

Just made a sb instagram!

My account is : sp0iledlagirl ♥️

I’ll only be accepting SW’s and will be making the majority of my updates on there from now on…..


Made it to Vegas!!! Staying at the Venetian this time around, I absolutely love the little suite we’re in. It’s 3:09 and I’m already drunk, when in Vegas ‍♀️

cocosugxr: Day 2 of my Vegas trip, and I’m having a blast. This guy is super genuine and thoughtful.cocosugxr: Day 2 of my Vegas trip, and I’m having a blast. This guy is super genuine and thoughtful.cocosugxr: Day 2 of my Vegas trip, and I’m having a blast. This guy is super genuine and thoughtful.cocosugxr: Day 2 of my Vegas trip, and I’m having a blast. This guy is super genuine and thoughtful.cocosugxr: Day 2 of my Vegas trip, and I’m having a blast. This guy is super genuine and thoughtful.cocosugxr: Day 2 of my Vegas trip, and I’m having a blast. This guy is super genuine and thoughtful.


Day 2 of my Vegas trip, and I’m having a blast. This guy is super genuine and thoughtful. This trip was so random and not something I would normally do for many reasons but it was so worth it and I’m happy I came


So I’m happy to say, I will be going on another trip with Vegas Bae, in a few weeks. I can not believe it has been a year since this post…literally so much has happened and changed. This trip will be filled with more cash, and more/better shopping. All in all, can’t wait, because this man is truly a sweetheart, and is actually enjoyable to be around, and I love Vegas.. such a magical little place. I’ll update either on the trip or when I return. xoxo

Post link

I’m starting to think my SD who gives me $1200/meet is actually an average joe who saves $1200 to see me. This is the third month in a row I’ve only seen him once a month….

Not complaining, I just find it funny …

Does anyone else feel some type of way, when the waiter pours the wine for the man first, and waits for him to taste and approve before pouring your glass..like I ordered this wine…yes he’s paying…but I ordered this shit..

Wow, Stud or Dud is down..

I just


Slowly cracking the code on how to sugar via Yelp

Will update in a week or so after testing it out a little more!

I know it has been well over a week, but here it is:

Step 1. Open Maps on your iPhone and zoom and click on Nice/expensive places in your area.

Note: you need to decide if you’re looking for clients that you likely won’t see unless they’re in town (click on nice hotels) or local POTs/clients (click on everything else ie: men’s clothing stores, cafes, bars, etc.)


Step 2: scroll to the bottom and click on “Find out more on yelp” I then look for menn who have left reviews. I usually look for older men who mention that they come to this place all the time, favorite spot, etc. avoid the people who just come to talk shit or talk about how pricy items are.


This review is okay, don’t necessarily like that he’s talking about saving on bloody Mary’s lol, but you get the picture.

Step 3: click on the profile.


Now I not only have access to the fact he lives in LA, (local POT) I have access to all the places he’s left a review aka PLACES where high quality men frequent aka freestyle spots!! There is also access to his friends which could lead to others like him.

I now know new places to freestyle for what I’m looking for, which is a local POT, that I can see frequently and can eventually become a SD/sponsor.

The next possible step to this could be to comment on his posts, make friends, etc etc… but my goal here isn’t to be engulfed in the Yelp world, my goal is to find legit places to freestyle in order to find local potentials.

I can say that I use this method every now and then, and have found some really nice places in LA that I’ve never even heard of, or that I was somewhat unsure of, and think it’s worth trying.

Let me know what you guys think, any tweaks, successes or failures.


One of my new found hobbies: Researching high paying jobs that interest me, looking at the minimum requirements, plan on meeting them..then exceeding them

Yes, someone’s dad will be funding my whole life, but I’m going to be my own rich bitch.

Has anyone got this message before?

I have yet to click on the link, and would like to know if it’s legit…

I doubt it, because these messages come to my sugar phone, and only POTs, SDs, and clients have this number.

Anyway, curious to know if anyone has gotten this, clicked on the link, or knows about it in general.

Excited for my trip with @kissesdaddy coming up in less than a month

Fun little birthday weekend!!

Finally 21 and loving it. If I’m being honest, sugaring hasn’t been too hard because I’ve had a fake ID, but now that I’m legally of age, I only see things getting better

Resume/Applying for Jobs Advice‍

Hey Heauxs, so I know this post isn’t sugar related, but as we all know, having multiple streams of income is only helpful in being a healthy and happy SW.

So after going through about 43 resumes with my supervisor today, I thought I’d drop some knowledge.

Note: Most of this is common sense, also, there are plenty of other helpful tips out there, this is just a list of what I encountered first hand today. These tips may not apply to all jobs, but still, pretty helpful information.

1. DON’T ask for a salary that is too huge for the position, ESPECIALLY if they mention the salary in the job description! (Ex: Our job posting says $55,000/year, there were people asking for $90-120k..those resumes were deleted off the bat)

2. If the job application REQUIRES a resume and a cover letter, do both! Better safe then sorry.

3. If you don’t not have some form of experience in the field you are applying to (preferably over a years worth) you probably won’t get the job

4. Make sure you submit you resume in a way that can be easily read! (One persons resume was getting cut off and another person had color designs, and the words couldn’t be read over the dark patterns)

5. To bounce off of that, limit the amount of patterns and designs you have UNLESS you are applying to a more creative field. If you are not, it is unprofessional.

6. They will google you, and look through your social media… pretty self explanatory what you need to do. Keep it PG13, PG if you can.

I will add more info as I get it. We started with 43, we are now at about 20 resumes (we have yet to review social media). My boss is going over the rest in detail and will likely chop another half, in which I will ask why, and make another post. Then it’s reviewing social media, and finally, interviews.

Slowly cracking the code on how to sugar via Yelp

Will update in a week or so after testing it out a little more!

When to talk about allowance on dating sites?

This is what works for me. Allowance talk usually goes 1 of 2 ways.

1. IF they have shown themselves to be generous and a quality person from the jump (ie: picking a nice resteraunt, offering/agreeing to pay for travel, expensive house/nice job/etc. when screening, great conversationalist, etc. then, I will wait for the end of the first date or right after they ask for a second date to bring up an allowance. This strategy allows for me to charm a worthy man in person, who’s likely to give me more after meeting, then had I just asked online. (Note: I would say only about 10% of the men I talk to on these sites meet this criteria.)

2. (Majority of my interactions) I just straight up ask within a few messages. Somewhat along the lines of “Hey I think we’re looking for the same things, what were you thinking allowance wise” or “what would you need from me in an arrangement, and what are you able to offer.” Of course more eloquently, but you get the just.

Remember you have this!! Stay strong, don’t settle, take his offer and double it, & if he can’t meet your needs, decline. I know survival sex workers exist, BUT if you can have a vanilla job in your back pocket, DO IT. You’ll be more mentally, and eventually, financially happy, if you’re able to decline low ball offers. Happy sugaring!!


“All the delicious chocolate is also quite expensive.”

There are 124 billionaires in California…. a little sad because of the odds (300,000:1) lol but I am certain I will find one

Putting my co-workers on to Stud or Dud for their little vanilla dates….

Me: “Here girl, he has a DUI, and lives in an apartment on Santa Monica Blvd.”

Them: “”

Just noticing that I have 1,200 followers!!

Thank you all for following my little sugar journey. Although I’ve been sugaring for years now, I’ve only had this blog for 8, maybe 9 months, and I am so happy I found this community.

Overall, I have much more to do, accomplish, and, of course, share. This year will really be focused on building my already growing savings account, investing in property, and doing as much research and preparation as humanly possible to successfully transition from SB to escort. 

I have hundreds of other goals that I will also be sharing here, and there, but these three are on my mind daily. Again, thank you for following and I so look forward to what 2019 will bring to me, and all of you!


Just finished my POT date

We met near Larchmont, he talked a mile a minute, I probably said a total of 9 sentences the whole dinner lol. He started to come off as a little “Braggy” but luckily it didn’t annoy me that much. I definitely see him being a very good mentor, especially when it comes to real estate (which is my 2019/2020 project). The night ended with me saying I’m going to call an Uber home, and him say “Here, I don’t want you to have to pay to come see me” & handing me a little stack of money…….literally music to my fucking ears. Like men don’t have an option, BUT I love not having to even ask.

All in all, he seems promising.


Happy New Year Heauxs

How I started my year off, how about you? Let’s all prosper and thrive to be the best, healthiest, happiest, richest versions of ourselves we can be.

2018, you were good to me, but 2019 is going to be better!


