#check please



24 Hours Left!

This is it, folks! The most heated bidding happens at the end, so keep an eye on those spreadsheets!

A few reminders as we go into the last day:

  1. Don’t forget to check our Golden Needle tag for auctions that have flown under the radar and not yet received bids!
  2. Auctions end at 8pm EST. It is impossible to close all the forms simultaneously, so some may not be closed until as late as 8:05. Any bids that register on the spreadsheet with a timestamp later than 20:00:05 EST will not be counted. It can take a few seconds for a bid to process, so this means that some bids placed at 19:59:59 won’t process in time and some placed at 20:00:02 will. We cannot control this, and we have no way of knowing when you hit the button. All we know is when the form processed it and put it on the sheet. The only really fair thing we can do is to declare a cutoff time in advance and stick to it.
  3. Do not contact your creator/bidder until we contact you. Bidders, you will get an email within a day of the end of the auctions with a list of your high bids. Creators, we will let you know when your bidders donate. When bidders and creators cut us out of the contact loop, or try to do things out of order, it often does not go well.
  4. If you did not win your auctions, you can still contribute to our causes! We will be posting information tomorrow about making donations to support ROFL - our Regiment of Fan Laborers who have signed up to give beta and other fan labor support to FTH creators throughout the coming year.
  5. OurFan Crafters will continue taking orders until Friday, if you’re hoping to grab a physical craft for your donation!
  6. Whether your donation is from an auction, the ROFL pool, or a fan crafter, all donations will be due Sunday, March 6. Please plan accordingly!

Thank you so much to all our creators, bidders, and everyone who’s helped boost the auction! Good luck with those last-minute bids!

Come check out my auction for Fandom Trumps Hate here.

Type of fanwork: Written
Fandom(s):Check Please!, Star Wars: Prequel Trilogy
Highest rating: M (Mature)
Length/scope:5 -10k words

Especially interested in: Anakin/Padme, Bitty/Kent, Bitty/Jack, Bitty/Tater, themes that I’m interested in change by the pairing and chemistry, I’m also happy to write Gen, nuanced themes, angst, fluff, usually a combination of angst and fluff

Unwilling to address: Kent/Jack, Anakin/Obi-Wan, Anakin critical, Kent Parson bashing

Notes: I love nuanced themes and discussions that can be very angsty. Anything that explores a character and their choices more in depth. That being said, if you want something that’s pure fluff, I am always up for it. I’m very much not here for hating on Anakin or Padme, or their relationship. I’m also not interested in too much hate towards the Jedi Order. Nuance is where it is at for me. If you are looking for Check Please, I have tons of AU ideas. I am in love with Bitty. If you need help with ideas for Check Please, I created an entire prompts list in my tumblr that you can check out.

Minimum Bid: $5


Check Please offerings in Fandom Trumps Hate

Check Please fandom! @fandomtrumpshate is back, bigger and better than ever! (Bigger for sure; better is a guess.) Here’s a brief listing of all the available auction items in the Check Please fandom with links to find out more. 




  • RattleandHum is offering 20k-50k of podfic, details here
  • Aliteralgarbageheap is offering 1k of podfic per $5, details here

Fan labor (these are all listed as “Any fandom” but are being offered by people who I know are in the Check Please fandom): 

  • @denois is offering specialist expertise in accounting and college instruction in the US, for a fic of 20k-50k, details here
  • @cricketnationrise is offering specialist expertise in theater (perfect for a fic focusing on Ford, or for a theater AU!), details here
  • I (lincyclopedia) am offering beta services, America-picking, and specialist expertise regarding autism (I am autistic), for a fic of 10k-20k, details here

Especially if you’re looking for fan labor or fanart, you may have luck looking at the “Any fandom” tag as well! I am so excited for bidding to open tomorrow!

bisexualnursey: I am relieved that I’d left my room tidyGoodbye…Last Words of a Shooting Star - Mitsbisexualnursey: I am relieved that I’d left my room tidyGoodbye…Last Words of a Shooting Star - Mitsbisexualnursey: I am relieved that I’d left my room tidyGoodbye…Last Words of a Shooting Star - Mitsbisexualnursey: I am relieved that I’d left my room tidyGoodbye…Last Words of a Shooting Star - Mitsbisexualnursey: I am relieved that I’d left my room tidyGoodbye…Last Words of a Shooting Star - Mitsbisexualnursey: I am relieved that I’d left my room tidyGoodbye…Last Words of a Shooting Star - Mitsbisexualnursey: I am relieved that I’d left my room tidyGoodbye…Last Words of a Shooting Star - Mits


I am relieved that I’d left my room tidy

Last Words of a Shooting Star - Mitski

Post link


you think you can slack off on day 2 rans?? They ain’t gonna light themselves

Reading how Coach is written, I really appreciate how Ngozi doesn’t completely butcher/overdo the southern accent in the comic. I’ve read far too much shit where Bitty/Coach/Suzanne are made to sound like “yall don hardly godda say thayut even” when in reality, it’s far more subtle. As a general rule we do not, in fact, talk like the goddamn Beverly Hillbillies

omgpieplease: Jack Zimmermann, Stanley Cup Champion (six months after coming out by kissing his boyf


Jack Zimmermann, Stanley Cup Champion (six months after coming out by kissing his boyfriend on national television) warming up at the new year’s Winter Classic.

(watercolor, gouache, colored pencil)
(Inspired by these gorgeous photos of the 2014 Winter Classic)

My other Check Please stuff

Post link
unconventional-turtle: Everyone be quiet I’m thinking about how similar they look hereunconventional-turtle: Everyone be quiet I’m thinking about how similar they look here


Everyone be quiet I’m thinking about how similar they look here

Post link


OKAY HI, THOUGHTS @adambirkholtz​ had an excellent post about symbolism and the number that Bitty wears in his flashback and it got me thinking about Bitty’s football position and i went off in the tags (soz about that em) but here’s a post ab it, idk if anyone else has ever said anything about this but here’s what i remembered about that update

 so i don’t know a wholelot about football, it is neither my primary nor my secondary nor my tertiary sport, but i know enough that this is something i just realized. 

So Bitty wears no. 15 in the flashback in Checkand yeah it’s a concussion induced flashback so maybe he’s just wearing no. 15 because that’s his number, but I also think it means something


(also sidenote he’s adorable)

and in football you only kind of get to choose your numbers, basically your number correlates to your position and there’s a range you can pick from/be assigned. All that’s important to know here is that quarterbacks wear numbers from 0-19. 

So, Bitty was a quarterback. and here’s the thing about a quarterback. Traditionally it is the safest and most secure position in football. If your teammates are playing the game right, no one should ever lay a hand on you unless it’s part of the play. You should still be able to hold your own, but you’re protected. As a quarterback, your job is to call signals and communicate with your team and guide the play. Quarterback canbe small, especially in youth sports because what’s really important is your ability to throw the ball and understand plays. 

So all that being said



should almost neverhappen. 

There are specific members of a football team whose entire job it is to protect the quarterback and for this to have happened, they were either really bad, orthey intentionally let Bitty get hurt. 

I don’t think Bitty’s fear of physicality came from simply playing football, it came from being on a team where no one had his back even though positionally, they were absolutely supposed to. It’s not that he’s just afraid of getting hurt or getting hit, he’s afraid of being abandoned and alone and left to fend for himself while he’s playing a team sport. 

It makes SMH’s unofficial motto of “got your back” mean just a little bit more


lmao just. the energy jack is coming in with what if bitty had been in his room? like jack was just gonna scream his feelings in his face? ksjdjsjjs




There’s an article about LGBTQ webcomics on NHL.COM!

Gaby AKA @pichikui and I talked with NHL.com Staff Writer Bill Douglas about our LGBTQ hockey comics and our interest in hockey!! SO COOL.

 I got a new graphics tablet yesterday (!!!!!!!) and I decided to celebrate/test it by drawing some

I got a new graphics tablet yesterday (!!!!!!!) and I decided to celebrate/test it by drawing some Californian sunshine

Post link


okay but what if whiskey going to mass with tango on easter being his first time ever? going to mass and he went because tango goes every sunday and tango invited him and the point of this post is imagine tango telling whiskey when to stand and sit and kneel and whiskey like leaning over and whispering “what’s going on” or just asking questions and tango telling him what everything means that’s all

OH my god, Whiskey being totally caught of guard when everyone does the sign of peace. Just like, why are all these old people smiling at me and wishing me peace? Tango I’m scared

omgcheckplease: And the rest of the Year Two Kickstarter bookplates! - Las Vegas Aces on a BOAT- Jac


And the rest of the Year Two Kickstarter bookplates!

- Las Vegas Aces on a BOAT
- Jack and Bitty, a wee bit older
- Dex had to let Nursey know that last shot? Clutch!
- Nursey, the enlightener. And they didn’t even argue later.
- Frozen lakes and kisses
- Why Do Teenage Boys Do Dumb Stuff To Their Hair?
- A kiss for good luck
- The original OTP

Post link

It’s Only a Change of Time (2446 words) by Sophia_Prester
Chapters: 1/15
Fandom:Check Please! (Webcomic)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Eric “Bitty” Bittle/Jack Zimmermann, past jack/kent - Relationship, offscreen Jack Zimmermann/Camilla Collins
Characters: Jack Zimmermann, John Johnson (Check Please!), Eric “Bitty” Bittle, Shitty Knight, Kent “Parse” Parson, Coach Hall (Check Please!), Bob Zimmermann, Alicia Zimmermann
Additional Tags: Stanley Cup magic AU, Angst with a Happy Ending, Psychological Horror, Non-Linear Narrative, Alternate Histories, Metaphysical Shenanigans, references to drug abuse, Rehab, memory problems, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Unrequited Love, Temporary Character Death, Violence, Injury, hockey history, RL players are mentioned/used for plot purposes but do not actually appear, Fluff

Every hockey player knows the Stanley Cup is supposed to be magic.

Most of them know the stories about wishes and curses and visions of things that never happened.

A few players know for themselves what the Cup’s magic can do.

What no one knows is what the Cup’s magic is.

What it is, is old. Powerful. Dangerous.

And it has been waiting for someone like Jack Zimmermann for a very long time.

Too bad Jack can’t remember why. Or what he’s supposed to do about it.

Paradise Found

A Zimbits AU by Wrath of the Stag(@wrathofthestag)

Summary:  When Jack met Bitty at the Paradise Found club, he thought he had found a perfect dance partner—then one misunderstanding caused things to fall apart.  A story about what happens when you misjudge someone but eventually open yourself up to friendship and love.

Characters:  Jack Zimmermann, Eric Bittle, Shitty Knight, Lardo Duan, Tater Mashkov

Tags: Enemies to Friends, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, First Impressions, falling in like, Bitty is a Little Shit, tater is a wingman, shitty and lardo are wingpeople, getting to know people a tiny Pride and Prejudice influence, pining, Awkward Jack, they both eventually get with the program

Rating:  Teen and Up.

Thisfic is completely written and will be posted every Wednesday.

Preview #15:


He glared at the desk, eyes widening when he saw a post-it with remember bittle scrawled on itin his own handwriting. For some unremembered reason, he had underlined it three times. He scoffed.

Right. ‘Remember Bittle.’ As if he could forget after yesterday’s shit-show.

Jack ignored the note (and the guilt) and prodded at his hand. He hoped like hell he hadn’t broken anything. That was the last thing he needed this early in the season. Not when he still had so much to prove. Not when he had to re-build the bridges he no doubt burned in Vancouver and Pittsburgh when he elected to stay at Samwell another year instead of accepting either team’s offer to play this season.

That, plus Papa’s visit yesterday, explained the dream he’d just woken from. Of course he would dream about winning the Cup. He rolled a phantom ache from his shoulder as he tried—and failed—to cling to the feeling of what it was like to hold the Cup overhead.

He laughed bitterly under his breath. Classic wish fulfillment, he heard in his therapist’s voice, even though he was fairly certain she had never said anything like that.

But if that was true, then how fucked up was it that he was wearing a Falconers jersey? The Falcs weren’t anywhere near being on his shortlist and the closest they had come to the Cup was last season. Not that squeaking past the Islanders into a wildcard spot only to be swept by the Pens in the first round counted as close.

He’d sooner go to Arizona than to Providence, so what the hell was his anxiety trying to get him to believe this time? That the best he could hope for anymore was a team that was halfway to being a punchline?

Posting for the FYFW event starts on April 5th, stay tuned !

Preview #14:

Maybe Just A Little Homo

@shadowysandwichphantom (AO3)

“Wait, bro,” Ransom says to Holster. “What if we do that link arm thing and feed it to each other?”

“What, like a married couple?” Holster asks. “Fuckin’ sick dude! Hell yeah.” Bitty watches as they both scoop up bites of pie and twist their arms together, laughing as they fight to shove their forks into each other’s mouths. He rolls his eyes.

“Really, boys,” he sighs, “you two are gayer than Jack and I.”

“Dude, don’t judge our bromance!” Holster tells him through a mouthful of pie.

“Well, y'all are slowly starting to take the ‘b’ out of it.”

“Nah, Bits,” Ransom says after finishing his bite. “This is a sure 'b’ romance.”

“Uh-huh,” Bitty says, deadpan. “Y'all are shapin’ up to be two solid bromosexuals in a bromantic relationship.” Ransom and Holster snap to look at each other, fire blazing in their eyes. Bitty sighs loudly, taking their plates. Holster drops from the barstool onto one knee, holding Ransom’s hand.

“Bromeo, Bromeo, I love you, no homeo,” Holster says dramatically. Ransom swoons.

“Oh dear Lord,” Bitty groans, leaving their half-cleaned plates in the sink.

Posting for the FYFW event starts on April 5th, stay tuned !
