#communicating with clients


Why You Should Sell To Your Existing Customers, Not New Ones

Why You Should Sell To Your Existing Customers, Not New Ones

What’s the definition of an expanding business? 

Most entrepreneurs will tell you that it’s one that’s gaining more customers over time. But that’s not necessarily true. 

Think about it: would you rather have 100 customers paying $50 each, or 200 customers paying $10 each? 

The answer is the former. 

The reason is that company growth doesn’t come from the number of customers, but…

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Improve UX For A Better Business

Improve UX For A Better Business

How to improve the user experience? Here are some practical actions. When reading the pillars of user experiences, surely, some actions and strategies that allow promoting it come to mind. Precisely, here we will delve into those key practices that drive the User Experience and guarantee the achievement of great results. You should consider a usability testing framework.

Photo: Unsplash


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SEO Optimization for Small Business (or any business)

SEO optimization is something of which every business need to be on top. It’s not a set-and-forget option. If you really want to get noticed by Google, and therefore your customers, you need to keep working on your SEO optimization. Here’s how.

Keeping your business at the top of the search results pile is not a one time fix. With ever-shifting competition coming at you from ever quarter, you…

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Content Marketing Advice: The Media and The Medium

content marketing advice
Content marketing advice is ever-changing as platforms, algorithms, markets and technology changes. So when it comes to media and the medium, how do you create the best approach to content for yuor marketing campaigns?

Content, it’s the dreaded C-word that we can overthink until we are blue in the face!

Content is such an ever-changing beast, that it seems when we are looking to improve our…

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