

I try not to post politics here, but I can’t resist this one.


If you’re not actively influencing your child someone else is. 

I remember one time I was in a trad relationships group and a lot of people complaining about finding someone. So I made a post asking how those who were married found their spouse.

The overwhelming answer was they started as FWB or a hookup from places like Tinder.

So I guess I’m not the only one who has been going about finding his future wife all wrong.

This one’s for the boys. You know who you are!

Today I found this old picture in my gallery.Maybe some of you believe EST is just bullshit,but it ain’t. I think the greatest thing a man can do,is to unite people between music.Especially broken people. Because that’s what many of us are:broken.It always been difficult for me to find a comfortable place in this world,but MGK helped me. I was just in middle school when I first heard his music. I listened every album,read every lyric,over and over. And I realized that he could truly understand me,that maybe I wasn’t the only one who felt that anger,that sadness. It was like i had finally found a real friend. Even if he didn’t know me,it was like he always did. Initially,I admit,it was kinda difficult to understand the EST meaning. Behind a symbol,behind three letters,there was a community and a pure equality concept that I loved and I love also right now. I know you cannot understand,I know you think that is crazy to believe EST is like a second (or first for many)family,but some things are just the way they are.

If there’s something I learned from working with sexual assault survivors and being one myself, it’s

If there’s something I learned from working with sexual assault survivors and being one myself, it’s that no two people deal with trauma the same way. Some laugh. Some rage. Some cry. The very last thing a survivor needs is to feel like they need to conform to some “typical” or “proper” way of reacting. This is why true advocates for survivors will never pressure them into speaking to the police or reporting. The most empowering thing you can do for a survivor is to deeply listen and let them make their own choices about what to do next.

Let’s do that for each other. Let’s make radically caring space for each other, OK? Let’s honor each other’s choices as survivors of the cishetpatriarchy. Some of us will be in the streets fighting. Some will be in the courts fighting. Some will be battling from the internet or our phones. Some need to tune out and not engage right now at all. None of us are “doing it” wrong.

How We Survive This Together | Kaelyn Rich for Autostraddle 

(photo by Glenn Ricci) 

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As you know, a lot of kind of art exists. Cute art, hilarious art, rude art, Adult Art, etc…

Well. I will tell, Some friends draw Cute and Adult art (aka, NSFW).

They are good people, and their intentions are the best to make people happy. And even drawing NSFW are cute too.

But not everyone likes their art (well, not everyone haves to likes anyone’s art)….The problem starts when people start making rumors with “Call Out” about “This person is  bad person because they draw NSFW and he/she is a pedo and blah blah..”…. (Come on!, these people are not pedos at all!!!) or much worse, writing PRIVATE MESSAGES to the artist they “hate”.

A lot of people thinks Making “Call out” posting or writing by private messages things like “your art hurts people” or “frick you” will save the society…. but not….

All are these people doing guys…. is harrasing and bullying people, making them feeling useless, sad and even there are some cases… these people makes the desicion of kill themselves.

And this is a message for all of these people/artists who are doing these things:

If you think the artist you don’t like is a criminal… I’m sorry, but You are becoming a murder.

Please, Reblog this, All we need is these people who makes these actions think of them, and say: “I’m in a mistake” and change their mind.

Thank you so much.

PD: I draw NSFW too, and I’m against pedophillia.

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field.I’ll meet you there.When the s

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing 
and rightdoing there is a field.
I’ll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass
the world is too full to talk about.” 
― Rumi

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rogerackroyd:“Do you like Britta?“ “Sure, who doesn’t?”  “Over half the people that meet her


“Do you like Britta?“ “Sure, who doesn’t?”  “Over half the people that meet her.”

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