


Looking for Witches

If you are active, kind, and post about any of the following please reblog. My dash has been kind of dead lately



Grimoire/Book of Shadows


Witchy Recipes

Altar stuff


Or if you want a witchy mutual please reblog ✨


The Celtic world included Ireland, Britain, and a large section of the mainland

Aine: Goddess of love and fertility; encouraged human love; has command over crops and animals; daughter of Eogabail  

Amaethon: God of agriculture 

Anu or Danu/Dana: Mother goddess 

Aonghus: God of love; son of Dagda and Boann

Badb: Irish goddess of battle; could influence the outcome of conflict by inspiring fear or bravery in warriors

Balor: The one-eyed god of death, everyone he looked upon was destroyed

Belenus or Bel: Sun god; appears throughout the Celtic world in different forms; Beltaine celebrates him 

Boann: Water goddess; mother of Aonghus

Brigantia: Chief goddess of Brigantes tribe; associated with water, war and healing

Brigid/Brigit: Goddess of healing and fertility; said to help women during labor; possibly same goddess as Brigantia 

Camulos: God of war mostly worshiped in Belgium areas; said to wield an invincible sword

Ceridwen: Goddess of fertility

Cernunnos: God of wild animals, forest, and plenty; possibly also the god of death; known as the horned one

Cliodhna: Goddess of beauty; her three birds could sing the sick to sleep and heal them 

Dagda: The great god; could restore the dead to life

Dian Cecht: God of healing 

Don: Welsh version of Dana

Donn: God of the dead

Dylan: Sea god

Epona: Horse goddess

The Formorii: Sea gods; violent and misshapen

Goibhniu: Smith god 

Lir: God of sea, healing  and magic 

Lugh: Sun god (Ireland)

Lugus:  Sun god (France and Britain) 

Mac Cecht: God of eloquence

Macha: One of the war goddess

Manannan Mac Lir: Sea god; could stir up or soothe the sea

Manawydan: Welsh sea god, extremely similar to Manannan

Morrigan/Morrigu: Goddess of death on the battlefield 

Nechtan: Water god 

Nemain: Goddess of war

Nemglan: Bird god

Nodens: God of healing; owned magic healing hounds

Ogma: God of eloquence; creating of Ogham, the oldest writing system in Ireland

Taranis: Name means thunderer; Romans equated him to Jupiter; symbol was the wheel

Teutates or Toutatis: Romans equated him to Mars

**Not all inclusive 

All information gathered from “The Illustrated Encyclopedia of World Mythology by Arthur Cotterell and Rachel Storm 


* Wear lots of green

* Have a bonfire and fill it with fragrant incense, flowers, and sacred woods

* Bake tiny colorful cookies (with flowers, if you can!) and offer them to your local fae

* The veil is the thinnest this time of year - the only other time it’s this thin is during Samhain. Venerate and honor the spirits, and guard against malicious ones with salt along your windowsills or doors

* Wash your face with the morning dew to fill yourself with beauty

* Eat sexually suggestive foods or aphrodisiacs

* Dance. Dance a LOT. Turn on some drum-heavy music and let loose. Do it alone in your room at night, if you have to. 

* Go talk to all your local plants and give them little offerings of water. Blessed water charged with a quartz crystal would be extra nice.

* Do a tarot reading for yourself (or have someone else do it for you). This is a wonderful time of year for divination!

* Buy flowers. Pick flowers. Wear flowers. BE FLOWERS.

* You don’t have to have sex to have a legitimate Beltane, but you can always show yourself some love if ya know what I mean *wink wink*

* This is a holiday of sensual pleasure. That doesn’t necessarily mean sex - it means really indulge your senses. Take a hot, luxurious bath. Dance until you work up a sweat. Eat foods that you love and crave. Smell the flowers, feel your bare feet in the grass, splash your face with fresh water. FEEL the world around you - the spirits are alive and active on Beltane! Engage your emotional, intuitive, sensual side and you might catch a glimpse of one or two.

* Reach out to friends you haven’t talked to in awhile. Strike up a friendly conversation. Celebrate friendship!

* Meditate with crystals that open your third-eye or specifically relate to the fairy or devic realms - chlorite phantom quartz, moss agate, rainforest jasper, green diopside, spirit quartz, azeztulite, most green crystals, prehnite, a rock you found someplace outdoors that feels charged with earth energy - you choose!

* Perform solitary spells for abundance, protection, fertility, romance, love, sex, and divination!

* Plant seeds and start a magickal garden. There are lots of plants you can grow indoors pretty easily that have magickal properties.

* Dedicate an altar to Flora, Cernunnos, Bes, Pan, Hera, etc - any deity you can think of who rules fertility, marriage, romance, and abundance! 

Hope you all have a wonderful Beltane!!!


  • Commonly referred to as DruidismorDruidry, both terms are incorrect.
  • ADruidis a political title within the Celtic Polytheistic religions equivalent to that of a priest/priestess.
  • A practitioner of Celtic Polytheism is not called a Druid. Not unless that practitioner is a priest or counselor to other Celtic Polytheists.
  • Despite common belief, Wicca, and Neo-Druidism are technically not Celtic religions; but rather Celtic inspired or influenced religions.
  • Celtic Polytheism is not witchcraft. A practitioner of Celtic Polytheism is never called a witch or a wizard.
  • Celtic Polytheism is actually a family of religions rather than a singular religion itself.
  • The religion branches are Gaelic Polytheism,Brythonic Polytheism,Gallaecian Polytheism&Celtiberian Polytheism,Gaulish Polytheism, and Pictish Polytheism.
  • Each of these religions have regional differences. For example, the gods and stories of Ireland, the Scottish Highlands, and the Isle of Man are mostly the same or similar with minor differences.
  • All of the Celtic Polytheistic religions are technically extinct, however many stories from Ireland, and Wales have survived in particular.
  • Modern Celtic religions are referred to as Celtic ReconstructionistPolytheism, or simply Celtic Reconstructionism.
  • There is not a common pantheon of gods, as there were many different gods in each religion. While some gods appear in multiple religions with different names, majority of Celtic gods are unique to their branches.

I am not a witch because of my religion, I am a witch because of my craft.
