#personal tarot readings




-> trust yourself and choose whichever pile you are drawn to.

DISCLAIMER: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES AND IS MEANT FOR YOU, LEAVE THE REST <3 . this is a general (& not in person) reading and not everything will resonate for everyone. i believe the cards can be very accurate, but this is my own interpretation of them using my intuition and the energies i receive. if the way i read doesn’t suit you personally, please just find someone that works for you. everyone’s different :)

CARD ONE (left)

five of swords

there may be some kind of conflict in your life, such as arguments or competition. you may want to stand up for yourself, or come to a peaceful resolution, but you’re are trying to walk away from it which may be the right thing to do, because this card can also indicate the loss of something that wasn’t good for you.

CARD TWO (middle)


energies of imbalance, impatience or recklessness may be surrounding you, and is a reminder to test waters and be patient. it suggests that balancing internal or external blocks, could be the key relieving stress in your life and finding peace. you may even be entering a stage of harmony and calmness, after a time of chaos or change.

CARD THREE (right)

the fool

you’re looking for adventure and new experiences. this is a new beginning for you. be open to stepping out of your comfort zone and exploring possibilities and opportunities you may not have even considered yet. the person is this card where’s there heart on their sleeve. take risks if you know it’s leading you to where you want to be.

asks are open.

id love to hear your tarot spread suggestions and the reading types you want to see!!

personal readings shop(affordable)

love to all


  • what do you need in a romantic relationship?
  • what can you offer a romantic partner at this point in your life?
  • what do you need to let go of from your past?
  • what will life look like when you find real love?
  • what action can you take to attract the right romantic partner?


-> trust yourself and choose whatever you are drawn to.

DISCLAIMER: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES AND IS MEANT FOR YOU, LEAVE THE REST <3 . this is a general (& not in person) reading and not everything will resonate for everyone. this is my own interpretation using my intuition and the energies i receive. if the way i read doesn’t suit you personally, please just find someone that works for you. everyone’s different :)


  • you may need a relationship that can help you heal from past situations that have caused you pain.
  • you can offer so much strength and support, and you’re emotions are rational and logical.
  • let go of physical things that are no longer serving you. it may be items that bring negative memories. or it may be a sign that whatever your focusing on related to love, could be better aligned with what you truely desire.
  • you may have experienced some life changing or very painful events, but when you find real love, you will realise how much everything needed to happen to get you to where you are.
  • if you can prepare yourself for a serious relationship, and find stability and groundedness within yourself, you can attract the right person.


  • in a relationship, you need stability. you like things to feel secure, and usually always running peacefully and harmoniously, and for them to feel like family.
  • you can offer so much freedom and adventure. you and your partner will likely never feel stuck or trapped.
  • something from the past has created a stubborn, retreating energy around you, causing you to not fight for what you want. you can release these fears to allow room for new love.
  • true love for you, will look like freedom and independence (like the card pulled earlier suggested). your relationship will look and feel successful and secure.
  • to attract the right person, allow your compassionate, empathetic and loving side to radiate. be open to spiritual and intuitive messages.

THANK YOU!! please like and reblog if anything resonated :)

affordable personal readings shop.

love to all

how can you stop repeating past love mistakes?

(tarot reading)


disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is general and my personal interpretation - it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.


king of wands

  • have courage and optimism. maybe in the past you have had a very black and white, all or nothing attitude. this perspective could have made you hold back out of fear or harsh judgement. however going with the flow and understanding that things are often somewhere in the middle of the extremes we can think of, will definitely help you. be friendly and honest to others even if they don’t show the same thing back, and be energetic, determined and brave enough to go after something when you want it.


four of wands

  • spend more time around friends and family, familiar people and places that you are comfortable. you may have rejected or not trusted help and support shown to you by others in the past. maybe you have achieved a goal but not allowed it to be appreciated and celebrated by people who care about you. surround yourself with fun, supportive energy and allow yourself to trust and accept help from those who prove to you they have earned it.


eight of swords

  • this card suggests that it could be your mindset that is preventing you from succeeding or moving forward. maybe you have self-doubt and a lack of confidence within yourself and abilities, and these thoughts could be contributing to any confusing, stressful, negative situations. you’re not powerless, and if you trust yourself and listen to your inner voice, things may become clearer. be open to finding answers, because you can find your way out of this predicament. there just may be a new perspective to see things from.

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! please like and reblog if anything resonated!!

personal reading shop.


what can you do to help advance your career?


-> trust yourself and choose whatever you are drawn to.

PILE ONE (left)

the high priestess

there is some uncertain, mysterious or unknown energy surrounding you, but there is also an opportunity to gain clarity and understanding at this time. the world isn’t always as it seems, however the veil between physical and spiritual realms is thin right now. you may have a greater sense of awareness about hidden or secretive information in your life. you also may be developing your intuition and psychic abilities. this card tells us that the answers we seek are already within ourselves. there is so much wisdom in your inner voice and it already knows how you can progress forward - listen to it and things will become clear.

PILE TWO (middle)

seven of swords

this card can suggest moving in a certain direction despite what others think or want. there may be something your gut is telling you to do, for some it’s avoiding or running away from a certain task or situation, for others it’s trying to do something unnoticed or under the radar. you may be wanting to take some risks, or even to just protect yourself. whatever your gut is telling you is necessary for the development in your career, it’s probably the right way to go. even you feel some kind of guilt - if you’re thinking logically and intuitively, then trust yourself and take the action.

PILE THREE (right)

two of pentacles

you may need to find balance in areas of your life that are chaotic and overwhelming. you’re likely feeling the burden or pressure of having a lot of responsibilities and tasks. but you also have the potential to be successful and juggling these priories. you can manage and adapt well to stressful situations if you put your mind to it. you have the ability to handle any issue that is coming your way. also remember to find joy, despite the chaotic energy around you.

THANK YOU!! please like and reblog if anything resonated <3

affordable personal readings.

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PILE 1 (left)

page of wands

you may come across as a very fun, energetic, extroverted person. you see the positive side of people and situations, and a lot of the time you can be quite fearless. when you have a passion or desire and the determination, you manifest it into your reality.

PILE 2 (middle)

five of pentacles

you may have really loyal friendships or connections to your family that support you and make you stronger. even when you are struggling, experiencing loss or hard times, you always manage to keep standing and moving forward.

PILE 3 (right)

page of cups

you’re likely a very kind, gentle and sensitive person. you may even be creative and artistic, or very spiritual and intuitive. you’re a dreamer who sees things in beautiful ways and are admired by others.

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personal readings shop.(etsy)

love to all


monthly tarot reading

-> what is coming your way this month? what will be a main theme for you?


aries, leo, sagittarius

the star - you will have a lot of time for healing this month. maybe even something specific that will help you is coming your way, whether that’s a person, advice or a technique you can use in your life. if you have been feeling a bit lost, you will regain your sense of purpose and belonging. you’re likely finding your hope, and perhaps are starting to put your faith into something.


taurus, virgo, capricorn

three of wands - you’re making progress this month. maybe you have been at a bit of a standstill or are waiting for something. this is a sign that you can be courageous and confident enough to leave your comfort zone and make the bold actions that may be needed for you to grow and move forward. you’re going ahead with your plans and you are being supported by those around you.


cancer, scorpio, pisces

queen of wands - you’re surrounded in fire energy this month, whether you are radiating confidence and excitement, or you are feeling passionate and inspires. you‘ll notice people are drawn to and attracted to your vibration at this time. maybe you’re even feeling more social, outgoing and optimistic. you’ve put in the effort and you’re coming into alignments with your dreams.

AIR SIGNS ♒️♎️♊️

aquarius, libra, gemini

seven of swords - you may be either running away from something, or getting away with something. there is some kind of energy of avoidance for you this month. maybe you feel like you have to do something you don’t want to do or there’s a situation you want to escape - it could even be a deceitful person. you will likely benefit from being cautious at this time and paying attention to warnings and signs around you.

THANK YOU!! if anything resonated please like and reblog!! <3

affordablepersonal readings shop.

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i wanna do a celtic cross reading for someone!! (ten card tarot spread) ✨

if you’d like to be one of the people i choose from, please comment on this post, send an ask or message me - with your name/initials + something about you whether it’s your sign, a situation, or anything else. (would also really appreciate it if you were following me!! <3)

i will message someone with their reading!! :)

thank you!!

list of my free readings.

love to all


->what lesson is the universe asking you to learn right now?

disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my personal interpretation of them and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.


four of swords

  • when you are feeling overloaded and overwhelmed, step away. your stress, anxiety or negative thoughts could be limiting your perception of a situation, and things may not actually be as bad as they seem. or, you have been overworked and should accept that taking a break to relax and reevaluate is okay, and maybe needed.


knight of swords

  • be brave and bold. maybe you generally like to think things through or stay in your comfort zone. however ambition and courage will go a long way for you at this time. you’re being encouraged to take risks and embrace changes even if they feel uncomfortable at first. make quick decisions that are true to yourself and jump on any opportunities presented to you.


eight of wands

  • you may be feeling things progress very quickly. that could mean being rushed and busy at work, a relationship developing fast and suddenly, or even travel - either way the universe is trying to teach you something through these experiences, and it is all happening for a reason. accept any movement and changes in your life - it means you’re moving forward.

THANK YOU!! please like and reblog if anything resonated!! <3

personal readings shop.

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