#crystals and stones


Admiring the beauty of inclusions. They’re beautiful if you think about it because they bring you to the place you’re meant to be.

It’s Autumn in the Allegheny Mountains of West Virginia. Featured here are Smokey Quartz, aegerine, carnelian, and tangerine quartz with a maple leaf ✨

I made my first wand in August, each sari ribbon holds an intention, and every stone has my breath. Quite a special piece. Have any of you made a wand before?

Super 7: amethyst, citrine, clear quartz, smoky quartz, rutile, cacoexenite, lepidocrocite, goethite

Setting an intention. This is something we as humans do probably from birth without ever realizing it. We are told to think before we speak, to think “happy thoughts”, and to use our imagination to visualize what we want. As children a lot of us heard the words, “you can be anything you set your mind to”, but what was meaning behind that phrase? An intention. I believe that in this world, without looking further or deeper within ourselves, it all seems pretty basic- ask and you shall receive.

The question is: from whom are we receiving? And how exactly do we set an intention that doesn’t get drowned out by the noise of the universe? I do believe we are our own communication devices full of energy and light, capable of transmitting our hopes and dreams, and transforming that message of which we ask from intention to reality. My only advice is that one must be specific. Ask directly, firmly, and with appreciation of spirit guides, ancestors, and angels or archangels exactly what you want. It’s an incredibly rewarding experience to connect with them- they’ve been waiting for you and it’s not coincidence if you’re reading this right now. I feel called to make this post, for anyone who feels like they’re losing hope, trust in what you have inside you- it’s within us all. ✨

✨This moonstone wand may not look like much to you, but I worked with this stone all day yesterday. We are in the waning moon phase currently, which represents Hecate in the Triple Goddess symbolism. She came through to me last night and told me she doesn’t understand why I go by the name “Jess” when “Jessica” sounds much more powerful. I thanked her for showing up for me and she laughed and said “You’ll see…” in true Crone fashion. Harness some moon medicine for yourself; grab some moonstone and set your intentions. It was a magickal experience.

Here are my Third eye opening Amazonite heart and Turquoise bracelet.

These are great crystal tools to work with right now as the Mercury Retrograde comes to a close in a few days. Harness that energy from the cosmos and beyond, open your thinking to new ideas, and listen to what you hear. Those inner voices you’re hearing are messages from galactic travelers trying to reach you. Call upon your Spirit Guides, angels and archangels, and ancestors. Ask that they speak to you with signs and symbols you can understand. Thank them for being your guide, for protection, and for love. When you are specific, they will answer you. Grab one of these stones and meditate with them, you will find the path to a higher plain.

Does anyone else do this with their crystals after you get them home? Grounding is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and for the tools you work with. Letting your feet touch the Earth as Gaia intended. Letting your crystals feel the dirt and empty any energy that doesn’t serve it’s Highet purpose, as Gaia intends. ✨

Carnelian: the Crystal form of caffeine. Today I need both. Happy Monday.
