

Modern Dramatists: Wole Soyinka

By: James Gibbs

another random pull. almost didn’t bring it along because i low key feared it would be too heavy, but it was oh too lovely! 

  • 4.0/5.0
  • i believe i would have enjoyed this text much more if i was familiar with more of brother soyinka’s works as well as details of afrikan political history. books such as this one truly embrace holistic education. in one experience i was informed & mildly educated on nigerian cultural, religious, & political history as well as radio & shakespearean playwright techniques.
  • if you love soyinka, nigeria, afrikan culture, or playwrights in general i would highly suggest taking the time to read this text. i would be interested in reading more synopses by gibbs because it read easily & truly seemed unbiased. it seems this text originated from an older siblings scholastic era. 