#container gardening


March 11, 2021

Many things in the garden made it through the winter.

8/17/21 ~ Sorry for lack of posts, hurricane was rolling through here the last couple of days BURGUNDY OKRA UPDATE!

8/11/21 ~ I believe this is the Cherokee Purple. Finally about to be ripe! Had to fight the Horn Worms off of this plant

8/9/21 ~ Edamame update. Think I’m gonna let these dry up & use them as seeds next year. I only planted 2 of these & that’s just not enough for eating .

8/6/21~ Used this lil bb for dinner the other night! I grew these from the seeds I saved from Christmas dinner! Save your seeds, folks!

8/3/21 ~ Growing my own bean sprouts with Mung Beans again. I feel like I posted this on here once? But can’t remember . I think I’m going to try and grow actual Mung Bean Plants next year .
