#check please


The first time he comes to Hops’ house over Christmas, Louis absolutely short-circuits when he’s offered food.

If you would have suggested the idea of getting involved with the fine arts department his freshman year, Dex… probably would have… probably not laughed. But he definitely would have scowled and asked if it’s Nursey idea of a joke.

Three years later, the absolute irony of William Jacob “I expected it to be weird and it was” Poindexter is not just participating in Samwell’s 2018 Senior Show but being one of the headliners (despite not even majoring in a fine arts field) is not lost on the SMH… especially Dex.

The only one not particularly baffled is Lardo.

coachzimms: may i offer you a dex in these trying times


may i offer you a dex in these trying times

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Y'all know about Dex using 2-in-1.

Allow me to present Chowder simply using the body wash for everything.

Cursed scenario for y'all. Check Please does become a live-action TV show, but there are only two options:

It gets picked up by one of the major broadcast channels (ABC/NBC/CBS/etc)… for the daytime soap block.

The other option is that it is picked up by the CW.

spacefeels:Merry Christmas! For Chris “Chowder” Chow, my fave Wellie, prince of babs, fictional go


Merry Christmas! For Chris “Chowder” Chow, my fave Wellie, prince of babs, fictional goalie of my heart, a gift of holiday-appropriate SJ Sharks apparel (◡‿◡✿) 3 guesses which Samwell men’s hockey team upperclassman gifted him that (Bitty, it’s Bitty)

for those heretofore unacquainted, a gift from me to you: Check, Please! treat yourself and go read it, merry xmas, you’re welcome

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channeling my inner Bitty for the update today

channeling my inner Bitty for the update today

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My friend @sunlightsymphony​ has made a beautiful podfic of Lonesome Road - it’s a joy to listen to.  This angsty Zimbits fic with a happy ending is one of my favorites.  I wrote it for the Heartbreak Fest in 2017, so please note the tags/tw.  Enjoy the podfic, it’s amazing!

Summary:  After rehab, Jack leaves home, unable to face his parents and the legacy he failed to uphold. He gets work as a truck driver and enjoys the relative solitude of it for a few years, until the day he picks up a hitch-hiking runaway from Georgia.

Sunday Six: The Robert Lawrence Book Club

Y'all,@the-wordbutler’s birthday is finally nigh!!! That means a couple more snippets of birthday fic.




are we forming a book club?

i’ve always wanted to be in a book club!


You ahve?


man, who DOESN’T want to sit around with wine & cheese saying, “Well, I didn’t actually read this” then have a bunch of bullshit opinions about it anyway

We✨do not✨deserve✨Larissa Duan

bruh, that was literally every paper you wrote in college. except replace “wine & cheese” with “tub juice & bagel bites”


you wound me lardo

Nobody tagged me in the “show your top 3 Additional Tags on ao3” meme, but I’ve seen enough people say “consider yourself tagged to CONSIDER MYSELF TAGGED, so:

Canon divergence: hell yeah

First kiss: yup sounds right

Food: …food? What the— :eyes Eric Richard Bittle, cheerfully stress-baking his way through life: yeah okay. Food.

If you wanna play… consider yourself tagged!
