#career readings


disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is general and my personal interpretation - it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.

(photo at bottom. click for clearer image)

left card - death

  • you may need a complete reset - a brand new start. you’re job will be a new beginning for you, and you may be moving on from past jobs or careers. you will likely be focusing on something you have never done for work before. this is a reminder to embrace change instead of resisting it, because sometimes have to doors close in order to open another one.

middle card - justice

  • your perfect job will bring you a lot of balance. maybe you have been treated unequally at work in the past. in the future things will feel fair. this card represents good karma and finally getting what you deserve. for some of you, it can even indicate your ideal career could relate to law or justice.

right card - six of swords

  • whatever your perfect job is, you will find it by leaving places and people of chaos and negativity, and moving towards what brings you peace, harmony and positivity. you may have to create a shift in your life and physically move to a better position. you’re being invited to let go of what is holding you back, so you can grow and continue on the right path for you.

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! if anything resonated please like and reblog!! :)

personal tarot readingsshop.


for each of the signs

-> theme of the month

-> past influence

-> roadblock or challenge

-> possibilities and potential


taurus, virgo, capricorn ♉️♍️♑️

nine of cups, queen of pentacles, the lovers, two of swords

  • the theme of the month for you is feeling content and blessed. you may be very happy and grateful for what you have around you at this time. it suggests positive relationships and support from others.
  • queen of pentacles is what is still affecting you from your past. representing a secure, generous person who aims to create comfortable and quality experiences for them self and those they care about - it could be you or someone you know.
  • in the roadblocks position is the lovers, which is either a connection or a choice that you are struggling with. maybe you have a person who you have conflict with, or maybe you can’t choose between some options in front of you.
  • although there may be a difficult choice you have to make that’s been leaving you feeling stuck. the unclear energy will leave this month and you will have the chance to overcome anything blocking you from making decisions from your heart.


aquarius, libra, gemini ♒️♎️♊️

three of swords, seven of pentacles, the high priestess, queen of swords

  • you may be experiencing some kind of loss over the next month. although this can mean the end of a relationship, for most of you I feel it will just be a slight disappointment, or a missed opportunity.
  • you may have spent a lot of time in the past putting effort and attention into something to have nothing come from it, or to have it not end up the way you expected.
  • there is a block between you and your inner voice, and that is the challenge you will be working to overcome. quieting the sound of others thoughts and opinions so you can finally hear what your intuition wants you to know for your highest good.
  • there is huge potential for a greater understanding or increase in knowledge about a person or situation. for some, this may be deep or important conversation with someone. it will bring you clarity and put you in a better position.


cancer, scorpio, pisces ♋️♏️♓️

the star, the empress, the sun, ace of swords

  • this month may be full of healing for you, whether that’s emotionally, physically or spiritually. if you have lost any hope or your sense of purpose, you will gain it back.
  • you are a very caring, giving and loving person, and you showed that a lot in the past, but perhaps you have fears of opening up and being true self. you may have cold, harder exterior in order to protect yourself.
  • the sun is about happiness and achievement. in the roadblock position, it suggests you may be feeling down, struggling to find joy or success in certain areas of your life. this is, however, something you can overcome and it help you grow.
  • ace of swords indicates a breakthrough moment coming your way. it may be a sudden realisation, a piece of information or an opportunity for a new experience or beginning.


aries, leo, sagittarius ♈️♌️♐️

queen of wands, ten of wands, ten of swords, knight of swords

  • the courageous, outgoing, confident side of you is showing this month. you’re becoming more independent and optimistic, and your energy is attractive and radiating for others to see.
  • there may have been a burden from your past that is still affecting you. it could have been a person or situation that was a lot of work and responsibility or took a toll on you.
  • you may be struggling to end something that is no longer good for you, or maybe it has ended but it is challenging for you to come to terms with and accept it. ten of swords can suggest pain or loss, and the end of a cycle or chapter since its the second ‘ten’ card in this reading, but remember the universe knows what it’s doing and everything happens for a reason.
  • there is potential for you to feel very self assured and to take action in going after what you want. the knight of swords relates to ideas, is fast paced and doesn’t stop once their mind is set. they are full of determination and power.

THANK YOU!!! if anything resonated please like and reblog!! :)

personal reading shop.

love to all

what can you do to help advance your career?


-> trust yourself and choose whatever you are drawn to.

PILE ONE (left)

the high priestess

there is some uncertain, mysterious or unknown energy surrounding you, but there is also an opportunity to gain clarity and understanding at this time. the world isn’t always as it seems, however the veil between physical and spiritual realms is thin right now. you may have a greater sense of awareness about hidden or secretive information in your life. you also may be developing your intuition and psychic abilities. this card tells us that the answers we seek are already within ourselves. there is so much wisdom in your inner voice and it already knows how you can progress forward - listen to it and things will become clear.

PILE TWO (middle)

seven of swords

this card can suggest moving in a certain direction despite what others think or want. there may be something your gut is telling you to do, for some it’s avoiding or running away from a certain task or situation, for others it’s trying to do something unnoticed or under the radar. you may be wanting to take some risks, or even to just protect yourself. whatever your gut is telling you is necessary for the development in your career, it’s probably the right way to go. even you feel some kind of guilt - if you’re thinking logically and intuitively, then trust yourself and take the action.

PILE THREE (right)

two of pentacles

you may need to find balance in areas of your life that are chaotic and overwhelming. you’re likely feeling the burden or pressure of having a lot of responsibilities and tasks. but you also have the potential to be successful and juggling these priories. you can manage and adapt well to stressful situations if you put your mind to it. you have the ability to handle any issue that is coming your way. also remember to find joy, despite the chaotic energy around you.

THANK YOU!! please like and reblog if anything resonated <3

affordable personal readings.

love to all
