#concept drawing


The Mouth of Oukra

If the God of the southern winds says another should must be sacrificed, then the Mouth becomes his conduit…

Sugarhouse Studios concept drawing proposal by Assemble

Sugarhouse Studios concept drawing proposal by Assemble

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The Pedipulator - Cover illustration by the great Walter Molino featured on the 2 January 1966 issue

The Pedipulator - Cover illustration by the great Walter Molino featured on the 2 January 1966 issue of Italy’s, La Domenica del Corriere.

The seven-league boots are going to enter into reality: with the so-called pedipulator which multiplies by six the length of a step, the astronauts or American soldiers will move as if they were motorized and on any terrain. The ‘pedipulator’ is one of many applications of those studies and those experiments which, under the pressure of the space race, are changing the face of civilization. This week our correspondent Giancarlo Masini will report what he saw studied at American laboratories where the future has already begun.

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Trying out some traditional hungarian clothes for Elisabeth and adding a nostalgic air to her modern

Trying out some traditional hungarian clothes for Elisabeth and adding a nostalgic air to her modern clothes. Are there any good sorces for historical accurate hungarian clothes?

Please do not alter or repost! :)

design by @art-of-urbanstar

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These were from 2019 from my graduation show!They were concepts for a puzzle video game where you plThese were from 2019 from my graduation show!They were concepts for a puzzle video game where you plThese were from 2019 from my graduation show!They were concepts for a puzzle video game where you pl

These were from 2019 from my graduation show!

They were concepts for a puzzle video game where you play as a tiny character who’s main goal is to navigate through a giant world while growing your herb/plant/friends!

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