
Streamed a 1 minute cooking session this morning on Periscope. This was the result.• sourdough hoa

Streamed a 1 minute cooking session this morning on Periscope. This was the result.

• sourdough hoagie roll
• organic romaine lettuce
• grass-fed butter
• tomato
• uncured thick-cut bacon
• 3 fried (in bacon fat) eggs
• fried red onion
• coffee w/ butter & coconut oil

Follow me @blackstar_sc and @barbellsbagels on Periscope.

#breakfast #coffee #bacon #paleo #butter #fitness #crossfit #caffiene #motivation #success #morningroutine #training #vision

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Brain food 2x. @lisbethdarsh @afrobrewtality#brainfood #caffiene #morningroutine #fitness #life #f

Brain food 2x. @lisbethdarsh @afrobrewtality
#brainfood #caffiene #morningroutine #fitness #life #fitfam #kindlelife #hustle #hustlejuice #coffee #crossfit #success #grind #motivation #kindle

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Nespresso EventNespresso EventNespresso EventNespresso Event

Nespresso Event

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Manic Coffee shop. Cappuccino and MochaManic Coffee shop. Cappuccino and MochaManic Coffee shop. Cappuccino and Mocha

Manic Coffee shop. Cappuccino and Mocha

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As a witch and an avid coffee lover, I felt like its time for some frappuccino magick (and some suggested stones you can pair with them)!

A little disclaimer - No, I am not being paid to post this or anything… I just really like coffee. 

☕ Caramel - Bring some sweetness into your day! Caramel is sticky and sweet, so drink some to attract positivity and comfort to stick with you throughout the day! You could also drink it while you’re studying to help things stick in your brain. Pair with sodalite.

☕ Chai Creme - Don’t you mean the perfect spiced up love potion in coffee form?? This frappuccino uses a spicy chai tea which contains black tea, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, clove, star anise, and pepper aka your perfect blend of passion, charm, courage, lust, and aphrodisiacs.. *wink wink*. Pair with garnet.

☕ Cinnamon Dolce - On the go? Pairing cinnamon, coffee, and sugary goodness is great for boosting your energy! Relaxing? Who doesn’t love a warm cinnamon-y sugar feeling? You can also use this beverage to bring peace and relaxation! Pair with carnelian / blue lace agate. 

☕ Coffee - Coffee is fantastic for mental clarity and grounding. If you’re having one of those days, get some coffee and go for a walk. Take advantage of the boosted alertness to enjoy nature, clear your mind, and overcome any internal blockages. Pair with hematite.

☕ Cotton Candy - (Does not contain caffeine) This vanilla and raspberry frappuccino is perfect for two things: peace and love. Vanilla’s calming aroma paired with this fruit of patience encourages peace of mind. On the other hand, vanilla’s loving vibrations paired with raspberries’ fidelity give you a perfect romance drink. (Raspberries are also used with pregnancy spells which is great because it is also caffeine free!) Pair with moonstone.

☕ Green Tea Creme - (Does not contain caffeine) Green tea is great for healing! It boosts immunity, reduces bad cholesterol, promotes healthy cell growth, is high in antioxidants, and helps you to relax if you are tense. When drinking, you can see your beverage cleansing and detoxing with every sip you take. Pair with bloodstone. 

☕ Java Chip and Mocha -One word: chocolate. These two frappuccinos are practically the same thing except one has chocolate chips in it, so I’m going to group them together. Chocolate is all about love and friendship, and people often give or receive chocolate as rewards. Pair it with a self-love bath and indulge. You deserve it! Pair with rhodonite. 

☕ Midnight Mint - How about a minty sweet cleanse? Mint is all about protection and cleansing, and when paired with chocolate brings a little positivity with it. Mint is also great for breaking spells, hexes, and jinxes, so if you’re feeling a bit wary, go grab yourself a drink! Pair with black tourmaline.

☕ Pumpkin Spice - The perfect drink around Samhain to give you all your favorite fall spices in one! Pumpkins are fantastic for bringing some money your way especially when paired with the other spices in your PSF. On top of that, pumpkins are great for divination. Tarot readings in Starbucks, anyone? Pair with aventurine. 

☕ Strawberries & Creme - (Does not contain caffeine) Strawberries are very similar to raspberries correspondence wise. This drink is great for innocent or platonic love and happiness! Pair this drink with a friendship spell, or just grab one with your best bud. Pair with rose quartz.

☕ Vanilla Bean -(Does not contain caffeine) Vanilla is always known for its amazing aroma! This drink is fantastic to drink for positivity, whether for yourself, or paired with a spell for others or your home. Pair with amethyst.

☕ White Chocolate Mocha - I love white chocolate for glamour! Just like regular chocolate, it brings positivity, but white chocolate has a sweeter and lighter taste to it. Drink this in the morning to give yourself some boosted confidence and self-positivity for the day! Pair with selenite.

Added note: You can always switch out regular milk for almond milk! Almond milk is great for wisdom, prosperity, fruitfulness, and healing. 

Drink up and enjoy!

Flat White in Grinds - Stratford, London.

Flat White in Grinds - Stratford, London.

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One energy drink is enough?


WhA t aB o U t sEVe n nnnnnnn

Carnelian: the Crystal form of caffeine. Today I need both. Happy Monday.

Vintage No Doz travel trial side run from the 1950s and 1960s

I’m starting to understand why Garfield used this joke like a hundred times.

I’m starting to understand why Garfield used this joke like a hundred times.

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okay hear me out…

redbull drinkers = tops

monster drinkers = bottoms
