#black sugar blog


Fun little birthday weekend!!

Finally 21 and loving it. If I’m being honest, sugaring hasn’t been too hard because I’ve had a fake ID, but now that I’m legally of age, I only see things getting better

Slowly cracking the code on how to sugar via Yelp

Will update in a week or so after testing it out a little more!

When to talk about allowance on dating sites?

This is what works for me. Allowance talk usually goes 1 of 2 ways.

1. IF they have shown themselves to be generous and a quality person from the jump (ie: picking a nice resteraunt, offering/agreeing to pay for travel, expensive house/nice job/etc. when screening, great conversationalist, etc. then, I will wait for the end of the first date or right after they ask for a second date to bring up an allowance. This strategy allows for me to charm a worthy man in person, who’s likely to give me more after meeting, then had I just asked online. (Note: I would say only about 10% of the men I talk to on these sites meet this criteria.)

2. (Majority of my interactions) I just straight up ask within a few messages. Somewhat along the lines of “Hey I think we’re looking for the same things, what were you thinking allowance wise” or “what would you need from me in an arrangement, and what are you able to offer.” Of course more eloquently, but you get the just.

Remember you have this!! Stay strong, don’t settle, take his offer and double it, & if he can’t meet your needs, decline. I know survival sex workers exist, BUT if you can have a vanilla job in your back pocket, DO IT. You’ll be more mentally, and eventually, financially happy, if you’re able to decline low ball offers. Happy sugaring!!


Just noticing that I have 1,200 followers!!

Thank you all for following my little sugar journey. Although I’ve been sugaring for years now, I’ve only had this blog for 8, maybe 9 months, and I am so happy I found this community.

Overall, I have much more to do, accomplish, and, of course, share. This year will really be focused on building my already growing savings account, investing in property, and doing as much research and preparation as humanly possible to successfully transition from SB to escort. 

I have hundreds of other goals that I will also be sharing here, and there, but these three are on my mind daily. Again, thank you for following and I so look forward to what 2019 will bring to me, and all of you!


Just finished my POT date

We met near Larchmont, he talked a mile a minute, I probably said a total of 9 sentences the whole dinner lol. He started to come off as a little “Braggy” but luckily it didn’t annoy me that much. I definitely see him being a very good mentor, especially when it comes to real estate (which is my 2019/2020 project). The night ended with me saying I’m going to call an Uber home, and him say “Here, I don’t want you to have to pay to come see me” & handing me a little stack of money…….literally music to my fucking ears. Like men don’t have an option, BUT I love not having to even ask.

All in all, he seems promising.


Happy New Year Heauxs

How I started my year off, how about you? Let’s all prosper and thrive to be the best, healthiest, happiest, richest versions of ourselves we can be.

2018, you were good to me, but 2019 is going to be better!



My Vanilla Job

I love my Vanilla Job mostly because:

It has given me extra mulaaa, on top of my sugar income.

I work at my dream school, which is where I plan to transfer to after I get my associates. This job will definitely help me get into the school.

Lastly, with this extra income, it has pushed me to a point where I never even get close to compromising with these Salts, b/c I’m really financially stable. Yes, I’m always looking to make more money, but I’m not in a place where I’ll get out of my comfy bed, for less than what I want.

I felt this way before the job, but now I’m just 100% comfortable, I can’t wait to share what’s coming in the future!

Happy sugaring ❤️xoxo

Me and Jersey broke up

Don’t really want to go into detail, but I will say this:

I will never ever wait on a man, nor will I ever be a second choice.

Anywhooo lol, I’m currently in San Francisco with one of my old SDs. He flew me out last night and I’m leaving Sunday. I’ll make another post with more updates later, we are on our way to Napa to do some wine tasting au revoir!! ✌


Had another amazing date with my SDBF aka Jersey. This man is so sweet, after about 5 really nice dates I finally decided we should do the do, and it was actually amazing. I feel like that was the perfect time frame to be intimate in this specific situation. Not so soon that he doesn’t respect me and not to long that he loses interest, plus he wants more so I have more to leverage.

Overall great date, and I can’t wait for him to take me to Greece later this year!!!

I’m honestly out here living my best life and taking niggas for everything they have…❗️
