

I just thought the line delivery was funny, and also i have thought about changing Jin’s hair color because the rest of the arcana game/cast all are so colorful. Even Muriel has shiney greeeen eyes. I feel like jin is dull. My only problem is that i can’t think of color combos or anything to change jin’s color(s) to.

Defied gravity a bit to get this pic… Well, mainly just rotated the photo but i wanted to get a pic of my full set of the main Citrus series to conclude my little commentary series I did for all volumes. Plus I’m just still so happy to own physical copies of all volumes of the initial Citrus manga.


One thing I’ve always found kind of interesting is the fact Yuzu has brown eyes in the first volume cover until it’s updated to green in later volume covers. Just another fun example of a little detail I just love pointing out. Yuzu looks better with green eyes anyway.

Also I didn’t plan on getting Citrus + but I couldn’t resist after finding the first two volumes in a bookstore. Then I ended up getting volume 3 from Amazon and plan to get all other volumes on Amazon as they release as well.

I just really love Citrus so much.

This full color double glossy page at the end of volume 10 of Yuzu and Mei’s wedding is literally so beautiful. Especially since Mei has such a genuine happy smile on her face and they also seem to be wearing matching wedding dresses JUST like Yuzu talked about when they were in that dress shop. Right in the feels!

Mei can be so adorkably awkward sometimes… I love it.

Mei can be so adorkably awkward sometimes… I love it.

Yuzu goes a little overboard talking about she and Mei’s love life to the point where Mei gets openl

Yuzu goes a little overboard talking about she and Mei’s love life to the point where Mei gets openly pissed off about it and it’s honestly so hilarious to me. 

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✎ our little lemon’s room is ready for their arrival—any day now!!


if I were to do some more of my own arcana ychs, what would yall like to see?

keep in mind i am biased towards goats

previous examples that were priced way too low for the effort I put in but I’m a coward (18+)

peepaw getting it 1 |peepaw getting it 2

possible option I have no idea how to price bc its just your legs
