

Come join a supportive SFW Patriarchy server for female homemakers. Not a kink or bdsm server. So if that’s what you’re looking for turn away. Please don’t join just for content on your blog. That’s rude. Please be active, They do kick lurkers. Men are welcome, but the server is female homemaker focused.

Homemaker’s Cottage is a SFW discord server for Female Homemakers. It’s a Male Lead Household, Patriarchy, Traditional Gender Roles server.

Not a kink server, Not role play, No bdsm.

Males who are or are looking to be a Head of a Household are welcome. Come give support and possible advise to the female homemakers.

This server is dedicated and focused on support, friendship and advice for female homemakers. Come help make it a nice little community.

SFW Patriarchy, Male Lead Household server. Not kink related, No bdsm allowed. Non misogyny.

Come get support, meet new friends and share inspiration in being the best female homemaker you can be. Men are welcome, come share your advice and support. The focus of this server is for traditional gender roles and female homemakers.

I hate school.

I want to marry a nice catholic man and live in a light house in maine with our three sons and stay home and cook and clean.

born to be a tradwife forced to work at McDonald’s.

I try not to post politics here, but I can’t resist this one.


If you’re not actively influencing your child someone else is. 

I remember one time I was in a trad relationships group and a lot of people complaining about finding someone. So I made a post asking how those who were married found their spouse.

The overwhelming answer was they started as FWB or a hookup from places like Tinder.

So I guess I’m not the only one who has been going about finding his future wife all wrong.

I’ve noticed there’s been a lot more toxic postings in the trad community and it needs to be addressed. There’s a lot of trolls and troublemakers who are specifically attempting to make a trad relationship look wrong and vile. Or attempt to insert various things that are innately mutually exclusive of a trad relationship, such as poly or trans, and subvert the community by forcing inclusion. And there’s many who are bringing up the classics: How trad is racist, abusive, etc.

Ignore them. Ideally block them. Many are from Twitter, which is well known to be pointlessly hateful. You don’t have to deal with them and there’s nothing wrong with wanting and having a trad relationship. You can expect this sort of hate from liberals a lot, but don’t be surprised as you see conservatives who also consider family to be less than important.

Also you’re not alone. Several people I talk to regularly on here have seen the same. Don’t feel like you’re an isolated case. That’s part of the tactic, to make you feel like you’re by yourself, but you’re not. So don’t let them get you down.

“Behold the inheritance of the Lord are children: the reward, the fruit of the womb. As arrows in the hand of the mighty, so the children of them that have been shaken. Blessed is the man that hath filled the desire with them; he shall not be confounded when he shall speak to his enemies in the gate.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭126:3-5‬ ‭DRC1752‬‬

On this day in 2015, the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, my journey towards Catholicism began. Six years later, I am 12 weeks pregnant with our first little arrow! We found out on Father’s Day that God blessed us with this child on our honeymoon and we are absolutely overjoyed and grateful to Him. We can’t wait to meet him or her in February 2022. We love you, little one. Deo gratias!

Hello!It has been a very long time. I hope you all are doing well!I just want to check in! I am well


It has been a very long time. I hope you all are doing well!

I just want to check in! I am well, just a bit tired I am here to ask for your prayers. This next month will just be a lot. I am graduating next week and I have to prepare for my finals. 

Also, we are getting married in just 36 days! Please pray for our final preparations and for our future marriage. You are in our prayers as well!

Be sure to check out my Linktree for updates. I am on a general social media hiatus now just because of finals and moving prep, but I am usually the most active on Instagram, Twitter, and Wordpress. I plan on returning to YouTube this summer as well.

Thank you! God bless you!

Ad Jesum per Mariam,

María de Fátima

Post link
mainoftcm: #femininefamily #tradcat #catholic #traditionalcatholic #tradfem #tradwife #quiverfull #s


#femininefamily #tradcat #catholic #traditionalcatholic #tradfem #tradwife #quiverfull #sspx #fsspx #femininenotfeminist

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A young lady messaged me and told me that she tried this with her boyfriend and it went really well

Becoming a traditional house wife who actually loves and cares for her family and husband and works hard to keep them happy and healthy is the most counter culture thing a woman can do lately.
