
crimson-uncovered:Train me. I want this kind of behavior to be engrained into me. It’s an exciting


Train me.

I want this kind of behavior to be engrained into me. It’s an exciting idea, the idea that I could be made to obey with just the crook of a finger. The idea that I would know exactly what to do with just one quick, silent signal. That’s ownership, isn’t it? That’s control. That’s the result of having been molded into a pet, a plaything, a very good girl.

I want you to teach me. Teach me how to kneel, how to present myself, how to crawl. Teach me how to obey without hesitation, how to suck your cock the way you like it, how to take every inch of you down my throat. Teach me where to put my arms when I’m on my knees, where to put my legs when I’m on my back, and where to put my eyes when I’m standing. Teach me what it means when you snap your fingers, when you crook one finger, and when you nod in a certain direction. Teach me how to come when beckoned and cum when allowed.

Everything else will come naturally. All the sounds I make, the way I move my body, the way I handle the pain, the pleasure, and the painful pleasure. My worship will be genuine, my love sincere, and my adoration will know no bounds, as long as you return it tenfold.

Tell me what to do.

I need it.

I posted about slave training earlier and I wanted to post this too.  Crimson-uncovered’s needs perfectly compliment those of any Dom.  We want completely obedient subs.  We want to mold them to do what We want, when We want and how We want it.

I would have no problem returning the adoration of a girl who was this submissive to me.

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It won’t help them learn if you take it easy, do it right every time! Ma’am xx

 Your Apps Know Where You Were Last Night, and They’re Not Keeping It Secret The millions of dots on

Your Apps Know Where You Were Last Night, and They’re Not Keeping It Secret

The millions of dots on the map trace highways, side streets and bike trails — each one following the path of an anonymous cellphone user.

One path tracks someone from a home outside Newark to a nearby Planned Parenthood, remaining there for more than an hour. Another represents a person who travels with the mayor of New York during the day and returns to Long Island at night.

Yet another leaves a house in upstate New York at 7 a.m. and travels to a middle school 14 miles away, staying until late afternoon each school day. Only one person makes that trip: Lisa Magrin, a 46-year-old math teacher. Her smartphone goes with her.

An app on the device gathered her location information, which was then sold without her knowledge. It recorded her whereabouts as often as every two seconds, according to a database of more than a million phones in the New York area that was reviewed by The New York Times. While Ms. Magrin’s identity was not disclosed in those records, The Times was able to easily connect her to that dot.

The app tracked her as she went to a Weight Watchers meeting and to her dermatologist’s office for a minor procedure. It followed her hiking with her dog and staying at her ex-boyfriend’s home, information she found disturbing. […]

At least 75 companies receive anonymous, precise location data from apps whose users enable location services to get local news and weather or other information, The Times found. Several of those businesses claim to track up to 200 million mobile devices in the United States — about half those in use last year. The database reviewed by The Times — a sample of information gathered in 2017 and held by one company — reveals people’s travels in startling detail, accurate to within a few yards and in some cases updated more than 14,000 times a day.

These companies sell, use or analyze the data to cater to advertisers, retail outlets and even hedge funds seeking insights into consumer behavior. It’s a hot market, with sales of location-targeted advertising reaching an estimated $21 billion this year. IBM has gotten into the industry, with its purchase of the Weather Channel’s apps. The social network Foursquare remade itself as a location marketing company. Prominent investors in location start-ups include Goldman SachsandPeter Thiel, the PayPal co-founder. [Full article]

Source:The New York Times

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When People Are as Predictable as WaterImage: Start of the 2016 Bank of America Chicago Marathon. Le

When People Are as Predictable as Water
Image: Start of the 2016 Bank of America Chicago Marathon. Left panel: images after correction from perspective distortion effects. Right panel: Walking speed of the crowd, measured from a PIV analysis. Credit: Nicolas Bain and Denis Bartolo

Can we apply a physics-like reductionism to people? That’s a question we asked Simon DeDeo, a professor of social and decision sciences at Carnegie Mellon University, who also heads the Laboratory for Social Minds at the Santa Fe Institute. DeDeo was well suited to the question. With a background in astrophysics, studying galaxy formation, he’s applied a similar, mathematical approach to both contemporary and historical social phenomena (see his Nautilus feature on shifting attitudes toward violent crime, “When Theft Was Worse Than Murder”).“

One of the bugbears of the social sciences—and the study of groups and the origins and development of civilization—is this notion of human nature,” DeDeo told Nautilus editor in chief Michael Segal. “Since the very beginning of what you might call a ‘science of society,’ people have always gone back to this idea that there are some invariants of human society.” These boil down to a list of biological constants that are able to generate a diversity in human societies that somewhat mirrors galactic variety. “If you’re a physicist, you’re really proud of how little you need to assume to get where you’re going—and I think in the modern era now, in the study of society, of human behavior, we’re beginning to develop a taste for those kinds of explanations that get further with less,” DeDeo said.

It shouldn’t be a surprise, then, to hear that people, moving as a crowd, shift and jostle in ways that render them as predictable as water spilling down a channel. In a paper published in Science this month, two French scientists, Nicolas Bain and Denis Bartolo, modeled marathon runners as they walked up to the starting line of the Chicago Marathon. However, they modeled the runners not as individuals, but as part of a continuous flowing material. “Guided by the spectral properties of velocity waves, we build on conservation laws and symmetry principles to construct a predictive theory of pedestrian flows without resorting to any behavioral assumption,” the authors wrote.

As if taking a cue from DeDeo—getting further with less—Bain and Bartolo eliminated any trace of human characteristics in their model and explained human behavior with a physicist’s precision. From a practical perspective, they concluded, understanding the behavior of crowds in terms of hydrodynamics could help civic planners design more efficient and safe crowd controls.


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Who’s marionette are you?


Which is the hand that pulls your strings? Your own love, your own dreams, or your ambition…?

-(Oc Aster)-

do your best, release the rest.

you are not in control of other’s opinions of you. you are not in control of what they think&say. you can control your reaction to the rumors,lies,gossip. you can control if you care on that day.

&to think you can control others sets unrealistic expectations. to think you can control others places you on a pedestal, you aren’t the best //realization//.

your life is enough to handle, without getting involved in all the ones around you. control the things you can control (&that are healthy to), do your best. &release all the rest.

Take #control they said… ok! #controlgame #xbox #xboxonex #elite #gamepad #xboxelitecontrolle

Take #control they said… ok! #controlgame #xbox #xboxonex #elite #gamepad #xboxelitecontroller

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You always have my love @remedygames❣️ #control #controlgame #xboxonex #xbox Just can’t waithttps:

You always have my love @remedygames❣️ #control #controlgame #xboxonex #xbox Just can’t wait

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This is just going to be a recipe and instructional for slop w/ pictures.

First off, you’ll need the base for the slop. We use a bunch of different kinds, but I prefer cream of wheat (I find the flavor less terrible) so that’s what I’m using while I’m making it. (The oat bran is what I had in my last slop faq, so you’ll see how different the textures are)

Next, grab your supplements. Here I have iodine salt, Choline, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, a multivitamin, fiber powder and plain protein powder. (I also take fish oil, biotin, iron supplement, and vitamin d3 supplments, but I take these in gummies and thy are not pictured.) These are IMPORTANT you guys!! Please don’t starve yourself of basic vitamins. It’s just as terrible w/ them, if not worse, so there’s no reason to sacrifice your safety!

And finally, get your tools. Have something to boil water, (you can just use a pot) something to crush the pills, (you can just swallow them, I just can’t swallow pills [I can swallow dick tho, that’s weird]) a bowl and a spoon to stir and eat it w/ if you’re not just eating it from the floor like I sometimes do.

This picture is sideways, but basically you need to grab your pills, (Choline, potassium, multivitamin, zinc, magnesium and calcium) and you’re going to crush them in your bowl. Any capsules can just be taken apart and dumped in. As a side note: I don’t crush in my multi. It has a flavor and it’s gross. I do my best to swallow that one. Then, add in 2 tsp of fiber powder. DON’T PUT IN THE PROTEIN YET! IT WILL BE GROSS!

Cook the base according to box/bag directions. (This is easy, no pics for this.) Make sure you use the correct amount of servings for your calorie goals (I get 2 in the morning, 3 at night, I end up eating 1045 calories at the end of the day. [I’m small! This is way too little for most people!!] Just check calories on your base to make sure you’re getting enough.) Once cooked, add to bowl w/ supplements and mix, let cool. (Seriously let it cool if you’re going to put in protein.)

Once it isn’t super hot, mix in a scoop of protein. The protein powder coagulates in the hot base, and looks like rotten milk, so don’t try it while hot.

Congrats, you made this gross shit. It tastes terrible. I also take an olive oil shot w/ this but honestly I’d just suggest mixing in some butter for fats cause no one should have to do that.

Everyone, please make sure you follow a soylent guide if you plan on doing slop, thanks.

Devotional Training.

inventerius:Control measures for the outside world. (part 1) Holding hands For me a significant tr


Control measures for the outside world.
(part 1)

Holding hands

For me a significant trigger for my kink is controlling a girl physically. This is true inside the house but also outside to some extent. Over time I have been experimenting with ideas to physically control a girl while we are in the outside world. The upcoming posts will be about this subject.

The simples control measure I have found is obviously me holding hand. By doing so she can not walk away from me unnoticed. I can steer her in a direction I want her to go or speed her up or slow her down. I can squeeze her hand softly to send her a signal no one else knows about or I can squeeze her hand hard to send her a warning or correct her. Notice that I call it me holding her hand as she might not be holding mine but have her hand in mine in an other way depending on the situation and her personality.

I have 2 rules related to holding hands:

1. When I stick out my hand (like in the top picture) she is to place her hand in it without hesitating.

2. She is not to break hand contact unless I tell her to or push her hand out of mine.  

Holding hands between a man and a woman is for the vanilla world here in the Netherlands a fully acceptable and non suspicious action. Therefore it works well. It also does not require any special tools or adaptations.

(click to see related posts)

Devotional Training: Hand Cuntrol.

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Devotional Training: At His Command.Devotional Training: At His Command.Devotional Training: At His Command.

Devotional Training: At His Command.

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control her mind

Devotional Training: Control her.


The privilege system

Unlike a full slave that only has basic needs and has to be content with whatever else Master provides. A submissive girl has additional needs as she is allowed to have possessions, wants and desires. Even if all her basic needs are met to a high degree of luxury a submissive girl will still be missing important things in her life.
So in stead of controlling only her basic needs for the control of a submissive girl it is important to control the additional things as well. I call these additional things privileges. Where in the basic needs system compliance determines the level of how your needs are met. In the privilege system the level of compliance determines both the level of meeting basic needs and the amount of material and autonomy you have.

Privileges are tailor made to each girl as every girl has different wants and desires so the system is flexible and completely individual to each girl. However to understand the working of the method example privileges will work fine. So if one of your needs is not posted do not worry it will be added once a system is made for you.

Unlike basic needs that are dictated by nature and have to be met at some point privileges can be left out or added as needed in the relationship. This means new privileges can be earned or added if there is a need for them and privileges can also be lost or taken away completely.

Because privileges can be added and taken away they can be used as goals to work towards in altering behaviour. They should not be seen as rewards but as goals that motivate to learn something new or learn to do something in a way master wants. Using this method will also give the girl some input in her development as she can work hard to grow faster in some aspects and slower in others.

That this type of system works is proven by the fact that while growing up most of us will have had some form of privilege system. For example most parents will give a child more autonomy because he or she has proven to be able to handle it.

I make a difference between two types of privileges. Material / need based privileges and activity based privileges.

Material or need based privileges have levels going up in quality or amount. An example of a quality range can be for the privilege of wearing clothes can go from potato sack to pretty dress. An example of an amount based range can be for the privilege of drinking coffee in cups a day.

Activity based privileges have levels going up in the freedom to do the activity. For example: Not at all, at masters discretion, with permission, limited and full privilege.

In this at masters discretion means you are not allowed to ask for the activity but will be allowed to do it when master wants you to.

Limited means you do not have to ask permission for the activity but are only allowed to do it within certain limits e.g. at home, after dinner, during the day, when it is dark, when it is cold outside, between 11:00 and 13:00, when you are wearing clothes, ect

Some privileges are linked in a way that you have to reach a certain level of one privilege in order to earn another privilege (or level of another privilege).
For example you need to have reached a certain level of clothing and footwear before you can be taken outside. You will have to reach being taken outside and eating at the table to be able to be taken out to dinner.
This also means that if a privilege is taken away / lost this can effect other privileges. On the one hand this introduces a level of complexity on the other hand it also drives home the consequences of losing a privilege.

This linking is why I call it a system and not just privileges. The linking provides additional motivation to pay attention to things the submissive girl finds less important. If for example her posture (and posture training) is not important to a girl but she needs to show proper posture in order to be allowed to sit in public and she needs to be able to sit in public in order to go out to see a movie. The new movie she wants to see will be a great motivation to improve her posture.


Devotional Training: Privileges.

anuezryk: This woman had her pants taken away after she was found wearing them over her chastity bel


This woman had her pants taken away after she was found wearing them over her chastity belt. When she was then found to be wearing tights under her dress, thigh bands were added to permanently modify her behaviour. Now, she wears beautiful stockings under her dresses and skirts with pride, and no longer tries to hide her chastity appliance from those who wish to view it.

Female Chastity Reasons #6: It Can Be Used to Further Other Ladylike Behaviour

The chastity belt allows proper lady like behaviour to be furthered and enforced. Not only does the belt give the woman confidence, it also ensures discipline and can be used for behaviour modification. The chastity belt constantly reminds the wearer that she is a vulnerable woman who needs protection, both from others and from herself.

A proper lady walks with her legs close together, and refrains from ever spreading them like a whore. Although most women will come to be proud of their belts, most show signs of embarrassment when they are initially fitted. This gives the woman an extra reason to keep her legs closed, so her belt is not visible up her skirt. Should the woman be found to be spreading her legs inappropriately, or not walking in a ladylike manner, thigh bands may be fastened to correct this behaviour. Thigh bands also provide subtle motivation for the woman to wear higher heels, since the increased height of the heel masks the fact that her stride is actually restricted by the bands. Thigh bands may also be applied if the woman tries to wear panties, pantyhose instead of stockings, or pants instead of a skirt. The anchor points for the bands also conveniently allow a cable or chain to be locked to the belt and to an anchor in the kitchen, laundry room or other area of the house while domestic tasks need to be completed.

Devotional Training.

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Sir and I have advanced our relationship to include financial domination. We’re going to take it slow. To start, I must ask His permission when I want to spend my money on something.

This has never interested me in the past. I’ve been financially independent since age 16. I work long, hard hours to earn this money, and for that, I should want nothing more than to spend it at my will, but I don’t anymore.

I can’t help but want to give Him every ounce of control over my life. I adore Him so much that I’d rather see my money go to Him than to myself. He deserves it. This is for the best. He is my superior and more intelligent than I am. He’ll make more prudent financial decisions for me. A lowly, inferior cunt like myself doesn’t deserve to have free reign over her money anyways.

He allows me to make fewer and fewer choices for myself, the more time passes, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Devotional Training: Dominated in all ways.

(via How to Set a Budget in Less than 10 Minutes (I Challenge You!)) I’m literally challenging you:

(viaHow to Set a Budget in Less than 10 Minutes (I Challenge You!))

I’m literally challenging you: grab a timer, do the steps in the post and tell me if it took longer than 10 minutes.

10 minutes of your time and you’ll be in control of your money. Who doesn’t want to try that?

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