#chinese learing


Hello all,

Sorry for my lack of posts, I have in fact been taking a mental break (i.e. giving my brain a rest so I don’ t burnout before September) as I have been accepted to study a master in business administration at Qingdao University :D :D I am so happy but also crapping it a bit because I think it is going to be quite full on. Best be putting my study tips on this blog to use then!! I am taking the summer to prepare my departure and spend time with family and friends (and catch up on TV/films that I wont have time to come September).

Remember it is always useful to give yourself regulated breaks even when studying for fun so you can give your brain a rest, it may even help your progress by coming back to study refreshed and more motivated :D

As I will be taking a flight tomorrow morning this post seems quite apt :)

Ideas for study:

  • Physical books or readers - make sure it’s not too hard a book that you’ll have to make notes for etc. that is more suited to when you have time and space at a desk
  • Audiobooks
  • Spaced repetition flashcards - can be done virtually anywhere - For Chinese I use Pleco and Anki, for French I use Anki
  • Load up your phone/MP3 with audio material
  • Pen + paper - you can write out characters, write a journal etc.
  • Read newspaper apps on your phone (the chairmans bao, dushu etc.)
  • Laptop with study material you can use offline (or with airport wifi)
    • download videos offline (IQIYI is like a netflix/youtube in China and has an offline download function on the computer and phone app)
    • save online grammar wiki pages offline in advance and make notes when out of wifi
    • in addition to studying words with flashcard software, I also have exported it to excel and am working on a list of example sentences which a) aids in remembering new vocabulary and b) helps to remember different circumstances it can be used it (I find there are some words I can tell you the English translation but have a hard time using the word myself). Once I have created example sentences I spend time writing these out so I can learn how to write the characters. This is what I shall be doing on the train and at the airport
    • NB* make sure your laptop is fully charged for your journey and charge whilst at the airport. Alternatively you can use your phone