#the path


When Lorde said, “I thought I was a genius, but now I’m twenty-two.” and when Lorde said, “I’m tryna get well from the inside.” and when she said, “We had no idea the dreams we had were far too big.” and when she said, “‘Cause we are all broken and sad.”


Explanation of Reincarnation

•You are the universe.

•You are the universe expressing itself as a human being for a short time.

•You are the universe being aware of itself, seeing itself though your eyes.

•You are not the individual self / ego that you identify with. That’s just a role-playing game the Universe is playing.

•When the body dies, the ego dies and the illusion of an individual self dies too.

•But the Universe goes on, expressing itself in new and various ways.

•People die, and babies are born.

•You are the universe, you are life itself. You will not die, you will go on, expressing yourself and role-playing in various life after life.


* Wear lots of green

* Have a bonfire and fill it with fragrant incense, flowers, and sacred woods

* Bake tiny colorful cookies (with flowers, if you can!) and offer them to your local fae

* The veil is the thinnest this time of year - the only other time it’s this thin is during Samhain. Venerate and honor the spirits, and guard against malicious ones with salt along your windowsills or doors

* Wash your face with the morning dew to fill yourself with beauty

* Eat sexually suggestive foods or aphrodisiacs

* Dance. Dance a LOT. Turn on some drum-heavy music and let loose. Do it alone in your room at night, if you have to. 

* Go talk to all your local plants and give them little offerings of water. Blessed water charged with a quartz crystal would be extra nice.

* Do a tarot reading for yourself (or have someone else do it for you). This is a wonderful time of year for divination!

* Buy flowers. Pick flowers. Wear flowers. BE FLOWERS.

* You don’t have to have sex to have a legitimate Beltane, but you can always show yourself some love if ya know what I mean *wink wink*

* This is a holiday of sensual pleasure. That doesn’t necessarily mean sex - it means really indulge your senses. Take a hot, luxurious bath. Dance until you work up a sweat. Eat foods that you love and crave. Smell the flowers, feel your bare feet in the grass, splash your face with fresh water. FEEL the world around you - the spirits are alive and active on Beltane! Engage your emotional, intuitive, sensual side and you might catch a glimpse of one or two.

* Reach out to friends you haven’t talked to in awhile. Strike up a friendly conversation. Celebrate friendship!

* Meditate with crystals that open your third-eye or specifically relate to the fairy or devic realms - chlorite phantom quartz, moss agate, rainforest jasper, green diopside, spirit quartz, azeztulite, most green crystals, prehnite, a rock you found someplace outdoors that feels charged with earth energy - you choose!

* Perform solitary spells for abundance, protection, fertility, romance, love, sex, and divination!

* Plant seeds and start a magickal garden. There are lots of plants you can grow indoors pretty easily that have magickal properties.

* Dedicate an altar to Flora, Cernunnos, Bes, Pan, Hera, etc - any deity you can think of who rules fertility, marriage, romance, and abundance! 

Hope you all have a wonderful Beltane!!!


1. Meditate - still the mind, the breath, the heartbeat, open a channel through which the spirits can communicate if they wish to, listen.

2. Walk - honour the genii loci, notice the changing seasons, observe signs and omens, traverse the kingdoms of humanity, flora and fauna, give aid where it is needed.

3. Divine - build relationships with divinatory tools, sharpen skills, train intuition, ask questions, receive answers.

4. Invoke - the presence of spirits to assist in tasks, to protect on journeys, to grant guidance, maintain connections and uphold contracts.

5. Craft - use the hands to create, to construct, imbue each creation with spirit and purpose, a meal, a potion, a carving, a weaving, enchant the mundane and material.

6. Sing - the old songs, the power songs, the prayers, the chants, to heal, to awaken, to enforce, to ward, sing the sun to sleep and the moon to rising, sing in the bath, at the hearth, in the heart.

7. Read - widely and deeply, old and new, academic and popular, across boundaries and taboos, slowly and with full attention, take notes, research, reflect.

8. Write - record experiences, practices, thoughts. keep journals and grimoires, spellbooks and scripts, remember, elucidate, illuminate.

9. Draw - sigils and runes, symbols and signs. Carve, paint, scratch, blacken, redden, scrawl, in the sand, with salt, in the air, with chalk, ink, blood, charcoal, the mind.

10. Collect - herbs, woods, stones, feathers, bones, teeth, soil, the raw materials of natural magic, fill jars, boxes, bags, gather, forage, wildcraft, thrift, take that which is discarded, value the found over the bought.

11. Observe - the cycles of moon, sun, planets, stars, take heed with the eyes as well as the almanac, feel the sap rise, the birds migrate, the bulbs awaken, the leaves wither.

12. Renew - old spells, old wards, protections, and boundaries. Clean what is obscured, recast what has weakened, maintain what is working, replace what is lost. Tie up loose ends.

13. Communicate - with everything, stones, trees, spirits, the dead, that which grows in the garden and that which visits it, other practitioners, mentors, students, seekers, the younger self, the higher self, the wyrd. 

lakefaerie:Dried dandelion flowers I will be using them to make dandelion infused oil and a salve, ulakefaerie:Dried dandelion flowers I will be using them to make dandelion infused oil and a salve, u


Dried dandelion flowers I will be using them to make dandelion infused oil and a salve, useful for aching muscles/joints and dry skin.

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Sunrise Witchcraft

☀️sunrise is the best time for: healing, positivity, happiness, anti-anxiety/depression, spirituality, self care/love, air magic, cleansing, soft energy/ positive energy amplifier, truth spells, protection, and peace

☀️sunrise associations: citrine, lemon, peaches, ginger, orange, morning dew, orange calcite, coffee, bergamot, lime, earl grey, mint, sage, cinnamon, grapefruit, morning glory, marigold, saffron, calendula, daylily, daisy, black tea, and frankincense

☀️tips and things to try:

yoga (especially sun salutations!)

sunbathe in the sunrise to cleanse and charge with positive energy

if you can’t wake up before/during sunrise, just leave your window blinds open to help you wake up naturally and/or to charge in the sunlight while you’re sleeping

this is a great time for tea and coffee magic

this is a great time to charge stones, especially sun-sensitive stones. (Here’s a post on solar stones)

listen to and charge with soft or acoustic music

spend some time outside, take some deep breaths of fresh air, enjoy the birds chirping, flowers, dew, fog, and the beautiful colors in the sky that sunrise brings

charge some lemon juice in the sunrise for extra boost of cleansing, positivity, and happiness properties (to make it stronger you can infuse it with mint or grapefruit, which both have similar properties and correspond with sunrise)

if you’re comfortable with it, leave an offering out for sunrise deities and dawn sprites & other sun fae

sunrise is a spiritual time, it’s the perfect time for meditation, exploring spirituality, astral travel, etc.

here’s my post on how to connect to the elements in the morning/dawn

☀️My sunrise recipes:

Sunrise tea: (has cleansing, happiness, positivity, energy boost, and protection properties)

1 part grapefruit (be careful if you’re on medication) optional

1 part sage or basil (whichever you prefer, both work)

1 part lemon

1 part orange

1 part mint

1 part hibiscus

Sunrise oil/diffuser blend: (helps you connect to the sunrise, and it’s energy. It has positivity, happiness, anti-depression/anxiety, glamour, cleansing, and love properties)





Dawn faeries/spirtes:

☀️What they’re like- human looking, lots of pinks (their skin as well as ‘clothes’), they love dancing during sunrise, waking up the animals and plants sweetly, happy attitude, gentle, they love dew, pink clouds, they have a soft yet sparkly pink glow (it feels warm but not hot), and can bring about peaceful and positive feelings

☀️Offerings- rose quartz!!!, grapefruit, pink chyroprase, pink roses, peaches, peach roses, peony, geranium, hibiscus, marigold

☀️Deities associated with sunrise- Eos, Aurora, Hemera, Alectrona, Neaera, Mitra, Saranyu


 Claire Danes, Hugh DancyOutsider Art Fair New York 2020 VIP PreviewThu, Jan 16 2020 Claire Danes, Hugh DancyOutsider Art Fair New York 2020 VIP PreviewThu, Jan 16 2020

Claire Danes, Hugh Dancy

Outsider Art Fair New York 2020 VIP PreviewThu, Jan 16 2020

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follow me on my other social media to get more arts (fandom and original) mainly I use instagram and

follow me on my other social media to get more arts (fandom and original) mainly I use instagram and VK (@takanodem) 

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Hey HEU fandom, I’m thinking of watching The Path, can I get a summary from y'all’s perspective? I’d have to get Hulu to watch it and I want to be sure before I buy anything, even if it’s to see Hugh Dancy playing a cult leader.

(Also are there any other good Hugh Dancy or Mads Mikkelsen media on Hulu? )







I know I’ve talked about it before but it never ceases to amaze me that the city of Toronto created this labyrinthine series of underground walkways that stretch for kilometres under the heart of downtown and they called it the fucking PATH. like how much more ominous could that even be. It doesn’t even stand for anything it’s just the PATH, all caps. What fucking fae named this artisanal bakery maze.

@asimovsideburns​ #it doesn’t even stand for anything????? 

It doesn’t!!! even stand!! for anything!!!

“PATH is downtown Toronto’s enclosed pedestrian walkway linking 29 kilometres of shopping, services and entertainment connecting Toronto Coach Terminal to Maple Leaf Square/Air Canada Centre. The Acronym (PATH)doesnotstand for anything - just signals that there is a pathway.”

Like I always lose my mind at this. If it doesn’t stand for anything it’s not an acronym Toronto!!Toronto!!!!!!!!!

Copying my tags:


I’m not exaggerating about the part without a ceiling:


This is, by the way, right under Bay & Bloor, dead centre of the city and some of the most expensive real estate in Canada. It radiates an incredible aura of menace.

Okay far more poeple have reblogged this than I thought and I just wanted to clarify- the horror of the PATH is not that it all looks like a spooky basement where you’re about to get murdered. There ARE spots like that, but to understand the ~vibe~ of the PATH, you have to understand that it is essentially one very large mall co-designed by like, 70+ different corperations who all have different aesthetics. SO, the PATH looks like that, but it alsolooks like this

and like this

and like this

and like this

Here’s an entrance to the PATH at Union

And here’s another- alsoat Union

And here’s another a few blocks away, though tbh I have never been able to enter here because it always seems to be locked, no matter how much I want Wendy’s that day. 

And you’d thinkthese mixed aesthetics would make it easier to navigate, or at least figure out whereyou are, but again, there are over 70 different entities designing this shit and not one original thought between them. So while you may well know when you step from one property to the next, whatever the look of your current section it’s more than likely they’re a nigh identical section somewhere further just to confound your mortal sense. 

Basically, everyone tagging this with the Magnus Archives is very correct- If any place on earth could be the true domain of the Spiral it’s the PATH, and it’s just a shame Jonny didn’t know about it before the show wrapped up. 

Oh my God

It’s actually a great illustration of the failures of capitalism. The PATH isn’t something designed by the city, instead each building has their own section. And because of that, the signage isn’t just inconsistent, it’s actively hostile to you leaving that section. Every incentive points towards keeping you in that one area and not making it easy to find another building.

Also one time I tried to leave the PATH at night through a small set of double doors and while the doors leading to a small atrium opened, the doors leading to the outside were locked, and had I not caught the first doors before they closed I would’ve been trapped in an unheated 2m square between-space, neither in the PATH nor out of it, overnight

I agree that the PATH is a pain to navigate, and indeed designed to keep you locked in a never-ending spiral of consumerism and despair, but it’s possible to get from point A to point B with a reasonable degree of success by navigating via corporate landmarks rather than streets or cardinal directions.

First you need a map of the place, either save one on your phone or take a photo the first time you find one in person (they are infrequent and hidden, again the PATH does not want you to leave, but they do exist). You want one of the stylized, simplified PATH maps, google maps is too literal and has no power here.

Then you need to chart your course via official Capitalist Approved Building Names, using the lines that indicate which are connected. Say you’re traveling from Union Station to the Sheraton Hotel, where they’re hosting a lovely tabletop gaming convention. Your PATH-path becomes Royal Bank Plaza (South Tower > North Tower) > Toronto-Dominion Centre (TD Waterhouse Tower > TD Dominion Bank Tower > Royal Trust Tower) > First Canadian Place > Exchange Tower > 130 Adelaide West > Richmond Adelaide Complex > Victory Building/Sheraton Centre Hotel. The key is to look only for signage for the NEXT step in your journey; you will not find signs for 130 Adelaide in the Royal Bank Plaza, but you should find them in the Exchange Tower. Ignore cardinal directions and street signs, they cannot help you now.

This method also works in the Montreal RESO, and probably other capitalist maze-hells that keep you out of the freezing cold. It usually gets me where I need to be as a tourist, though not always at great speed.

Hugh Dancy is brilliant, but the material he is given; the show that surrounds him - it’s pretty ordinary. A TV show about religion will always demand I watch the first episode. A cult? Most TV shows about religion are about cults, but irregardless I am there.


This show is about heterosexuality in a way that I am so fucking bored by. Infidelity, kids, teenage boys and their fucking dads,choosing the wrong guy. Plus, the cult stuff is fucking vague and not as stomach turning as the music intrusively insists.

The main dilemma seems to be is this old man really in seclusion finishing the final steps of the path or is he dead. Knowing the atrocities that can flower in a cult, this old man’s mortality seems a particularly uninspired choice as the catalyst for a crisis of conscious. Especially since it’s all wrapped up in a hallucination.

I mean Hugh Dancy is brilliant. His boiling disgust for the world that he calls love. The rage at everyone who isn’t disciplined when that is the only thing he believes matters.

But then there is a sexually abused teenage girl who wants nothing more than to blow him and he lets her after beating up her pimp who is her dad. Like that is disgusting in a way I’ve not seen since TRUE DETECTIVE season 1 showed us that through the sexual horrors visited on the bodies of young girls, two straight men can learn to be better friends. And fuck your whore wife who had the audacity of being a person with feelings. She really screwed up your friendship with your bro there for awhile.

so basically THE PATH is trash? idk

 http://ThePath-game.com - In honor of the 8th Anniversary of The Path, we are having a sale. Have a

http://ThePath-game.com - In honor of the 8th Anniversary of The Path, we are having a sale. Have adventures with Red Girls and Wolves in the deep dark woods for 30% off!

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Okay it’s been a few months, the songs have resonated, so I’m asking again:

What is everyone’s favorite song on Solar Power?

I think my top 3 are:

  1. Dominoes
  2. Secrets From A Girl (Who’s Seen it All)
  3. Stoned at the Nail Salon
There. Much better.like or reblog if you useThere. Much better.like or reblog if you useThere. Much better.like or reblog if you useThere. Much better.like or reblog if you useThere. Much better.like or reblog if you use

There. Much better.

like or reblog if you use

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the paththe paththe paththe path
happy new year to all of you guys!

happy new year to all of you guys!

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tree-whisper: odditiesoflife:The Ancient Ones:  Oldest Living Organisms on EarthThe trees of thetree-whisper: odditiesoflife:The Ancient Ones:  Oldest Living Organisms on EarthThe trees of thetree-whisper: odditiesoflife:The Ancient Ones:  Oldest Living Organisms on EarthThe trees of thetree-whisper: odditiesoflife:The Ancient Ones:  Oldest Living Organisms on EarthThe trees of thetree-whisper: odditiesoflife:The Ancient Ones:  Oldest Living Organisms on EarthThe trees of the


The Ancient Ones:  Oldest Living Organisms on Earth

The trees of the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest, in the White Mountains near Bishop, California, are the oldest living recorded organisms on Earth. Many of the trees are over 2,000 years old, with the “Methuselah” tree dated at more than 4,773 years old. It was previously thought that this was the oldest tree in the world, but was superceded by the discovery of another bristlecone pine in the same area with an age of 5,063 years, giving it a germination date of 3051 BC.

These trees were young and growing at the time stone axes were being used in Europe, the Great Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops) was being built, and cuneiform clay tablets were being used in northern Syria.


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