
Candela fanart. Go team Valor!

Candela fanart. Go team Valor!

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Joining the #faceyourart #faceyourartchallenge mostly my art has this kind of expression when it’s d

Joining the #faceyourart #faceyourartchallenge mostly my art has this kind of expression when it’s done, thinking of throwing one with crazy sketched expressions :) Thanks for the Support!!! #reiq #art #faceyourart #faceyourartchallenge #face #portrait #digital #cammy #racen #android18 #candela #miruko #juri (at Los Angeles, California)

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in case anyone. needs to be reminded. I love themin case anyone. needs to be reminded. I love themin case anyone. needs to be reminded. I love themin case anyone. needs to be reminded. I love themin case anyone. needs to be reminded. I love themin case anyone. needs to be reminded. I love themin case anyone. needs to be reminded. I love them

in case anyone. needs to be reminded. I love them

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Volevo sbattermi Monia, ieri sera, ma il desiderio di fottermi una puttana era tale che alla fine, poco prima di pranzo, sono andato a scopare con una mignotta russa, Svetlana.

Come quasi tutte le russe, non parlava italiano, ma un po’ con l’inglese, un po’ con il traduttore, un po’ tanto con il corpo, ci siamo decisamente capiti!

Rispetto alle foto con cui si presenta su rosa-rossa, intorno ai 25 anni, direi che ne ha una decina in più. La cosa, personalmente, non mi è dispiaciuta, forse anche per l’atteggiamento simpatico che ha avuto sin dall’apertura della porta.

Dopo le abluzioni iniziali, mi ha fatto mettere sul letto, e lì mi si è avvicinata come una gatta in calore e abbiamo iniziato a leccarci e accarezzarci. Si è tolta con calma il reggiseno prima e, dopo avermi fatto saggiare un po’ le tette e la lingua, si è tolta la mutandina. Le ho sfiorato la figa, infilando anche un paio di dita dentro, constadando che iniziava già a bagnarsi. Poi, però, me l’ha allontanata: si è sdraiata prima sopra di me, e abbiamo continuato a baciarci, mentre il cazzo continuava a indurirsi, poi si è abbassata verso di lui, ha preso il preservativo tra i denti e ha iniziato a pomparmelo.

Il pompino è stato lungo e delizioso e quando ha deciso che era pronto, mi ha sorriso come una diavoletta e mi è salita sopra. In questa posizione si è mossa con calma e dolcezza, mentre ogni tanto le sfioravo le tette. C’era, comunque, un leggero impedimento dovuto al mobile sopra al letto, ma quando ha deciso che dovevo montarla sul serio, siamo andati di pecorina.

Erano diversi mesi che non chiavavo una mignotta in questa posizione. Le ultime volte che c’avevo provato, non era andata bene, spesso perché non ero riuscito a trovare la posizione ottimale, ma con Svetlana ero assolutamente convinto che sarebbe andata alla grande, e infatti ho trovato subito l’incastro perfetto e così, con lo specchio posto giusto di fronte a me, ho iniziato a montarla come un toro!

Non so quanto sono andato adogvanti a fotterla: lei gemeva, io la tenevo salda per i fianchi e la sbattevo concentrato sulla sua schiena e sul culo. Alla fine l’orgasmo, credo, se le orecchie non mi hanno ingannato, di averlo avuto giusto dopo di lei, il che mi ha lasciato anche con una piccola soddisfazione!

Alla fine abbiamo anche avuto una simpatica conversazione, cosa piuttosto rara con le troie russe, soprattutto con quelle più giovani, ma evidentemente l’esperienza aiuta anche in questo!

Spero di trovare il tempo e la voglia di tornare dentro di lei!

Ancora non è il momento per tenerlo dentro i pantaloni. E così eccomi di nuovo a fottermi una puttan

Ancora non è il momento per tenerlo dentro i pantaloni. E così eccomi di nuovo a fottermi una puttana.

E’ ancora una volta una brasiliana, Camilla, e sempre a casa di Monia, come era successo con Sabrina, ma nell’altra stanza, anche perché nel frattempo Monia è rientrata e quindi ha ripreso possesso della sua camera (e no, non sono ancora andato a scopare con lei, ma conto di farlo il prima possibile: ho ancora voglia di andare a puttane!).

Camilla ha un bel corpo snello, due tette grandi ma non troppo, giuste direi. E così anche il culo. Si lascia leccare e baciare quasi d’appertutto, mentre nella figa infilo le dita mentre mi fa sdraiare e mi spompina. Ed è un pompino che non me ne facevano uno così da non so quanto tempo! Mi sembra di essere lì vicino a venirle in bocca praticamente ogni volta che gli passa la lingua sopra!

Poi infila il preservativo e mi sale su. La cavalcata per modi e gestione non è molto diversa da quella con Lola, ma la trovo molto più intensa, anche da parte sua: diciamo che ha finto meglio di Lola, anche se ha iniziato ad avere l’orgasmo abbastanza prima di me, il che mi fa supporre che forse aveva scopato non molto prima di farlo con me. Inoltre Camilla non mi ha fatto uscire subito da dentro di lei, ma ha continuato a muoversi ancora un po’ sopra di me.

Una pausa pranzo che mi sono goduto decisamente fino in fondo!

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Credo che alla maggior parte dei puttanieri piacciano soprattutto le mignotte brasiliane. E non sfuggo alla consuetudine. Non disdegno ogni tanto di andare anche con quelle dell’est (vedi ad esempio quella precedente, Aida), ma le brasiliane hanno un appeal tutto particolare. Così quando Barbara è tornata a Milano, ho pensato bene di ripassarmela.

Esperienza abbastanza in linea con quanto già provato in precedenza, forse un pelino inferiore. Corpo morbido come lo ricordavo, anche questa volta pompino, tutto sommato molto ben fatto, e poi una cavalcata intensa in un’atmosfera abbastanza tipica, un pomeriggio caldo in cui scopare è il modo migliore per combattere le temperature!

E poi, per riprendere le sue parole:

“Scopare e mangiare sono le cose migliori del mondo”

E non posso che concordare, anche se scopare con le puttane, soprattutto quelle brasiliane, sta al primo posto nella mia personalissima lista!

Lo so che nel frattempo vi ho scritto di Lola, ma ho ancora un po’ di troie da dover recuperare, quindi non state troppo dietro alla cronologia delle mignotte…

Non ancora soddisfatto dopo essermi sbattuto MoniaeFrancesca la notte prima, decido di cogliere al balzo l’occasione e vado a fottermi anche Jessica, che come scopro su altro sito è una mignotta ungherese.

Ha un corpo che dice “scopami, scopami” e due tette su cui ho voglia di mettere le mani: la salivazione cresce e non solo quella mentre guardo le sue foto.

Ci mettiamo sul letto. Inizio a leccarla e baciarla sul corpo: mento, collo, tette. La metto a quattro zampe e la accarezzo sulla schiena, la bacio lungo il corpo. Lei si scioglie come una gatta!

Poi mi fa sdraiare sulla schiena e se lo prende in bocca, lo fa mettere bello dritto e mi sale sopra: la sbatto alla grande e sto procedendo come un treno, poi dopo che cambiamo posizione il cazzo decide “stop: per me è come se fossi venuto” e così resto un po’ insoddisfatto, per non aver avuto l’orgasmo. Ma giusto un po’, perché Jessica è veramente molto simpatica e sono stato molto contento di passare qualche momento insieme con lei. E dentro di lei.

Ci tornerò per concludere l’opera!

Continuo a raccontarvi delle scopate arretrate. Questa è la seconda consecutiva in una sola notte. Due ore dopo essermi sbattuto Monia, sono di nuovo tra le cosce di un’altra mignotta brasiliana.

Francesca è una ragazza dal carattere leggero e simpatico e dal corpo snello e sodo. Si lascia accarezzare, toccare, leccare, baciare su tutta la pelle. Quando se lo prende in bocca e lo issa con un pompino stellare, mi rilasso completamente: non nascondo avessi una certa preoccupazione, dopo la gran scopata con Monia.

Ormai, però, sono lanciato: mi sale sopra, a candela. Saltella con forza e io spingo da sotto. E’ una cavalcata potente. Sento il suono dei nostri corpi che battono, mentre le mie mani le strizzano le tette. Lei a un certo punto dice:

“Ti piace la figa brasiliana, eh!”

E non può nemmeno immaginare quanto, visto che è la seconda puttana brasiliana della notte!

Poi ci mettiamo a pecorina: la monto come un cane allupato, come se non avessi scopato da mesi, come se fosse l’unica puttana sulla faccia della Terra. E alla fine godo dentro di lei.

Spero di tornarci ancora!

Probabilmente la stanchezza fisica, ma anche un po’ di stanchezza mentale dopo tante puttane in così poco tempo mi hanno tenuto lontano da qui e dallo scrivervi delle mie avventure puttanesche. Recupero, così, la prima delle due chiavate di quella fantastica notte di sesso di un mese fa.

Era stata una notte programmata da tempo: avevo deciso di iniziarla aprendo le gambe della mia preferita, Monia.

E’ stata una cavalcata travolgente, tanto che alla fine della chiavata, Monia mi ha detto

Sei in forma!

Con gli anni ciò che facciamo a letto è al tempo stesso sempre uguale e diverso. I baci con la lingua, infatti, diventano sempre più profondi, mentre io indulgo sempre più spesso in leccate e baci sulla pelle e non solo sui capezzoli.

Ciò che però non modifico mai è la leccata di figa che le riservo ogni volta. E lei, ogni volta, gode sotto la mia lingua. E ogni volta è lei che, già provata, mi solleva la testa e mi invita a infilarglielo dentro.

L’abbiamo fatto in due posizioni: prima mi è salita lei sopra, con le mani che le strizzavano le tette. Poi siamo andati nella classica missionaria, lei gambe aperte e io sopra a sbatterla. Come sempre iniziando con calma e poi aumentando man mano il ritmo. E sentivo che sarei potuto andare ancora più lungo di come sono andato se non fosse stato per un crampo a un piede che mi ha spinto ad accellerare il ritmo con cui la stavo sbattendo!

E’ stata una trombata fantastica per entrambi, come mi ha scritto anche la stessa Monia il giorno dopo!

Spero di essere all’altezza anche la prossima volta!

Team leaders trying to do yoga…I feel something is wrong…..Edit! Sorry I just found th

Team leaders trying to do yoga…I feel something is wrong…..

Edit! Sorry I just found the autor of the meme used as reference! Thanks for your great art @croxovergoddess! and im so sorry to not link you in first place!

  • Please do not repost this picture without permission.

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Tutorial by Candela: How to impress your crush.Maybe it didnt work as expected….

Tutorial by Candela: How to impress your crush.

Maybe it didnt work as expected….

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Examples of my future pokemon go charms!

Examples of my future pokemon go charms!

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Idk if somebody has already done this meme but it was necessary.Spark best friend ever.Credits to @c

Idk if somebody has already done this meme but it was necessary.

Spark best friend ever.

Credits to @croxovergoddess for the original meme! (sorry for not credit you until now darling,

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@moonsamethyst says: Happy 3rd Ashiversary!!!This year I couldn’t help but draw the Ash cast as a Dn@moonsamethyst says: Happy 3rd Ashiversary!!!This year I couldn’t help but draw the Ash cast as a Dn@moonsamethyst says: Happy 3rd Ashiversary!!!This year I couldn’t help but draw the Ash cast as a Dn@moonsamethyst says: Happy 3rd Ashiversary!!!This year I couldn’t help but draw the Ash cast as a Dn@moonsamethyst says: Happy 3rd Ashiversary!!!This year I couldn’t help but draw the Ash cast as a Dn@moonsamethyst says: Happy 3rd Ashiversary!!!This year I couldn’t help but draw the Ash cast as a Dn@moonsamethyst says: Happy 3rd Ashiversary!!!This year I couldn’t help but draw the Ash cast as a Dn@moonsamethyst says: Happy 3rd Ashiversary!!!This year I couldn’t help but draw the Ash cast as a Dn@moonsamethyst says: Happy 3rd Ashiversary!!!This year I couldn’t help but draw the Ash cast as a Dn

@moonsamethystsays: Happy 3rd Ashiversary!!!

This year I couldn’t help but draw the Ash cast as a DnD party!


Candela, Fiery Paladin of Valor from the Opal Kingdom
Spark, simple Farmer with an electrifying pact with a Great Old One
Blanche, Studious Wizard of the Mystic Academy
Noire, ex-rogue made Warlock by a capricious and cruel Archfey
Amelie, Rogue and expert cat-burglar with countless bounties
Carl, Noble scion and revered Paladin of Valor, cursed by the Blood
Dave, Royal Hippogriff with a penchant for murder
Go, Shopkeep-turned-adventurer with only Wits, Lute and a Farmer
Annie, Cleric of Unknown faith, saves her spells for Blanche and Go

And yes I rolled all their stats lmao

Thank you Surfi for all your art and this wild AU of Ash that I’m sure is gonna only break our hearts, rustle our jimmies and drown us in feels even more as the story continue.

Thank you for all the work you put into it and the time you take to chat and share your work with us.


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It was hot in the cave, almost unbearably so. But Sol was used to it.

He sat cross-legged on the floor, eyes closed, ignoring his own light-headedness and the trails of sweat dripping slowly down his back and chest. It seemed silly to him that he had to do this - undergo training exercises and meditation in this hot cave. Lucifel was the one who would bond to the legendary bird Moltres, not him. Still, family rules were family rules, so he sat on the rough cave floor with his older brothers and younger sister and tried not to let his mind wander.

The next thing he knew, he was blinking at the ceiling while his brother Lucifel dabbed at his face with a cool cloth, looking amused.

His face flushed. “I did not faint!” he declared to head off any teasing. He rolled away from Lucifel’s ministrations and took stock. He didn’t feel dizzy or sick, which indicated that he was probably right. To his relief, he hadn’t fainted in front of his brothers. He would never live it down if he had, ever.

Lucifel sat back on his heels, an amused grin on his face. “No, I think you just fell asleep,” he said. “Again.

“It’s just ‘cause it’s warm in here, and I have to hold still. I’ll feel better once I move around a bit.” His face still flaming, Sol marched toward the punching bags. To his embarrassment, Lucifel stood and followed him, holding out a water bottle.

“Remember to keep hydrated. Since you need to move around, maybe you could teach Candela how to roll like you promised last week,” he said.

Sol jerked a shoulder as if he were annoyed, but actually he didn’t mind helping Candela with her training. He was only a few years older than her, but teaching her how to do stuff made him feel important. “Fine. C’mere, Kittykat!”

Candela was sitting close to where Sol had been, absently scratching her ear. At Sol’s call, her eyes opened and blinked once, slowly. “What is it?” she asked, getting up and padding over on legs that had finally started to lose their baby stubbyness and get some real length.

Sol slung a sweaty arm over her shoulders and led her over to the mats. “I promised to teach you how to roll, didn’t I? Let’s do it.”

Her face brightened in a smile. “Really? Yay!”

Satisfied, Lucifel moved off to supervise Pele and Epifanio while Sol and Candela worked together to pull mats off the stack and set them up in an open area away from where their older brothers were training. Now that his body was in motion, Sol found it easier to put the stifling heat out of his mind as he showed Candela the steps. She mimicked him, somewhat clumsily, but he thought with pride that it was a good start.

But within ten minutes, Candela’s full lips settled into full-on pout-mode, leaving Sol thinking ‘Uh oh.’

“What’s the matter Kittykat?” he asked, unwittingly mirroring Lucifel’s posture as he crouched in front of her when she sat on the mat in a sulky pile.

“I’m not doing it right,” she grumbled, pout still firmly in place. Her arms were crossed over her chest in childish temper, and she refused to look at him.

“You’re doing fine, Kittykat.”

“But I’m not doing it like you.”

“I’ve had more practice. You’ll get it. Just keep trying. Okay? Come on!” He took her hands and gave them a gentle tug, but she refused to budge.

“Don’t wanna.”

Sol leaned back, at a loss. Candela was very shy when out in public, but at home among family she was very stubborn and spoiled. And she was frustrated.

Sol opted for a different tactic. He poked her in the side, making her twitch. Then he poked her again, and again, until she had to uncross her arms to swat at his hands. “Awww, is widdle baby Candela frustrated?” he drawled. “Maybe she’s not ready to train with the big boys, huh? Maybe she needs to wait with Mommy?”

As expected, her small face screwed up with outrage, and she attempted to hit him with a fist. Even at six years old, Candela was a strong child, so Sol made sure the blow didn’t land. Laughing, he shifted away. “C’mon, Kittykat, show me you can do it.”

“No.” She glared at him, then scooted around on her butt until her back was to him.

Huh. Usually mocking her worked. Her pride would kick in, and then she’d just have to prove that she could do whatever Sol said she couldn’t.

Before Sol could think of something else to get her motivated, Epifanio swooped in.

“What’s going on here?” Epifanio asked, scooping an arm around Candela’s stomach and scooping her up as she squealed so that she hung upside-down with her back against his chest. Her arms dangled limply for a moment before she reached up to grab his forearm for added security. “You guys loafing around? Huh? Don’t you know it’s time to traaaaaain?” he drew the last word out as he spun in three rapid circles.

Candela squealed again, then burst into involuntary laughter. “Nooooo, Epifanio! Put me down!”

“Nuh-uh. Slackers gotta face their big bro.” Keeping his head well away from Candela’s kicking feet, Epifanio began to do squats while keeping his grip on his sister. “See? The rest of us are working hard!”

Still laughing, Candela held out her hands to where Lucifel and Pele were boxing. “Lucifel!” she cried. “Lucifel, help! Epifanio’s being mean!”

Lucifel and Pele dropped their fists and stepped away from each other. Lucifel came over to see what the matter was as Pele looked on.

He grabbed Candela under the arms and swung her upright as Epifanio’s hands fell away. “Hey, sweetheart. What’s going on?”

“Candela’s sulking,” Epifanio said. “So I made her laugh.”

“Oh? That doesn’t sound like being mean to me. Hm?” With a few bounding steps Lucifel reached the stack of training mats and dumped Candela onto it. She bounced on impact, giggling uncontrollably. She rolled off the mats and landed on her hands and knees on the floor before raising to a kneeling position, a huge grin on her face.

“You guys are the worst,” she declared. “The worst!”

She yelped and ran as Epifanio dove for her. “No! Lucifel, stop him!” she laughed as he chased her around the cave.

“Come on, you two, time to settle down,” Lucifel said, clapping his hands sharply to get their attention. The big grin on his face took away from his teacher voice. “Now that you’ve got your blood moving, you can go back to meditation.”

Sol and Candela both groaned. Epifanio took advantage of Candela’s distraction to scoop her up and cart her to the meditation circle, where he dumped her on the floor. “You heard the man. Get to it, pipsqueak.” Leaving her there, he jogged over to take Lucifel’s place as Pele’s sparring partner.

Lucifel clapped a hand on Sol’s shoulder, the corners of his eyes still creased from laughter. “You too, Sol. You especially need your meditation. Temper your hotheadedness a bit,” he said.

Sol rolled his eyes but dropped down next to Candela, who had closed her eyes and was scrunching up her face in concentration. That was so not the way meditation worked that Sol couldn’t resist poking her. Her eyes flew open and she poked him back, viciously, in the side. She had pointy little fingers, and Sol had to bite back a laugh to keep from drawing his older brothers’ attention back to them and getting the whole thing started again.

“I hate meditating,” Candela confided in him once they’d settled down again and were pretending to try to meditate. Instead they were watching Lucifel referee the match between Pele and Epifanio. “It’s boring. I have too many thoughts.”

“Me too, Kittykat.”

“I wanna play.”

“I know, but we have to do our work first.” Part of being the older sibling, Sol had learned, was being the responsible one and enforcing the rules. It sucked.

Abandoning pretense, Candela leaned forward to brace her elbows on her knees as they watched Pele be defeated and Lucifel take his place. As he took his first swing at Epifanio, Sol couldn’t help but admire his form.

“Lucifel’s so cool,” Candela said.

“Yeah, yeah he is. But don’t tell him I said so.” Sol punctuated this warning with another poke, which Candela returned. A brief poke war ensued, which subsided when Pele sent them a warning look over his shoulder.

“But he is the coolest,” Candela said once they were both pretending to meditate again. “And Mom says he’s next in line to bond with Moltres. That means he’ll be someone really important, right?”

“Yep. He’ll take over as head of Team Valor in Opal City. It’s a very important position. That’s why he trains as hard as he does.”

“I’m glad. Lucifel deserves to be somebody cool and important. Then everyone will see how awesome he is.”

“Yep. He’s looking this way! Quick, pretend to meditate!”

They both scrambled into the proper form and closed their eyes, so they missed Lucifel grinning at them and shaking his head as if his younger siblings’ antics never ceased to amuse him.

@tigernightcat said: Ashiversary 2018. Thank you so much Surfi! Keep being Amazing!

@tigernightcatsaid: Ashiversary 2018. Thank you so much Surfi! Keep being Amazing!

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