

Spring showers bring May flowers—cactus blossom style!

The filing system is really easy - it’s all in one, icluding one terrified goldfish, a cactus (it’s

The filing system is really easy - it’s all in one, icluding one terrified goldfish, a cactus (it’s always nice to have green plants in the workplace), louse notes, books and black paint right above Gil’s head.

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Dispatch from the delta #7. Land of cotton, cactus, kudzu.

Dispatch from the delta #7. Land of cotton, cactus, kudzu.

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Just an update, the bloom opened and it is gorgeous!

Look who’s blooming! This is a Gymnocalycium, native from the southern side of the South America. It’s new on the collection and really small but still gifts me with that bloom! The flowers seems to be white, the cacti itself stays a hue of purple/gray. It can’t accommodate more flowers so is producing 4 buds, a lot yet for it’s size, those are sure one of my favorite cacti.

When the bloom open up I’ll post more pictures.

Can’t stop buying new plants. Mammillaria plumosa and an unknown cactus respectively. Rain season is just starting here in Brazil, but I’ll manage them at my terrace so they’ll receive the best brightness I can provide as well as the best evaporation. Cacti usually are way more resistant than other succulents but somehow rainwater is always a blessing.

More updates on them soon!

Sorry for being offline for so long. Now I am back with a plenty more of succulents. I’m just finishing my new space and I have amazing new things to share. Got so many foliage now that my space is kinda divided like semi-arid by one side and a rainforest in the other haha.

The photo is a showcase of my flowering gymnocalycium state. So anxious for that bloom. It’s a newcomer and already is putting it’s flowers out, and the whole process so far took somewhat a month.

It’s Echinopsis season

Es la temporada de las Echinopsis

Lots of cacti flowers now

Ahora hay muchas flores de cactus

Lots of cacti blooming, like this tiny Mammillaria backebergiana

Muchos cactus están floreciendo, como está Mammillaria backebergiana tan pequeña

Starting a new year with a new Epiphyllum flower

Comenzando el nuevo año con una nueva flor de Epiphyllum

Holiday cactus blooming (Schlumbergera truncata)

Cactus de navidad en flor (Schlumbergera truncata)

Beautiful cacti fruits

Bonitos frutos de cactus

Three chin cacti blooming (Gymnocalycium)

Tres cactus Gymnocalycium con flores ahora

One of this year’s surprises has been that many cacti’s flowers have developed into fruits, which had never happened here before

Una de las sorpresas del año ha sido que muchas flores de cactus se han convertido en frutos, lo cual no había sucedido nunca aquí

Two small cacti blooming the same night (Echinopsis subdenudata and Echinopsis oxygona)

Dos pequeños cactus floreciendo la misma noche (Echinopsis subdenudata y Echinopsis oxygona)

Huge Echinopsis flower. This one opens in the afternoon

Enorme flor de Echinopsis. Esta se abre por la tarde

10 cacti species blooming and 4 more coming

10 especies de cactus floreciendo y 4 más en proceso
