#fuck customers


I warned ya.

Me: No we cannot do this for you because of xyz policy.

Customer:whinebitchmoanI wanna talk to a supervisor

Me: Alrightie but they’re gonna tell you what I told you

Him: I don’t like your tone warblegharble

Supervisor:tells him exactly what I told him

Closed Captions Below:

/ Video ID Begins /

The man in the video is wearing a pastel rainbow tie dye t-shirt, black SnapBack hat backwards, and obscure necklace.

He greenscreened himself to the left in front of a stock photo of a generic postal office, and begin’s by speaking in a monotone voice and a stoic facial expression: “Welcome to the shipping store how can I help you?”

There’s a small cut as he switches from the left to the right, signifying that it’s the customer responding, “Hello, I see on your sign outside that you can ship anything.”

The video cuts once again to him appearing on the left, continuing “We can ship stuff that makes sense, whatcha got for me?”

The customer responds, “Here’s a fun one, I need to ship my car.”

He whispers under his breath, “I’m not strong enough for this” before continuing in the same tone once again, “A car?”

Beyond this point he raises his volume with each response as his tone and facial expression get angrier until he’s screaming at the end:

The customer responds, “A car.”

“I can’t ship your car.”

“I’m moving I need to ship my car.”

“I cannot proceed with shipping your car.”

“Why can’t you ship my car?”

“Because it’s a whole car.”

“You guys said you can ship anything.”

“Yeah like paintings and birdhouses not your STATION WAGON.”

“How am I supposed to move my car to the next country over!?”

“You want us to put your car in a box and ship it to the next. county. over?”

“That is your job!”

“No it’s not that’s a stupid idea you’re a stupid person!”

“Give me your manager!”

“You are a stupid stupid person!”

/ End Video ID /

I’m officially back for CCing content again! :^) Hopefully this time I’ll keep up with it!

Please let me know if you have any tips or things I should change, I’d like to keep improving this as much as I can.

I am one of a small number of Spanish speakers at my store, so I often get asked to take over calls or head up to other floors to help with Spanish speaking customers who just can’t communicate in English or just prefer using Spanish. This past week I actually had a higher number of Spanish incidents than I usually do, and a couple of them were so funny.

First of all, I had to take over a phone call that shaved a few years off my life, because basically the person wanted to cancel their e-mail subscription (something that as a physical retail location we have nothing to do with, but I guided them through it regardless because why not?) because they were moving to Germany the next day and wouldn’t need it anymore. I helped them and everything was fine other than my questioning how you managed to get to a point where you’re moving to a whole other country but you can’t figure out how to unsubscribe from an email, but whatever, fair enough, we all have our qualms. The actual funny part of this came later on that same day when I was retelling the story to some coworkers, and as I was telling the story I started it off by saying that ya know, I greeted the person on the phone by saying “Hola cómo te puedo ayudar? Hi, how can I help you?” But then remembered none of my coworkers knew any Spanish so I’d be having to repeat the conversation twice in different languages the entire time if I didn’t decide to just use one language, so I decided to just drop the Spanish and continue my story in only English, so that what I next said was, “And then the customer was like, ‘I need to unsubscribe from your emails,’” which caused all of my coworkers to just die from laughter. They had misunderstood, they thought that because I had dropped using Spanish to retell the story, that likewise the customer, after being put on the phone with me, had just switched to English. As in like, they thought that maybe this person was like “oh no, I don’t wanna talk to no white people, I wanna talk to a latine.” Which like no, and god that would have been HILARIOUS if it was the case and almost kind of sad it wasn’t. The other funny incident was just the other day, I got a call from another coworker on a different floor who needed a Spanish speaker for a customer, he told me he was trying to see if she was willing to just talk to me over the phone, but she didn’t seem to be understanding what he was asking, and so I told him I’d be up soon, I just needed to pull my coworker from the register where she’d gone to help with the line, so that way we’d have someone on the floor while I went up. After a couple of minutes, almost five, I was able to pull her and then I headed upstairs to see if the customer was still there and needed help. Luckily she was still there, so I go up and in Spanish ask her how can I help her, to which she replies in the most monotone and dead voice possible, “Where is the exit?” no inflection, no emotion, no nothing, to the point it takes me a second to reply that the exit is down in the first floor, she then proceeds to ask me, in the exact same voice, if she can take the elevator, which is yet such another obvious answer that I just reply yes, and literally within 0.0000001 second she has turned away from me and has headed to the elevator to go back down, even though she had been several feet closer to the escalators that also would have taken her down probably faster than waiting for our slow ass elevators. And I was just like, this entire conversation was such a waste of my time that its only redeeming feature is that it got me a couple minutes of overtime.

I am a florist.

We are currently nearing the end of prom season. We are entering wedding season, and it is also the week after Mother’s Day. To say we’ve been swamped would be a total understatement. That’s ok, I love what I do and I love doing it. BUT

I have been making corsages for 7-8 hours a day, no breaks. I’m tired and my hands hurt. And YOU, miss customer, came in a day late. For those who don’t know, corsages and boutonnières are made to last approximately 24 hours. They’re cut small, have no water source, and are often doused in hot glue. One day. That’s it.

So this person comes in to pick up and I can’t find it in the system. “It was meant to be picked up yesterday” ok cool. That explains it. Found the order

I made it myself. I made 75% of them myself. She has a look and says “I asked for no baby’s breath”. It’s not on the order form, but nbd I can pick it out. There’s not much. “Also? These roses look kinda,, bad. Look at that. It’s wilting”

“Oh, I understand where you’re coming from, but pink spray roses have naturally wrinkled petals so this is how they look-“

“Wilted, then? They always look wilted?”

“Just wrinkled. I promise there’s nothing wrong with them. If you’d like I can remake it, but-“

“No I really don’t have time for that”

“…ok well-“

“You know I got pink roses in December and they did not look like this”

“Roses or spray roses? Pink roses look like all other varieties, it’s the spray petals that-“

“I don’t know. I don’t know. It’s fine.” *leaves*

Tell me you don’t know floristry without telling me you don’t know floristry. Smh.

And even if they were looking a little rough? Shits on her for not coming in at her pickup time. YESTERDAY.

Luckily the customers after her made fun of her after she left so :D

It’s me. I’m the idiot today.

I was doing a blowout (basically we take air hoses to a specific machine) and a coworker was told to hit the sides of the storage/conveyor tunnel.

“So what do I hit the storeveyor with?”

Nothing, it’s a blowout.

“No, like, the sides.”

*sees handprints on the metal* Well we have alcohol and paper towels but again, we really just need an air nozzle so–

“I’m asking the shift lead nvm”

It wasn’t until she came back with the shift lead and a big dead-blow hammer that I realized she was asking me about *physically* hitting the tunnel walls. She was asked to knock down chocolate chips that had gotten stuck inside the walls.
