#celtic magic



The Celtic world included Ireland, Britain, and a large section of the mainland

Aine: Goddess of love and fertility; encouraged human love; has command over crops and animals; daughter of Eogabail  

Amaethon: God of agriculture 

Anu or Danu/Dana: Mother goddess 

Aonghus: God of love; son of Dagda and Boann

Badb: Irish goddess of battle; could influence the outcome of conflict by inspiring fear or bravery in warriors

Balor: The one-eyed god of death, everyone he looked upon was destroyed

Belenus or Bel: Sun god; appears throughout the Celtic world in different forms; Beltaine celebrates him 

Boann: Water goddess; mother of Aonghus

Brigantia: Chief goddess of Brigantes tribe; associated with water, war and healing

Brigid/Brigit: Goddess of healing and fertility; said to help women during labor; possibly same goddess as Brigantia 

Camulos: God of war mostly worshiped in Belgium areas; said to wield an invincible sword

Ceridwen: Goddess of fertility

Cernunnos: God of wild animals, forest, and plenty; possibly also the god of death; known as the horned one

Cliodhna: Goddess of beauty; her three birds could sing the sick to sleep and heal them 

Dagda: The great god; could restore the dead to life

Dian Cecht: God of healing 

Don: Welsh version of Dana

Donn: God of the dead

Dylan: Sea god

Epona: Horse goddess

The Formorii: Sea gods; violent and misshapen

Goibhniu: Smith god 

Lir: God of sea, healing  and magic 

Lugh: Sun god (Ireland)

Lugus:  Sun god (France and Britain) 

Mac Cecht: God of eloquence

Macha: One of the war goddess

Manannan Mac Lir: Sea god; could stir up or soothe the sea

Manawydan: Welsh sea god, extremely similar to Manannan

Morrigan/Morrigu: Goddess of death on the battlefield 

Nechtan: Water god 

Nemain: Goddess of war

Nemglan: Bird god

Nodens: God of healing; owned magic healing hounds

Ogma: God of eloquence; creating of Ogham, the oldest writing system in Ireland

Taranis: Name means thunderer; Romans equated him to Jupiter; symbol was the wheel

Teutates or Toutatis: Romans equated him to Mars

**Not all inclusive 

All information gathered from “The Illustrated Encyclopedia of World Mythology by Arthur Cotterell and Rachel Storm 

Imbolc: 4 February 2020, 03:55

Exactly in between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. Commonly celebrated 2 February, it is the day the Sun crosses the middle degree of Aquarius: The Water Bearer (15°). This sabbat coincides with Catholic Candlemas, and is often celebrated similarly. We light candles to help bring us out of the darkness and into the light of the new year.

Ostara: 19 March 2020, 23:55

Beginning with the Sun in Aries: The Ram (0°), the first of the Zodiac wheel, we celebrate the first of the fire elementals. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, Ostara is the first day of spring, and a fertility celebration begins. This sabbat coincides with Catholic Easter, also a time of regeneration and being “born again.” This sabbat is commonly celebrated 21 March.

Beltane: 4 May 2020, 20:49

In the middle of the spring equinox and the summer solstice, Beltane starts at the midpoint of Taurus: The Bull (15°). At this point, spring is in full swing, and we are sowing the seeds not only of fertility, but also: projects, relationships, and more. This sabbat coincides with the Catholic May Day, a celebration of the Virgin Mary. This sabbat is commonly celebrated 1 May.

Litha: 20 June 2020, 17:44

The longest day of the year, the summer solstice marks the Sun at the beginning of Cancer: The Crab (0°). For three days, the Sun appears to stand still; for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, the Sun finishes its Northern journey and heads South. This sabbat stands on its own throughout the world, and the celebrations are unique to all traditions! This sabbat is commonly celebrated 21 June.

Lughnasadh (Lammas): 6 August 2020, 21:04

One of my favourite sabbats, Lammas begins when the Sun crosses the midpoint of Leo: The Lion (15°), between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox. The first of the fall harvest festivals, we begin transitioning from the heat of summer and harvest the fruits of our labours. This is a Gaelic festival, so its unique in its traditions. This sabbat is commonly celebrated 1 August.

Mabon: 22 September 2020, 09:31

The official first day of autumn, the Sun starts in Libra: The Weighing Scales (0°). The day and night are equal, and we bring the light into our homes in preparation for the upcoming darkness. We need reflect and regain balance in our lives. It is another holiday celebrated by many cultures, and is worth researching if you are interested in a specific discipline! This sabbat is commonly celebrated 21 September.

Samhain: 7 November 2020, 17:56

The veil is at its thinnest in between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice, when the Sun passes the midpoint of Scorpio: The Scorpion (15°). Considered the Witches New Year, Scorpio is about transformation and allows us to speak to the other side, when the veil is at its thinnest. At this point, the ancient farmers slaughtered animals they did not plan to keep through the winter, so we symbolically rid ourselves of things we no longer need or serve us. This sabbat is commonly celebrated 31 October - 1 November.

Yule: 21 December 2020, 05:02

The longest night of the year, the Sun starts in at Capricorn: The Goat (0°). From here on out, the days become longer. We rest, as nature does during hibernation, and allow ourselves to ready for rebirth in the spring. This sabbat coincides with Christmas, which also represents the birth of something new. This sabbat is commonly celebrated 21 December.

All dates are relative to the Northern Hemisphere, Eastern Standard Time. More time zones can be found at: https://www.archaeoastronomy.com/2020.html



Sunrise Witchcraft

☀️sunrise is the best time for: healing, positivity, happiness, anti-anxiety/depression, spirituality, self care/love, air magic, cleansing, soft energy/ positive energy amplifier, truth spells, protection, and peace

☀️sunrise associations: citrine, lemon, peaches, ginger, orange, morning dew, orange calcite, coffee, bergamot, lime, earl grey, mint, sage, cinnamon, grapefruit, morning glory, marigold, saffron, calendula, daylily, daisy, black tea, and frankincense

☀️tips and things to try:

yoga (especially sun salutations!)

sunbathe in the sunrise to cleanse and charge with positive energy

if you can’t wake up before/during sunrise, just leave your window blinds open to help you wake up naturally and/or to charge in the sunlight while you’re sleeping

this is a great time for tea and coffee magic

this is a great time to charge stones, especially sun-sensitive stones. (Here’s a post on solar stones)

listen to and charge with soft or acoustic music

spend some time outside, take some deep breaths of fresh air, enjoy the birds chirping, flowers, dew, fog, and the beautiful colors in the sky that sunrise brings

charge some lemon juice in the sunrise for extra boost of cleansing, positivity, and happiness properties (to make it stronger you can infuse it with mint or grapefruit, which both have similar properties and correspond with sunrise)

if you’re comfortable with it, leave an offering out for sunrise deities and dawn sprites & other sun fae

sunrise is a spiritual time, it’s the perfect time for meditation, exploring spirituality, astral travel, etc.

here’s my post on how to connect to the elements in the morning/dawn

☀️My sunrise recipes:

Sunrise tea: (has cleansing, happiness, positivity, energy boost, and protection properties)

1 part grapefruit (be careful if you’re on medication) optional

1 part sage or basil (whichever you prefer, both work)

1 part lemon

1 part orange

1 part mint

1 part hibiscus

Sunrise oil/diffuser blend: (helps you connect to the sunrise, and it’s energy. It has positivity, happiness, anti-depression/anxiety, glamour, cleansing, and love properties)





Dawn faeries/spirtes:

☀️What they’re like- human looking, lots of pinks (their skin as well as ‘clothes’), they love dancing during sunrise, waking up the animals and plants sweetly, happy attitude, gentle, they love dew, pink clouds, they have a soft yet sparkly pink glow (it feels warm but not hot), and can bring about peaceful and positive feelings

☀️Offerings- rose quartz!!!, grapefruit, pink chyroprase, pink roses, peaches, peach roses, peony, geranium, hibiscus, marigold

☀️Deities associated with sunrise- Eos, Aurora, Hemera, Alectrona, Neaera, Mitra, Saranyu

