
 Finished the flat colours on all my Colloydweek drawings today so thought I’d post some WiPs  Finished the flat colours on all my Colloydweek drawings today so thought I’d post some WiPs  Finished the flat colours on all my Colloydweek drawings today so thought I’d post some WiPs  Finished the flat colours on all my Colloydweek drawings today so thought I’d post some WiPs 

Finished the flat colours on all my Colloydweek drawings today so thought I’d post some WiPs 

One month to go!

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colloydweek: Thanks to everyone who has shown interest in joining this year’s Colloyd Week! Once agacolloydweek: Thanks to everyone who has shown interest in joining this year’s Colloyd Week! Once agacolloydweek: Thanks to everyone who has shown interest in joining this year’s Colloyd Week! Once agacolloydweek: Thanks to everyone who has shown interest in joining this year’s Colloyd Week! Once aga


Thanks to everyone who has shown interest in joining this year’s Colloyd Week! Once again, this will be held from June 9th-June 15th, 2022! To get started on your work, check out this year’s prompt list. Create your art, your fic, your meta, show off your favorite merch of them - anything that’s a celebration of the ship will be accepted. We’re also hosting this the event over on twitter at the account @ powblade!

As a bonus, here’s a few WIP sketches of how this year’s prompt list came to be - all made by the Tales artist @frayed-symphony!

We’ll be making a few reminder posts later so keep an eye out on this account. In the meantime, happy creating!

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july13th2004: Finally got around to playing the short Colloyd Dating Sim, ‘Eve of the Festival’, whijuly13th2004: Finally got around to playing the short Colloyd Dating Sim, ‘Eve of the Festival’, whijuly13th2004: Finally got around to playing the short Colloyd Dating Sim, ‘Eve of the Festival’, whijuly13th2004: Finally got around to playing the short Colloyd Dating Sim, ‘Eve of the Festival’, whijuly13th2004: Finally got around to playing the short Colloyd Dating Sim, ‘Eve of the Festival’, whijuly13th2004: Finally got around to playing the short Colloyd Dating Sim, ‘Eve of the Festival’, whijuly13th2004: Finally got around to playing the short Colloyd Dating Sim, ‘Eve of the Festival’, whi


Finally got around to playing the short Colloyd Dating Sim, ‘Eve of the Festival’, which you can download from a link in this post right here, and went a little overboard with the screenshots (which is why I’m making a separate post for it)! This was so cute!

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Yesterday was the last day for Colloyd Week 2022! We’ve gotten some amazing fanart,fanfic, and even a fan game for the angel couple! Thank you to all who participated and gave support! We’ll still be crossposting other pieces made for the event (AO3, twitter, etc.), so keep an eye on this blog!

Just like in other previous years, we’ll still be accepting any late entries for the event. All entries with the #colloydweekor#colloydweek2022 tag will be reblogged. You can also send in a message if we missed any!

If you’re still catching up to this year’s entries, check out all the tags below for easy browsing! 

Day 1: Soulmates

Day 2: Crystal

Day 3: Touch

Day 4: Cooking

Day 5: AU / Crossover 2022

Day 6: Quote Day - “Please, dream some good dreams for me, Lloyd.”

Day 7: Free Day / Colloyd Day 2022

Each year has resulted in amazing Lloyd/Colette creations, and we hope to keep the event going into the future. Once again, thank you to everyone who keep this fandom and this ship going!

 HAPPY COLLOYD DAY! So!! I made a short dating sim with writing by @umbry2000​! It’s only a 5-


So!! I made a short dating sim with writing by @umbry2000! It’s only a 5-10 minute read but there’sTHREEdifferent endings. Let us know which one you get with the hashtag #Colloyd Dating Sim!




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It is in winter that Lloyd first meets an angel with snow in her hair.
It is in spring that he takes her hand and pulls her through the rain.
It is in summer that he falls for her, sparks all around them.
It is in autumn that he knows hopelessness, and the guilt of a kiss.

And when winter rolls around once again, he lets her go.

Fandom: Tales of Symphonia
Characters: Colette Brunel, Lloyd Irving
Relationships: Colette Brunel/Lloyd Irving, Colette Brunel & Lloyd Irving
Rating: G
Word Count: 7866
Mirror Link:AO3
Original Post Date: 14/06/2022

Written for Colloyd Week Day 6: Quote Day. (“Please, dream some good dreams for me, Lloyd.”) Inspired by the After the Rain song of the same name! A canon divergence where Colette isn’t the Chosen but is still Mana Lineage. The ending to this fic isn’t very happy. :)


It was on a cold winter’s day that Lloyd first met an angel, one with petals of snow scattered gently across her hair - a wreath woven from flowers picked by the heavens themselves.

On that day, Noishe’s paws had crunched against the endless white that blanketed the ground, loud against the still silence, as he rushed down the familiar dirt path that led to school, nearly unrecognizable now, tongue lolling out of his mouth, ears flopping against his head. The boy clinging to his back had tightened his hands in the massive creature’s green fur, shivering at the breeze brushing his skin. Glancing up at the grey sky, burgeoning with the promise of more to come, wondering if it ever ran out of snow, or if it always had more to give. More and more, until everything was buried, and nothing could emerge.

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Colloydweek 2022 Quote Day;“Please, dream some good dreams for me, Lloyd.“ 

Colloydweek 2022 Quote Day;

“Please, dream some good dreams for me, Lloyd.“ 

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 It’s Day 5 - AU day! So like every year @darkhymns and I decided to collab. This is my drawin

It’s Day 5 - AU day! 

So like every year @darkhymns and I decided to collab. This is my drawing and you can read her story here;


A Cruxis AU we’ve been planning for awhile!

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Well-known dog therapy organization, Altamira Pet Paradise, is getting a new volunteer! Colette is already drawn to the gigantic dog with the soft whines, his fur so soft that it was like magic.

She won’t admit, just yet, she’s also drawn to his owner with the kind smile.

Fandom: Tales of Symphonia
Characters/Pairing:Lloyd Irving/Colette Brunel, Noishe, Sheena Fujibayashi, Regal Bryant, Zelos Wilder, Seles Wilder, Presea Combatir, Genis Sage, Raine Sage, Phaidra Brunel
Rating: PG
Word Count: 9991 (I know)
Mirror Link:AO3
Notes: Written for Colloyd Week 2022, Day 3: Touch. The idea for this AU is all because of @youlighttheskyart who first put this idea in my head! This whole story very much ran away from me so I apologize for the length, but if you’re looking for a detailed modern AU fic with most of the Symphonia cast, and just good dogs, then I hope you enjoy!

The new dog’s name was Noishe.

“Oh, is it a rescue, too?” Colette asked with a turn of her head. She was busy feeding a small beagle named Pippy from a bowl full of dry kibble, her little furry friend already more than halfway done. She scratched him behind the ears as reward for his very healthy eating. “We have been stretched a little thin lately…”

Her boss, who had shared with her the news, was also doing his share of their duties. He held several bowls of food in his arms, balancing them perfectly before he set them down to an eager, tail-wagging audience. Luckily, all were well-trained to not jump on him, or get greedy for another dog’s bowl for seconds. (Well, usually).

“From what it sounded like, it might be a rescue… but maybe the same can be said of the owner.” Most people wouldn’t look at Regal and figured him to be a dog-person. But even with his muscles always threatening to rip apart his t-shirt, he was more at home with the other dogs than at the gym. Colette noted it in the way he moved; how he’d always be gentle when picking up a small furry friend in his great hands to get it over a step or two, or how he’d carefully take a paw to clip their nails that had grown too long.

It took her a moment to ascertain his words just then, for Pippy was already begging for seconds and she was trying to calm him down. “The owner? What do you mean?”

“Ah, never mind. Just something I noted from his application, but I could very well be wrong.” Regal then proceeded to carry a calm golden retriever, her snout practically lifted in a smile as he did so. Fur got all over his shirt and jeans, as well as some in his usually somewhat messy hair, but he didn’t mind. “I need to give Sprinkles a bath now. Can you look after things in the meantime?”

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 Day 4 of Colloydweek 2022 ! ‘Cooking’Based on this @likes-words-and-shrimp story where

Day 4 of Colloydweek 2022 ! ‘Cooking’

Based on this @likes-words-and-shrimp story where once Colette gets her soul back Lloyd only cooks sweets to the dismay of everyone else 


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Thisis what it means to become an angel?” Lloyd’s fingers dug into his palms, his fists quivering in frustration. “Not eating anymore, not sleeping anymore, not feelinganything anymore?”

Colette’s smile was so fake, so devoid of the genuine happiness he knew she was capable of. The company of friends, her favorite food, the wag of a dog’s tail; he’d seen her eyes light up at the things she loved, but her lips now were so clinical, maintaining a weak façade when they both knew she’d been exposed.

“But my eyes have actually gotten better. I can see really far away now. And my hearing, too; I can hear even the faintest sounds really well.” The façade broke for a moment, her eyes casting down. “I can hear them so well that…it’s kind of painful sometimes.”

Impulse carried Lloyd’s feet forward a few steps; reflex sent his arms around her, pulling her close. Confusion and helplessness throbbed in his body as knots tightened in his stomach, his anger having evaporated. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize what was going on at all.” Wasn’t he supposed to be her protector? Wasn’t he supposed to keep her safe? “I’m sorry.”

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“You wanna own your sin, or you wanna let it own you?” Day 2 of Colloydweek 2022! Detail shots“You wanna own your sin, or you wanna let it own you?” Day 2 of Colloydweek 2022! Detail shots

“You wanna own your sin, or you wanna let it own you?”
Day 2 of Colloydweek 2022!

Detail shots;


I mocked up a new memoria stone for Lloyd since he never got a second one. A Transgressor AU that lives only in my head

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“Friendship fortunes are very popular right now,” she told the boy in red.

…But she hadn’t thought the boy would keep coming back to get her readings - and always with the same person in mind.

Fandom: Tales of Symphonia
Characters/Pairing:Lloyd Irving/Colette Brunel, Genis Sage, Fortune Teller
Word Count: 8494
Mirror Link:AO3
Notes: Written for Colloyd Week 2022, Day 1: Soulmates! So I decided to go back to the origin of this prompt in the game itself, and then it spiraled a bit out of control. Lloyd just really, really likes fortune-telling. (Especially when it’s free).

Her fortune-telling business was quite slow today.

Despite the unbearable heat outside, the inside of her tent was cool and dark, with only the dusky glass lamps hanging overhead to shed any light. She took a long breath, seated herself on the plush cushions arranged comfortably on the floor, and decided that it was high time for her break.

Maybe I need a décor change, she mused to herself, even though she had already set up the potted plants in the corners and added some drapes along the sides. There was also the scent of myrrh from her new incense pot, relaxing her shoulders and easing the aches on her feet. She looked to her table, covered in thick cloth, embroidered with the constellations across its surface. Was her crystal ball not selling her skills well enough? I guess the two extra mini-crystal balls next to it makes it look a little tacky…

But few people had been coming by her tent lately, and most who did only asked for sobering things; on the whereabouts of loved ones, or if the Desians might attack today, just as they had the week before…

But at best, she could predict when first love would bloom, or if one’s job prospects were in the stars, or if the oasis will dry up during the scorching heatwave. The Desians were always so hazy in her readings, and there was only so much of the truth that she could reasonably stretch without feeling complete guilt, after all.

She was ready to close shop, perhaps dip her feet in the nearby oasis or shop at the Desert Rose for dinner, when she heard words just outside of her tent flap. They were low, a bit fragmented, but they drifted into her tent with ease.

“Is the fortune teller here? It doesn’t say so on the map…”

“It literally has a sign saying so right there, stupid.”


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 Happy day 1 of #colloydweek2022! Based on the Aifread sidequest; I’m sure they use his boat t

Happy day 1 of #colloydweek2022! 

Based on the Aifread sidequest; I’m sure they use his boat to sail around the world collecting exspheres with the Noishe post-game.

Lloyd gets too into character and falls overboard.

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Colette has spent centuries without a purpose, robotically performing her duty as an angel, chasing ghosts all the while. A misstep and a mysterious saviour may finally change her lonely fate.

Fandom: Tales of Symphonia
Characters: Colette Brunel, Lloyd Irving
Relationships: Colette Brunel/Lloyd Irving, Colette Brunel & Lloyd Irving
Rating: G
Word Count: 9052
Mirror Link:AO3
Original Post Date: 09/06/2022

Written for Colloyd Week Day 1: Soulmates. An Angel and Demon AU inspired by Alluring Secret Black VowandAgainst the World. The world of this AU follows the Alluring Secret Black Vow novel where angels wage eternal war with Hell and are governed by sacred laws. Also, they all wield guns so Colette gets two :)

I hope this is understandable haha it tells like three stories simultaneously… ;u;


Colette unfurled her wings, wrapped around her body to act as a feathery cloak, and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. The midday sun shone down upon her, perched on a low-hanging branch of a cedar tree, having napped the afternoon away. Stretching her arms behind her, she rolled the cricks out of her neck and flapped her wings, sneezing as a few stray feathers tickled her nose.

Today had been her first time allowed out of the city, floating high in the sky, that all angels called home. A place more like a fortress, with tall, unbreachable walls, where no one could enter uninvited and none could leave without permission. Obscured by thick clouds that nothing could pierce through, going unseen by those who stood below, even if they were to raise their heads and look directly into the sky.

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Colette: Anyways, you’re quite popular, Lloyd.
Lloyd: Eh? Am I…? I don’t feelpopular…

We’re just less than a week away from Colloyd Week! As a bonus, here’s a fully translated episode from the Tales of Radio series starring Lloyd and Colette! This is part of a radio series that’s on the Asobi store, but we wanted to share this with English fans too!

In this episode, Lloyd and Colette give advice to listeners who have sent in letters. (And Lloyd admits he’s not really that popular compared to Kratos and Zelos…) There’s three episodes out, which you can watch on the youtube playlist here. 

Translation is credited to Tigori’s Translates! Hope you enjoy the video!
