#organic herbs


Herbs Bed Progress Check ✅

I just reorganized my herbs last month and look how everything is adapting well. I did cut my rosemary all the way down, one of them was really stressed after the move, but hopefully will come back.

The highlights are my new free tomato plant, the lemon balm growth

Reorganizing my herbs bed

Most of my herbs are potted and buried in the soil. It makes it so much easier to control, but also easy to move around.

All of these were small when I planted them, the three rosemary bushes grew exponentially and they were keeping the sun from hitting the other herbs, so I moved them around.

I have:

  1. Rosemary in the back
  2. Sage on the right side
  3. Mint & lemon balm next to the sage
  4. Thyme in the front left side
  5. Geranium in the middle left side
  6. More lemon balm in front of the rosemary

Let’s see how they grow!

May 11, 2021

Harvesting lemon balm

May 4, 2021


March 11, 2021

Many things in the garden made it through the winter.


Rose oil is an amazing facial oil that is in loads of anti-aging products and is proven to improve appearance of acne affected skin, along with dry skin and even scaring. While most of these beauty products are loaded with chemicals and preservatives they are also typically outrageously priced, considering how easy they are to make at home, organically. Among the benefits homemade oils have on your wallet and your physical well being, I personally have found the process of growing, harvesting and working with my herbs deepens my bond with nature and cultivates a true spiritual connection to our bountiful Earth. I believe my state of mind influences what my hands touch so I make a effort to keep my mindset positive and my intentions conscious and pure as well. With this connection I trust that anything I create using my herbs will be potent and pure. 

I will be sharing what I believe to be the simplest way of making an herbal oil which is  a Cold Infusion Method.

All you will need is:


- Carrier oil (Jojoba oil is my favorite)

- 2 Mason Jars (with lids)

- Cheese Cloth (or an old t-shirt)

Anything you are using externally will be absorbed internally through your pours, so i can not stress enough how important ORGANIC is to your health, the plant’s health and the overall health of your environment and our Earth.

The carrier oil I found to work best for me is Jojoba oil, as it it absorbed quickly and leaves little to no oily residue on my skin. (My other favorite substitute is almond oil or coconut oil but both tend to bee too greasy for my skin type

Depending on how much Rose Oil you want to make you will need about 1 cup of carrier oil for every ½ cup of rose petals.

When adding the petals to your first jar it is important to break the petals to expose surface area and create easier access for the oil to extract the medicinal components of your herb. (You can also grind them in a mortar and pestle if you like, but I prefer a more hands on approach)

Once your desired amount of rose petals are in your jar you will add double the amount of your carrier oil and stir the concoction with a long stick before sealing the lid tight, and shacking the liquid for a short period of time.

Now its time to find a nice dark area for your elixir to live for at least 4 weeks to allows adequate fusion and extraction of the herbal components. Once enough time has passed you will strain your oil through a cheese cloth (or old t-shirt) into your second mason jar to obtain the purest and cleanest homemade Rose Oil! Because your oil is homemade and lacking all those gross chemicals and preservatives, your oil will have a shorter shelf life so it is wise to add a (cute) label on the outside of your mason jar describing all ingredients and date of creation. (The shelf life can be prolonged when stored in the fridge)

After the oil is strained I like to add Vitamin E because it too is amazing for your skin and is a natural preservative, so it will also extend the shelf life of your Rose Oil! If you don’t have sensitive skin you can also add any essential oils you like! 
