#comic books


Marvel sometimes do very well at translating a comic outfit onto screen… But this time, I honestly think this looks even better than the comic outfit!


Prepare for Marvel’s version of Fight Club and Split! Looks like they’ve crammed his best iterations into one here. I honestly can’t wait - been a big fan of Moon Knight for a while. Props to Marvel for bringing him forward in the MCU. This will be the first Disney+ show that’ll debut a new lead character (for Marvel). Excited to see his origins, and excited to see what the future holds for him…


…this is the best Spider-Man movie with ease. Prepare for the greatest thing to ever exist ever.


Hopefully this means people can stop needlessly spoiling stuff and posting leaks

Also: I believe the release date is still the 17th most places, but here in the UK, it’ll be the 15th. That means if you’re able to see it a few days earlier than others, please don’t spoil the movie!



We still doing this huh?

It’s okay not to care or be invested in the franchise - it may seem overbearing or unappealing from the outside if you’re looking at a 26-film franchise, but you’re going to get laughed out of the room for thinking the MCU shouldstop.

This isn’t me getting butthurt as a fan, but more of a desperate plea for journalists to take a step back before they write slow-office-day articles like this. How many times have we seen this article… but how many times has an MCU movie broken its own previous records and gained more and more fans?

I feel like a stuck record now, but the best way to look at the MCU is as a series (partly because it is); the Avengers movies are season finales, and with the Infinity Saga ending, it’s time for the MCU to direct us toward the next big stories. From Iron-Man 1, to Endgame, the MCU had been an ever-growing smash hit, with the greatest cathartic ending in cinematic history. You can watch the whole Infinity Saga and check out there if you wish, but you’re going to look a fool if you think they should stop after sticking their first landing.

Don’t get me wrong, I would have been content if Endgame was the actual ending, and it’s always a concern when a franchise/series is doing well, there must come a time when it either ends with dignity or doesn’t stick the landing… but if Marvel Studios are continuing to make quality, justified, game-changing movies (which are clearly building up to something far crazier than Thanos and 6 stones), then why stop now? Do we suddenly have no faith in these clearly passionate directors/storytellers and producers that have delivered the most entertaining franchise in history yet? I’ll hold my hand up honestly and confess myself: sometimes when they’ve announced more and more Disney+ shows, I initially think “Oh god, another one?!”, but so far, they’ve all been great in their own ways, and my apprehension is always squashed. Because Marvel play the long game, we care about each and every character and their development, so when we reach larger ensemble movies, they’re genuinely incredible to watch, due to revelations and each film before it being somewhat of a building block.

Without the ‘simplistic’ origins of the MCU, we wouldn’t be able to have the crazy things we saw in Shang-Chi, Eternals, Loki and WandaVision for example. You don’t have to like the movies or the shows… no one is asking you to watch them, but with dumb articles like this, you’re turning a blind eye to millions of fans with justified passions.

Are we going to get articles like this whenever a Marvel movie doesn’t perform as good as the previous one? We’ve got substanceless brain-candy movies like Sony’s Venom 2 getting rated higher than Eternals, because Eternals delved outside of the main MCU formula and provided a great character driven sci-fi with 10 unfamiliar characters… whereas Venom 2 was a bad comic book movie but painted by numbers so got a higher score. If Eternals delivered the same generic story as Venom 2 had, would it have gotten a higher score? Subsequently, would we then not have dumb articles like this? Because right now it seems the writer is trying to capitalise on Eternals’ mixed reception. If that’s the case, I advise they check out the audience score, because it’ll be the audience that are actually invested and care about these movies. The writer even confesses he really loved Shang-Chi, which is post Endgame, so what’s his issue? It feels like they want the MCU to fail if anything.

Note: my Eternals review will be coming soon, and yes I did like it a hell of a lot. I’ve seen it twice now and it’s just outside of my top 5 MCU movies. I’ll be talking more about the mixed reception and critics’ hypocrisies whenever they complain about a Marvel formula but then dissaprove of something for not feeling like a standard Marvel film.

Wow, we really gotta stop this sh*t now…

Just another channel for me to block. If the contents of the above video are true, why has this leaked? If it’s fake, why do YouTubers have to resort to blatant shameless clickbait? The amount of content that’s allegedly leaked is ridiculous. I’m so fed up of this now.

John Campea discussing toxic fans and their negative impatient representation…

Before my rant ensues, just know that I firstly apologise for this blunt and at times rude speech. You’ve got to understand the length of time and number of occurrences that have been experienced and endured, during something that seemingly just gets more and more annoying and ridiculous to be a part of. I’m tired of movies being ruined, and I’m tired of toxic fans ruining fandoms. If you’re not a toxic fan then rest assured, this post isn’t directed at you. I’m glad you’re a fan of these movies, and I’m glad you don’t project anything beyond devotion and appreciation for it - I’m glad you don’t participate in toxic behaviour. Anyway, without further ado…

People have absolutely demolished any anticipation I had for this movie. I’m so f'ing tired of leaks, fake leaks and everything in between such as dislike bombing.

I dare say I’m an insanely devoted general movie fan as well as a Marvel fan - I’m an encyclopedia for both of those things - but people that act like this just ruin it to such unparalleled levels, so I completely agree with John in his video. Entitled indeed.

We get MULTIPLE Marvel films a year, but like spoilt children, insane “fans” act like this? Ridiculous. I was so excited for this movie, but I just want it to come out now so people can stfu about it and move on… and this is coming from someone that has adored Spider-Man since a child.

The Spidey trailer IS coming… if you can’t continue to wait like a normal person then you’re pathetic. It’s the true fans/enthusiasts that suffer from this; we get things spoilt on social media without even trying to look for leaks, and we facepalm when a large percentage of people make us look like children.

I will admit, I always get impatient and mentally pray for the trailers/movies to release… but I don’t emit anything beyond my head… I don’t go on social media searching for and sharing leaks, literally demanding trailers etc. I sit and wait like we’re meant to, and hey presto, the movie ALWAYS comes around eventually.

It’s good that more and more people care and get excited about Marvel and movies in general, but things like this are just going to get worse and worse, to the point where we’ll know the entire plot of every movie before we get a trailer, and the internet will be rife with leaked images, and mobs will wave their virtual pitchforks at companies to release stuff.

It’s a f'ing embarrassment. If you reading this have shared movie leaks, generated clickbait surrounding this movie, been involved with fake leaks, or have dislike bombed other content for the sake of a trailer, you should be ashamed of yourself - and I dare say you don’t even deserve to watch this movie - I kinda hope for whatever reason you’re never able to watch or discuss another movie again - that would certainly cheer me tf up. Get tf out of here and unfollow me. Grow up and get a grip.

One Book, One Chicago  The 2014-2015 pick for our citywide reading program, One Book, One Chicago, i

One Book, One Chicago 

The 2014-2015 pick for our citywide reading program, One Book, One Chicago, is the Pulitzer-Prize winning “The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay” by Michael Chabon! 

Our shelves are stacked and ready for you. Join the conversation at onebookonechicago.org. #OBOC

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Originally published at: https://www.eschergirls.com/photo/2022/05/01/true-hero-saves-people-even-du

Originally published at: https://www.eschergirls.com/photo/2022/05/01/true-hero-saves-people-even-during-laundry-day

Submitted by Anon

Vampi is understandably annoyed for having to rush out and save somebody before she’s fully dressed and could put on pants.  Not too happy about being photographed in a boobs and butt pose either.

(Cover of Vampi Vicious #2, Anarchy Studios)

Post link
Originally published at: https://www.eschergirls.com/photo/2022/04/23/tfw-you-go-undercover-chess-piOriginally published at: https://www.eschergirls.com/photo/2022/04/23/tfw-you-go-undercover-chess-pi

Originally published at: https://www.eschergirls.com/photo/2022/04/23/tfw-you-go-undercover-chess-piece

Submitted by Anon

I think she’s going undercover as a chess piece.  A very effective disguise.

(Cover of Danger Girl Kamikaze #5, Semic Comics & Cliffhanger Productions)

Post link
Originally published at: https://www.eschergirls.com/photo/2022/04/15/its-rude-interrupt-people-when

Originally published at: https://www.eschergirls.com/photo/2022/04/15/its-rude-interrupt-people-when-shapechanging

Submitted by Anon

Lady Death looks suitably annoyed at you for barging in on her while she wasn’t finished dressing and shapeshifting into like a giant worm or something.

(Cover of Lady Death: Last Rites #4, Chaos Comics)

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Originally published at: https://www.eschergirls.com/photo/2022/04/23/pre-emptive-strike-buttIt look

Originally published at: https://www.eschergirls.com/photo/2022/04/23/pre-emptive-strike-butt

It looks kinda like her butt and legs are so eager for battle it’s separating itself from her to get at the enemies.  "Lemme at ‘em!“

(Cover of Chastity #2, Chaos Comics & Dynamite Entertainment)

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Originally published at: https://www.eschergirls.com/photo/2022/04/23/boobflounder-another-worldDaniOriginally published at: https://www.eschergirls.com/photo/2022/04/23/boobflounder-another-worldDaniOriginally published at: https://www.eschergirls.com/photo/2022/04/23/boobflounder-another-worldDani

Originally published at: https://www.eschergirls.com/photo/2022/04/23/boobflounder-another-world

Daniel B.T. submitted:

This is a VERY subtle Escher Girls cover, and I didn’t notice until I got my physical copy.  At first glance, it seems perfectly normal, hardly anything that could be considered reality-breaking.

But take a closer look at the cover girl’s neckline.

Its as if the artist was told to “fit both breasts in no matter what”, and followed through.  If the rightmost breast was relocated or removed, it would be anatomically accurate.

A girl truly worthy of the “Escher Girls” name since it is very optical illusion-y.  I was actually reading your submission on my phone as I was walking into another room and at first I was like “this looks kinda nitpic-” then I stopped as I pinch-zoomed the photo and was like “oh yeah… no you’re completely right."  Her breasts are just… shifted to one side according to her collarbones.  Maybe that’s just the rules of the world she got isekai-ed to?

This is by the way the perfect example of a "boobflounder” which is when the breasts are drawn on one side of the body like a flounder’s eyes (just cuz I know some people have asked about the term).

(Cover of Ojisan In Another World/Uncle In Another World #4, Kadokawa Shoten)

Post link
Originally published at: https://www.eschergirls.com/photo/2022/04/15/fighting-or-courtship-you-deci

Originally published at: https://www.eschergirls.com/photo/2022/04/15/fighting-or-courtship-you-decide

Submitted by Anonymous

They’re not actually fighting.  Purgatori is just very aggressively asking Vampirella if they can help each other fix their atomic wedgies.  And then after maybe catch a movie and dinner and see where it goes…

(Cover of Vampirella versus Purgatori #2, Dynamite Entertainment)

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