He has all of the knowledge that he already knew in his head, but he can only obtain new knowledge the way other people do

- He’s relearning how his limbs work

- He constantly forgets that he is no longer a Nindroid



white trans mascs specifically those around my age (15-19) need to understand that their experience of being trans isn’t universal. my gender isn’t ‘feral little gremlin who never washes’ bc as a black person i am already seen as dirtier than my white counterparts. i also have no interest in being seen as feral bc once again, as a black person, i am dehumanised against my will. i’m not the first transmasc of colour to discuss this either.

this is why so much of the trans activism is just really freaking white washed, because everything “considered” liberating for white trans folks is often usually just un-liberating for black people and I think when we try to speak up on this we often get a ton of shit for it 

(and by *sobs hysterically forever* i mean~ you’re missing out if you still haven’t watched this one)


Wouldn’t it be funny if we got the trailer for Harley Quinn season 3, and it starts with Harley and Ivy kissing, and it’s cute, and then it gets more intense, and we don’t cut away, we see them making out for a long, long, long, long, long time, until everyone is uncomfortable (there is also no music), and then Harley looks at the camera, screams “LET’S FUCKING DO THIS”, and we cut to the release date.






Must suck ass to be like. a lawyer or something in the pokemon world. They haven’t made any cool lawyer pokemon yet

Ho oh

I think we have different definitions of ‘lawyer’ but sure

Why wouldn’t ho oh be a lawyer? They’re a Phoenix, wright?

In the kindest way possible, fuck you

*adds a tragic gay romance into my fantasy comedy* oops… my finger slipped.



there’s something very weird on this website (and other social media platforms) where people think they can solve geopolitical problems by posting

the more notes this gets the more people seem to think that i’m suggesting people stay ignorant about the war in ukraine. what i’m actually suggesting is 1) following legitimate news sources and journalists will serve you much better than reading/spreading what are likely inaccurate tumblr posts 2) you can’t actually do anything on here to make this situation better 3) you aren’t expected to or obligated to “raise awareness”—not the least bc this isn’t something that can be fixed with awareness. trust me people are plenty aware already if they have even glanced at a newspaper in the last week and if they haven’t they really should not be getting their news on here





woah dude….. your hurt sound is vaguely sexual….. im trying to kill you but im. im getting a bit flustered

who is leon dbd

ok i looked up leon dead by daylight and omfg why does he… wh…. why does he sound like that

this literally is not an exaggeration



Prophet!Damian who knows how Hero!Jon is destined to die, and tries to stop it

Me: dontdoitdontdoitdontdoit

Also me: and then he dies in Jon’s place so that the world wouldn’t lose Jon




Also they lived a past life together and Dami remembers their love, and Jon doesn’t until Dami’s death so now he has to live with constant memories of a happiness no longer his and forever what-if’s


i’d love to be talked to like a little pup or kitty. tell me “atta girl” when i do something good for you, when i accomplish something. pet my head when i sit still while you collar me. go “aww” when you see me sitting pretty, giving you my eyes, whenever i do all da cute things. snap at me when i run from your advances, grab me by my leash and pick me up while i giggle and drool. pet me better when you make me whimper and squirm! it makes me feel so warm and loved, u just want da best for me.

I’m pretty sure I’m writing the angstiest book known to man. At least that’s how it feels to me, lol. Two points of views, two VERY troubled characters wanting to find peace, one from his past and one regarding his future. It’s so much guilt, trauma, fear, and general emotional pain that 90k into the writing, I’m just… I’m sorry?? For putting them through this much???


Do vampires sneeze? because that would be really annoying if they do right? like your just chillin and suddenly you’re trying to hold it in because Not Again and aaaaa-chooo and you’re looking around like aw shit and then you here it. ‘bless you’ and you’re fucking burning and you were just trying to have a good time and now your fucking dying
