#cable knitting



Sock progress… socgress……..

Halfway to the heel and LOOK at that STITCH DEFENITION,,,,, and it’s so incredibly soft…… merino wool I love uuuuuuuu

WOOOOOOWWWW I haven’t posted in forever whoopsies…. anyway I managed to re listen to all of wolf 359 in between my last post and the start of the pockets

Further progress on the cardigannnnn


Also for anyone who like the pattern it’s intermingle on Ravelry (and it’s free)

Finally working on the heel!!!

Finally got over my second sock syndrome!!! I’m past the cuff now!!!!!!



Also for anyone who like the pattern it’s intermingle on Ravelry (and it’s free)


This was one damn difficult sock

Pattern from the Finnish Novitaknits magazine (issue 4/2020 Syksy)

aliceinknittingland: I’ve got a little further than this, but it’s too hot to show you ☀️ But I tota


I’ve got a little further than this, but it’s too hot to show you ☀️

But I totally LOVE this yarn. @theyarncollective Bloomsbury DK in Copper.

I’m looking forward to cool autumn evenings in the garden, with a fire going, a glass of wine, and coppery, autumnal softness.

Right now, though, I’m plotting what I can squirrel away in my backpack for a 110 mile hike… A skein of sock yarn and a pair of circulars, perhaps? That won’t take up too much room, right??

It’s the whole gang going, all 7 of us and 2 dogs, and we can only go as fast as the smallest legs so I’m anticipating enough downtime for a few rows here and there…

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A better picture of my progress with much less clutter. You can’t tell but I’m nearing the end oft the skein! And I finally finished the neck part and did the first increase round!!

Teaching myself how to cable knit has resulted in some cabled arm warmers! I was able to slightly modify this pattern from The Snugglery, and I think they turned out great!!

Knitting bag: So I have been on a bit of a hiatus from the blog for a while! The last couple of montKnitting bag: So I have been on a bit of a hiatus from the blog for a while! The last couple of montKnitting bag: So I have been on a bit of a hiatus from the blog for a while! The last couple of montKnitting bag: So I have been on a bit of a hiatus from the blog for a while! The last couple of montKnitting bag: So I have been on a bit of a hiatus from the blog for a while! The last couple of montKnitting bag: So I have been on a bit of a hiatus from the blog for a while! The last couple of montKnitting bag: So I have been on a bit of a hiatus from the blog for a while! The last couple of mont

Knitting bag: So I have been on a bit of a hiatus from the blog for a while! The last couple of months have been busy at the day job, then for the last two weeks I’ve had some time off, and I’ve been away from my computer most of the time. But, I have been working on various crafty projects! 

I made this knitting bag for myself using some Rifle Paper Cocanvas,Essex Linen, and Cotton and Steel interior. It’s a basic lined drawstring bag - then I added a set-in zipper in the front, and pockets on the inside for all my knitting accessories. I love this fabric so much, and it was one of those that I’d kind of been hoarding or saving for something. I’m so glad I used it for this, because I’ve been taking it with me everywhere!

My knitting project is a new one too - my second sweater based on Wendy Bernard’s Creativebug class on top-down sweater knitting. This will be a cardigan. I even added my own cable to the back for fun! 

I was lucky enough to spend most of the week at a cottage last week. I brought my knitting down to the lake to work on between swimming, kayaking and outdoors time. So relaxing!

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