#caps in tags


so i found a disembodied elsa toy on the ground on the way to school and then my dance teacher just came up to me to tell me i got an A+ on my assessment so. um.


sobbing crying screaming look at him



there’s a spider in my room gues i’ll just kill myself #feminism

kill it*** myself. sorry everyone

anastasiasdecember:- Sit down buckaroos because I’m gonna share some historical insight with you bec


Sit down buckaroos because I’m gonna share some historical insight with you because of ignorant people who are trying to discard the most badass character in all of feminist characters in musical theatre history and I won’t take that.
Katherine Ethel Pulitzer was a real person - daughter of Joseph and Kate Pulitzer. So there’s fact number 1 to prove she was an actual living person in the 1800’s. Fact 2. When you say women weren’t journalists back then well you obviously have never heard nor read about Elizabeth Jane Cochran also known by her pen name “Nellie Bly”. She was the inspiration behind Katherine’s character in the first place. They basically merged the real Katherine with Nellie and created this character. Nellie Bly began writing for “The Pittsburg Dispatch” in 1885 and moved to New York City two years later to begin working at “New York World”. She was known for her investigative and undercover reporting, including posing as a sweatshop worker to expose poor working conditions faced by women. She earned her acclaim in 1887 when she went undercover at an asylum on Blackwell’s Island and posed as one of the patients to get the story and in turn had launched a full on investigation on the treatment of the institution and the well being of patients (which wasn’t a well being at all with neglect and physical abuse) in said facility. In 1889 she went around the world in a record-setting 72 days, 6 hours, 11 minutes and 14 seconds in attempt to break the faux record of Phileas Fogg, the fictional title character in Jules Verne’s novel “Around the World in 80 Days”. At the age of 18 (my age) she submitted a racy response to an editorial piece that had been published in The Pittsburgh Dispatch that made sexist statements towards women. The writer was Erasmus Wilson (known as the Quiet Observer or Q.O.) Nellie’s letter grabbed the attention of the paper’s managing editor, George Madden, who then offered her a position. She later published a book about the experience titled: “Around the World in 72 Days” in 1890.
So don’t you DARE tell me Katherine Plumber wasn’t a vital asset to these boy’s story. She’s more of an inspiration to me than ANY character I’ve read about. Nellie Bly is an inspiration who makes me want a writing career. I am very much like Katherine (in more ways than just having power bangs) and because of her I’ve learned to love myself. Because of her I can get through days when I’ve got a shit ton of Senior year homework knocking me down. Because of her I’m happier. Katherine and Nellie are huge inspirations to me and if you hate either one of them just unfollow me now. Because these two are my role models and always will be❤

Post link


When medication says “do not operate heavy machinery” they’re probably mainly referring to cars, but my mind always goes to forklift.


greatest girl herself!


docm77 is at it again. I cannot overstate the degree to which docm77 is at it again. the at it again quotient of docm77 is currently off the charts

Updates and cool stuff!

  • Finally updated the carrd, it’s currently (as of 11 pm CST, may 4th) completely current in regards to the to-do and queue lists
  • I read some good poems today
  • Jack Merridew (meat proxy, fictive) learned the words “nifty”, “pog” and “dope” today. I have not known peace since (the poems were before he learned it </3 the last moment of peace i will ever have)
  • I saw a cute dog today via tumblr blaze. If you sponser ur pet posts I do love you
  • lost the playlist roulette 3 times today 
  • I was gone for like a few hours the other day and apparently in that time someone put my (outerworld not headspace) hoodie in the laundry without telling me. 1 body. Found 36 times.

grits teeth. finish my essay and i can see kurikoma finish my essay and i can see kurikoma finish



mcr releasing new music cant be compared to anything anyone else has ever experienced because no band has ever or will ever be mcr. hope that helps

they ask me what new mcr music feels like i say not everything feels like something else!



Welcome back to its really hot and I’m going to murder someone

[ID: the first image shows two outlines of a person. the first is colored red up to the waist and is labelled, “my anger level usually”. the second has red scribbles all over it the top of it with no regard for staying in the outline. it is labelled “my anger level when it’s hot”.

the second image shows a line graph titled, “Stabby stab”. the title is underlined. the horizontal axis of the graph is labelled, “Murders I will commit” and the vertical axis is labelled, “Temperature.” the graph shows a positive exponential growth line, meaning that as the temperature goes up, more murders will be committed. /End ID.]

Hello I would like to just scream for a moment about the comments section of a TikTok I just saw for being ✨️So Fucking Ableist✨️. How fucking hard is it to put a clear, two word warning at the start of a video that the video contains heavy strobes?

People were like “oh it’s not his responsibility” and “epileptic people should just not be on this app if it’s so bad”. Bruh, one person even said they should just Look Away.

Look, I get not everyone understands accessibility needs but please just use one fucking brain cell instead of saying this shit.
