#closed captions included


Closed Captions Below:

/ Video Id Begins /

In this video an orange cat is leaning over the full sink of a bathroom counter, aggressively licking the water despite the owner trying to get the cat to stop by holding back its head.

You can hear the owner coming down from a fit of laughter as they begin saying in a sarcastic tone, “Please, for the love of god, stop drinking! You’re gonna drink us out of house and home!”

Afterwards, the video speeds up, demonstrating that he continued drinking for a long time, continuously lapping at the water until the video ends.

/ End Video ID /

And to this day,,, he is draining a local pond somewhere, presumably.

Closed Captions Below:

/ Video ID Begins /

The video begins with a close up of the person filming’s face staring into the camera. They’re wearing white iris contacts with black pupils, a black fake moustache, and a brown wig cut sharply into a male haircut. They begin by saying:

“Some people were telling me that some of my cosplays aren’t accurate, and you know I have almost got a million followers on this app (tiktok), so I just wanted to make sure that I’m providing you with all the content that you so crave. So I’ve done extensive research, and really put together an outfit that I think is cannon, and that I think you guys will really appreciate.”

The video quickly cuts off their voice and switches to two pictures of Mario, from the Mario Oddessy game, in which he’s wearing a white wedding dress and veil while posing dramatically.

It then switches once more to a broader shot of the person in a similar dress and veil, with noticeable fake chest hair, striking a pose. After posing for a brief moment, they fluff the dress with their hands and begin speaking to the camera again:

“Can you get more cannon?”

It then switches frames again to an even broader shot of the person from farther away in the room before they speak again:

“Do I look f*king fire?? I’m gonna wear this and I’m gonna kick bowser right in the d**k!”

They then end the video by mimicking Mario’s voice and saying “Here we go!” Before shrugging passive aggressively.

/ End Video ID /

Hey!! I did want to note in the video that they were passive aggressive in their speech as well but I didn’t know if I should include tone indicators or if adding stuff like that would ruin the joke or be overly descriptive if you get what I mean? I’m probably overthinking it and will probably add tone indicators or figure out a way to describe that they’re being sarcastic I guess? If anyone has any tips feel free to let me know I’m 100% still feeling this out.

Like for example, when the person says ‘can you get more canon?’ Or ‘so I’ve done extensive research’ etc were supposed to be sarcasm but I know there are people who rely on tone indicators so I’ll have to see if maybe I can include (/s) or “they sarcastically said x” for example to spruce it up? I’m probably also answering my own questions, whoops.

Closed Captions Below:

/ Video ID Begins /

For context, the video begins with a background track from comedian Bo Burnham’s new comedy special ‘Inside’, which features a segment where he laugh’s and the audio glitches out over and over again.

The person in the video is laying down in bed, miming to the audio with an overlay of text, a format frequently used on Tik Tok.

The person first mimes the laughter with an overlay text above their head that reads “finally having the courage to come out as bi(sexual)” before fake recoiling as the audio glitches and changes the text to “GENDER”.

/ End Video ID /

Closed Captions Below:

/ Video ID Begins /

The man in the video is wearing a pastel rainbow tie dye t-shirt, black SnapBack hat backwards, and obscure necklace.

He greenscreened himself to the left in front of a stock photo of a generic postal office, and begin’s by speaking in a monotone voice and a stoic facial expression: “Welcome to the shipping store how can I help you?”

There’s a small cut as he switches from the left to the right, signifying that it’s the customer responding, “Hello, I see on your sign outside that you can ship anything.”

The video cuts once again to him appearing on the left, continuing “We can ship stuff that makes sense, whatcha got for me?”

The customer responds, “Here’s a fun one, I need to ship my car.”

He whispers under his breath, “I’m not strong enough for this” before continuing in the same tone once again, “A car?”

Beyond this point he raises his volume with each response as his tone and facial expression get angrier until he’s screaming at the end:

The customer responds, “A car.”

“I can’t ship your car.”

“I’m moving I need to ship my car.”

“I cannot proceed with shipping your car.”

“Why can’t you ship my car?”

“Because it’s a whole car.”

“You guys said you can ship anything.”

“Yeah like paintings and birdhouses not your STATION WAGON.”

“How am I supposed to move my car to the next country over!?”

“You want us to put your car in a box and ship it to the next. county. over?”

“That is your job!”

“No it’s not that’s a stupid idea you’re a stupid person!”

“Give me your manager!”

“You are a stupid stupid person!”

/ End Video ID /

I’m officially back for CCing content again! :^) Hopefully this time I’ll keep up with it!

Please let me know if you have any tips or things I should change, I’d like to keep improving this as much as I can.

Closed Captions Below:

Beginning of Video ID:

The person in this video is sitting down, facing to the left, and talking at their camera.

They begin by saying “It’s the 25th day of pride! Here’s your reminder;

Things don’t magically get better. [PAUSE] Sometimes you have to put in work. Sometimes, you have to let the process do what it does. Sometimes you have to speak up. Sometimes you have to stay quiet. Sometimes, you’re alone in it, but most of the time you’re not. No matter what dichotomies you face in life, just know that, it’s going to be okay. And whatever you feel like is right, is right. I love you, happy pride.”

/ End Video ID

I wanted to make this my first video description to end off pride since I took a break :^) If there’s anything I should change or a better way to set up the Video ID let me know, I wanna make it pretty spiffy looking if I can <3




Person behind camera; *knock down one card* “Go.”
Other person;“Is your character mentally stable?”
Person behind Camera; *Looks at card* “Yes”
Other person; *Slaps down all but one card* “IT’S MOMO”

