#psychic readings



Im giving free tarot readings to any of you who wants it! So feel free to ask me via private message! I’m here to help you!

All readings will get three cards pulled and treated as a general reading unless you ask for anything specific (job,love, career, etc).

If you are looking for a yes/no reading, please put it in the message.

If you have a particular question, feel free to tell me as much as you want, and also say your name or your initial so your reading is more personal.

Reblog this so it can reach someone who needs it!

Jesus Christ son of God the Most High, in His wisdom everlasting knew that the ears of the satanists

Jesus Christ son of God the Most High, in His wisdom everlasting knew that the ears of the satanists could not hear Him or understand anything to which He spoke. 

To those of you who have ears let you hear! This means only those with the intelligence to understand could hear the wisdom He was about to impart. It is a simple concept, one that morons like the fakers and bitches cannot contend with. 

God has always called them fakers, bitches, bird brain morons, this is not a new concept either, found right there in the Holy Books written by Gods own. Only Christs handpicked elites understand this concept as well. 

This message is only for Gods Soldiers, the elite, who have been moving in unity against the darkness. I solute you! 

My previous message was written with a promise to dismantle further the lies of the enemy by showing you the purposeful unhealth and hatred of the very men who have set themselves above you as preachers of Jesus. I spit on them. 

Who ordains preachers and teachers of JEHOVAH? 

Only God does that. 

That means that they, who are ordained, actually hear JEHOVAH speak to them and teach them so that they can impart the wisdom that a REAL God has to impart. A REAL God makes sense. A REAL GOD does not talk in silly circles, He actually goes somewhere with His messages. 

Anyone who ordained themselves or got the nod from the ‘good ol boys club’, anyone who ignores the Bible and makes up their own version, anyone who has been preaching for years and still misquotes and misidentifies the very nature of God is nothing but a satanist who is pretending. Straight from Gods mouth to your ears. 

You as human beings do not get to pick and chose the messengers of God. What kind of arrogance is that? Jumping from one church to another seeing what group you feel resonates with you? That is the way of the devil. You have been taught the devils ways. It’s time to hold accountable all those fake teachers of JEHOVAH and toss them into the abyss where they belong, with the bitch-tards. 

Now lets talk about retards shall we? What is someone who is mentally handicapped from incest? A child of incest will have certain mental capabilities taken from them because of the actions of their parents. This isn’t contested, we have science who in their lagging behind the Holy Book, like usual, have finally found that out, within the last 250 years or so have drawn the correct conclusion that incest is bad, physically and mentally. Hand clap for the scientists! 

Christians, REAL ones, not the ones spoken about above, already knew this. HOW? What does this have to do with God loving people who are called ”gay”? I use that word with unfailing sarcasm. 

Once again reading out of context has stripped those retards bare for all to see.  

Let’s open up the Holy Bible, to thousands of years ago when the Israelites finally left Egypt. The book Exodus chapter one allows you to see within context the relationship that the Pharaoh had with JEHOVAHS people. As you read you will see that things were not only strained but contentious. The term slave within this context can be used whole-heartedly. Now lets jump forward to when God, whos name is JEHOVAH, sends Moses and his brother Aaron to release Gods people from that horrible empire all built on incest, divining of stars and worshiping empty idols. The book of Leviticus, which is the next book in the Holy Bible. 

God starts to teach His people “according to the work of the land of Egypt in which ye have dwelt ye do not, and according to the work of the land of Caanan whither I am bringing you in, ye do not, and in their stautes ye walk not.” Leviticus 18:3 YLT1898

The Israelites were taught a LOT of retarded things by people who knew no God. Incest was one of those things. Reading on, 

“None of you unto any relation of his doth draw near to uncover nakedness; I JEHOVAH.

The nakedness of they father and the nakedness of thy mother thou dost not uncover, she thy mother; thou does not uncover her nakedness.” Leviticus 18: 7 YLT1898

Continuing to read IN CONTEXT, we now understand that this whole chapter is about unclean relations, do not sleep with blood relations so saith your GOD. He also understands the sickness of the people because of who was teaching them so HE made a point to say it is not only about having mentally handicapped children but it also has to do with family relations and the mental health of those people who are hunting the children within their own household. 

Leviticus 18:22 YLT1898

“And with a male thou dost not lie as one lieth with a woman: abomination it.” 

So,you may not sleep with your relations even if no baby will issue from the copulation.  

Everybody understand? 


Moving on to the last and final verses that retards have been trying to understand for generations, the book of Romans and Corinthians. Written by Paul hand chosen by Christ and sanctified by JEHOVAH Himself. 

Yeah I said it. 

I stand with Paul and all those who serve GOD alone. There is nothing in the Holy Bible that a REAL Christian need be ashamed of. 

Romans was written to the church in Rome, they were around many fake temples of the Greeks. They worshiped fake gods, slept with their relations, and cheated on their wives and husbands with men and women, saying it wasn’t cheating. Sound like anyone you know? Hello Hollywood. Hello reading in context to the people Paul was writing to. A church with some members who called themselves Christs body and was practicing these unsound doctrines taught by devil worshipers. 

Roman 1:27 YLT1898

“and in like manner also the males having left the natural use of the female, did burn in their longing toward one another; males with males working shame, and the recompense of their error that was fit, in themselves receiving.” 

If you continue to read on to the next letter to Corinth, the book of Corinthians, with the same cultural context in mind, 

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 YLT1898

“have you not known that the unrighteous the reign of God shall not inherit? be not led astray; neither whoremongers [people who prostitute themselves by worshiping false gods and hide it by calling themselves Gods people], not idolaters [who deny God and Christ JESUS loudly], nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor sodomites,

nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, the reign of God shall not inherit.”

Understanding that this book was written in another language, you have to simply look up the actual words used in the original letter written by Paul to know that the word ‘sodomite’ means someone from Sodom and Gomora who were rapping strangers and children. That was an insult to be called that, hello Hollywood. 

The word ‘effeminate’ in context to the language can be take multiple ways, one of which means to be spiritually weak. Even the English language has words that mean opposite things and must be read in context to the rest of the sentences before and after. Critical thinking 101. Such as the word ‘cleave’. Self imposed literature geniuses, hello college.  

These verses are used by satanists who have taken it upon themselves to ordain themselves and like minded roaches to preach and teach at the Holy people of God. If the preacher is a satanist who is misusing the Bible, that place is NOT the temple of JEHOVAH. 

Anyone who has taught a class in such a manner you can account as a satanist. JEHOVAH rebukes them and corrects their behavior. They are not confused about what they are teaching so much as they are not privy to the spiritual matters that the Holy Book imparts. 

They sound like bird brain twits trying to preach the Holy Word of God. 

Your ordained Witch, Preacher, and Prophetess, called and hand picked by JEHOVAH, 

- Penelope Summers

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The fourth seal has broken as spoken of in Revelations. Those who were standing with the enemy during the judgment seal will be attacked and overrun by demons and fallen angels.


pick a pile

-> trust yourself and choose whatever pile you are drawn to.

disclaimer:PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my personal interpretation and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.

pile one (left)

king of swords, eight of swords

  • you stand firm in your truth and for what what you believe in, and express yourself well. you may have a very logical, rational way of thinking and decision making. others pay attention to what you have to say.
  • you have a tendency to trap or restrict yourself - possibly allowing yourself to stay in a negative situation, or one that doesn’t leave you feeling fulfilled and satisfied. if you can negative thoughts with positive ones, and you will attract positive situations.

pile two (right)

five of pentacles, the moon

  • you may have a way coping with difficult or disappointing situations, where it helps prevent loss from affecting your self-esteem and self-worth. alternatively, you still be feeling isolated and alone, but are good at making the most of the situation.
  • you may have some kind of anxiety or fears that prevent you from seeing things clearly and thriving. if you have a lack of faith in yourself and your intuition, know you are more powerful than you realise at this time.

THANK YOU!! please like and reblog if anything resonated :)

personal readings shop.(etsy)

love to all

how can you tune into a higher frequency?

disclaimer:PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my personal interpretation and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.


-> trust yourself and choose whatever pile you are drawn to the most.

ONE - left

ten of pentacles

  • you’re vibe is highest when you feel accomplished, successful and fulfilled. by putting some effort, energy and time working in the direction of your goals, you’ll become closer and closer to manifestation and alignment.

TWO - middle

the high priestess

  • you can tune into a higher vibration, by listening to your inner voice (or intuition). it always, without fail, will lead you to your highest good, and in a direction that is the most balanced. unlocking your spiritual side may also help raise your vibration.

THREE - right

king of swords

  • you’re frequency may become higher while you make decisions and actions based off logic, and your beliefs. stay true to yourself. it will help you rise into your power and have more clarity on all the situations around you.

THANK YOU!! please like and reblog if anything resonated :)

personal readings shop.

love to you


list of freereadings for you <3(contents)

please send me general tarot question requests!! (for pick a pile’s!!)

i take personal reading requests, and i try, however i can’t do them all. i have an affordable tarot shop linked above if you’d like a guaranteed reading <3

take care of yourself. so much love to you


pick a pile

-> trust yourself and choose whatever pile you are drawn to.

disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my personal interpretation and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.

one (left)

four of cups

you’re hoping for amazing opportunities to come your way. but when they do, you may have a lack of motivation or some limiting beliefs - making you scared to commit to these opportunities.

two (middle)

high priestess, the moon

you’re likely a very spiritual person, and in tune with your intuition which can help you achieve your dreams, but you fear the unknown, things you don’t understand or can’t see clearly.

three (right)

three of cups

a big part of you may be wanting to party and socialise, even just spend time with family and people you care about, but you have some anxieties about doing so - whether it’s because of current events, insecurity and a lack of confidence or another reason

THANK YOU!! please like and reblog if anything resonated :)

affordablepersonal readings shop.

love to all


  • what do you need in a romantic relationship?
  • what can you offer a romantic partner at this point in your life?
  • what do you need to let go of from your past?
  • what will life look like when you find real love?
  • what action can you take to attract the right romantic partner?


-> trust yourself and choose whatever you are drawn to.

DISCLAIMER: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES AND IS MEANT FOR YOU, LEAVE THE REST <3 . this is a general (& not in person) reading and not everything will resonate for everyone. this is my own interpretation using my intuition and the energies i receive. if the way i read doesn’t suit you personally, please just find someone that works for you. everyone’s different :)


  • you may need a relationship that can help you heal from past situations that have caused you pain.
  • you can offer so much strength and support, and you’re emotions are rational and logical.
  • let go of physical things that are no longer serving you. it may be items that bring negative memories. or it may be a sign that whatever your focusing on related to love, could be better aligned with what you truely desire.
  • you may have experienced some life changing or very painful events, but when you find real love, you will realise how much everything needed to happen to get you to where you are.
  • if you can prepare yourself for a serious relationship, and find stability and groundedness within yourself, you can attract the right person.


  • in a relationship, you need stability. you like things to feel secure, and usually always running peacefully and harmoniously, and for them to feel like family.
  • you can offer so much freedom and adventure. you and your partner will likely never feel stuck or trapped.
  • something from the past has created a stubborn, retreating energy around you, causing you to not fight for what you want. you can release these fears to allow room for new love.
  • true love for you, will look like freedom and independence (like the card pulled earlier suggested). your relationship will look and feel successful and secure.
  • to attract the right person, allow your compassionate, empathetic and loving side to radiate. be open to spiritual and intuitive messages.

THANK YOU!! please like and reblog if anything resonated :)

affordable personal readings shop.

love to all


tarot reading: how can you better align with your soul’s purpose? ✨

disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my personal interpretation of them and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.


ace of pentacles

by making the most of the new opportunities coming your way relating to money, health, career or abundance. there’s likely a whole new door opening up for you. if there’s anything your inspired to do but have any doubts or fears, this card is like the “green light” to go after your goals anyway.


king of pentacles

strive to be grounded, dependable and stable. in some cases it can also indicate being a business person or even just successful in general. make your visions and dreams into something real. it’s a sign you could be very secure and abundant in the future.


the star

this card represents hope, faith and healing. for some, i feel that your souls purpose is whatever you believe in and inspires you the most. for others, it may literally relate to religion or spirituality. if you have always felt empathetic or been seen as a healer by family and friends, that could be significant as well.

THANK YOU!! please like and reblog if anything resonated!! <3

personal reading shop.

love to all

disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is general and my personal interpretation - it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.

(photo at bottom. click for clearer image)

left card - death

  • you may need a complete reset - a brand new start. you’re job will be a new beginning for you, and you may be moving on from past jobs or careers. you will likely be focusing on something you have never done for work before. this is a reminder to embrace change instead of resisting it, because sometimes have to doors close in order to open another one.

middle card - justice

  • your perfect job will bring you a lot of balance. maybe you have been treated unequally at work in the past. in the future things will feel fair. this card represents good karma and finally getting what you deserve. for some of you, it can even indicate your ideal career could relate to law or justice.

right card - six of swords

  • whatever your perfect job is, you will find it by leaving places and people of chaos and negativity, and moving towards what brings you peace, harmony and positivity. you may have to create a shift in your life and physically move to a better position. you’re being invited to let go of what is holding you back, so you can grow and continue on the right path for you.

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! if anything resonated please like and reblog!! :)

personal tarot readingsshop.



this reading can tell you:

  1. the main theme of this new year
  2. departing energies from last year
  3. talents you will be expressing this year
  4. future opportunities
  5. upcoming obstacles
  6. how to deal with upcoming obstacles
  7. how to achieve your goals and dreams


-> trust yourself - choose what you’re drawn to.

disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is general and my personal interpretation - it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.

PILE ONE (left)✨

  • a main theme of the year for you will be finally getting what you deserve. if you feel you are often treated unfairly in situations or that you give more than you receive, that will not be the case in the upcoming months.
  • you are leaving past conflicts behind you. five of wands can relate to arguments and fighting, and that may be an energy you are moving on from.
  • six of wands is about success. the talents you will be expressing will bring a lot of recognition and notice for you. you can accomplish anything if you’re determined enough to go the extra mile.
  • there will be future opportunities for celebration. four of wands can sometimes indicate a wedding, but it may just be spending more time with family and friends in a very stable, harmonious environment.
  • this year you may struggle with some kind of disappointment or sadness. maybe you experienced a loss in your career or relationships, or maybe the universe causes you to miss out on an opportunity you wanted because it knows there is something better for you.
  • to deal with these upcoming challenges, you either need to be careful and thoughtful in your choices and decision making, or embrace love and connections. i got both kinds of energy, so take what resonates.
  • you may have some self-doubt, or negative thoughts and beliefs that can tend to put you in a hole or trap you. remember to look at both possible outcomes of a situation, not just the worst case scenario. when you want something, don’t allow fear to stop you from going after it. notice the blessings you have around and be grateful for them, because you will attract more.

PILE TWO (middle)✨

  • knowledge and understanding will be a main theme of the year for you. you may be learning new things, even studying, as well as exploring ways of sharing your own ideas and gifts.
  • you might find yourself letting go of anything from last year that was blocking your happiness. you could have also had a very narrow view on what you thought you needed to be happy, whereas this year you are moving on from that mindset.
  • you will be showing your persistence and ability to persevere despite any obstacles that come your way. there is defensive energy in this card, but it shows your strength will be seen.
  • there are opportunities for you to overcome anything you are dependent on. it may be an addiction, or some kind of toxic behaviour that you will learn to move away from, or it could just be that you will find your freedom and independence. there is potential for you to feel so confident and self assured.
  • you’re likely moving into a new phase of your life this year or completing a major stage, however you may also be struggling to come to terms with it, or you may be resisting the change. there’s a chance that for some, you’re challenge is actually making the cycle end.
  • even if you are feeling overwhelmed and tired, you are so close to getting to where you want or need to be. ten of wands is a sign to not give up during difficult times.
  • in order to achieve your goals and manifest your desires, you will need to believe in yourself and your abilities. you have the power and strength, so never doubt it.

PILE THREE (right)✨

  • you may be working towards achieving many different things this year. the main theme for you juggling these tasks, and it will likely bring some chaotic, stressful energy but you can also succeed.
  • last year you may have been quite separated from others, whether that’s feeling introverted, lonely or just taking time to yourself think and reflect. you will likely be moving on from this and reconnecting with others.
  • you may have already, or will soon have a huge realisation. it not only changes your perspective, but also the way you take action in life and will have a big impact on how you express yourself.
  • there will likely be future opportunities to revisit familiar places and people. six of cups has energy of reunions, joy and comfort. it could even relate to a childhood home or spending time with family.
  • this year you may be dealing with feeling like you have missed out. it can suggest an obstacle with money or inspiration, and even feeling lonely.
  • you can overcome this if you maintain your passion and determination. don’t lose focus on your goals, and have the drive to see them through.
  • to manifest your goals, be sure that your mindset is in the right place. if you are focusing on the negatives and on lack, you may attract more of it. whereas if you are counting your blessings and having positive, hopeful thoughts - then that is what you will align with and attract more of. son of pentacles is also a sign to be patient and consistent when going after your desires.

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! please like & reblog if anything resonated!! :)

personal readingsshop.

love to all


how can I bring happiness back into my life?

-> trust yourself and choose whatever you are drawn to.

->photo below [click for clearer image]

PILE ONE (left)

ace of swords, three of cups

  • spend time with people who are important to you, whether that means quality time with friends, or going to parties and socialising. either way, you should be around those who support and care for you. you may also find joy and peace in creating and sharing your ideas, as well as gaining new understandings and perspectives on what is happening around you.

PILE TWO (middle)

ten of cups, the tower

  • a lot of your happiness lies with your relationships, friendships and family. when your connections are strong and you feel supported you are always vibrating at the highest frequency you can be. sometimes the universe takes us out of situations because we wouldn’t have removed ourselves from it. however there may need to be some kind of change -maybe even in a seemingly negative way- in order to put on the right path in the right direction.

PILE THREE (right)

the sun, the moon

  • this is a sign that you need to focus on where you want to succeed and find joy instead of on any negatives. there may also be some things you are unclear about or don’t have a full understanding of yet. the thing you don’t know might even be what makes you happy - you could be feeling really unsure because there are things that are yet to be uncovered.

THANK YOU!! please like and reblog if anything resonated :)

affordablepersonal readings.

love to all

disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my personal interpretation of them and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.

(picture at the bottom. click for clearer view)

PILE ONE - left

knight of swords

  • you’re likely to meet a person who is highly driven, ambitious and action oriented. once they have their mind set, they won’t change it, and have the motivation to keep going until they succeed despite any challenges in their way. there will be a mental and intellectual connection between you and this person, as well as a romantic one, and things are likely to move quite quickly.

PILE TWO - middle

the high priestess

  • your person may have a very mysterious exterior that will intrigue you. they are very in touch which their intuition, almost psychically. there is likely to be a very rare and intense connection between the two of you, and it will be an opportunity for you to both grow spiritually, access inner knowledge from your soul and gain new perspectives.

PILE THREE - right

king of pentacles

  • you’re likely to meet a highly successful person in the future. their world is full of abundance and wealth. they may have a lot of value on materialistic items, but are also ambitious, determined and can manifest all of their goals. when they go after something they want, they nearly always get it. they will be loyal, and bring a lot of stability to your life.

THANK YOU!! please like and reblog if anything resonated!! <3

personal readings shop.

love to all

what can i do to manifest my soulmate?


disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. this is a general, and not in-person reading. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my own interpretation based off my intuition and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for everyone. Always trust yourself first.

PILE ONE - left

nine of pentacles

stay focused on your goals and getting to a place that you have worked hard to achieve and can be proud of, whether that’s relating to self-improvement or career and education. you will be at the highest and best vibration to attract your soulmate when you are feeling secure and self-sufficient. you have the ability to be confident and fully content with yourself, where you are and what you are doing.

PILE TWO - middle

ten of pentacles

this may be a sign that you don’t need to do anything, but more likely is suggesting that once you accomplish whatever big project you have been working on and finally reach a place of success - possibly wealth - then you may find your soulmate. this card is about family, stability, abundance, and having everything you need - especially materially/physically - so that may be what you should work towards if you want to attract love.

PILE THREE - right

three of cups

for some, you may find your soulmate is someone you are already friends with. for others, spending time with people you care about and connect with may be the way to go. there is lots of social, happy, compassionate energy surrounding this card. take the time to celebrate even the little successes and share the positivity with the people around you - it may put you in alignment with the right person for you.

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personal tarot readings shop.

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PILE 1 (left)

two of pentacles

  • you may be feeling overwhelmed from having a lot of tasks or responsibilities and it’s draining your energy as well as taking up a lot of your time. focus on balancing the different areas of your life and managing them in a way that creates more flow, and less stress and chaos.

PILE 2 (middle)

the tower

  • some kind of significant disruption or change is needed in your life in order for you to reach a place where you are able to raise your vibration to its true potential. change may feel uncomfortable or scary, but sometimes when we are at standstill, the universe shakes everything up so we can get back on track.

PILE 3 (right)

four of pentacles

  • be protective of your energy - don’t allow anyone or anything to bring you down to their lower vibration. hold on to things that are important to you, and the will to go after your desires. you will be successful and rise to a higher frequency. however for some, you may already be holding onto to what you have so tightly that you are blocking yourself from gaining any new positive energy.

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! please like or reblog if anything resonated <3

personal readings shop - etsy (affordable)

love to all

Hi everyone! If you are interested in personal readings a family member of mine is an intuitive reader! She specializes in remote viewing, psychic readings, readings based off of pictures. and finding missing people through intuition.


Check her out! She’s amazing :)
