

AroAce cTommy that likes the idea of romance but never experienced it

Gay cTubbo being very cynical when it comes to love yet falling hard for cRanboo

Thats it this is my little HC of cClingyduo

c!Phil in a nutshell:

“Phil, Dream trapped me in an underground torture chamber-”

Rise above it, control it.”

“Okay, but Dream said he wants to revive me and kill me over and over and-”

“You can do this.”

“Phil, Dream’s going to come for me and I need help-”

“Don’t let this feeling consume you.”

You can see why his advice fucking sucks, yeah?

Stop spouting motivational quotes at him and ACTUALLY help him.



Don’t you fucking DARE hold tubbo over his head. DOn’t YOU fucking DARE use tubbo as some trump card of rightousness over tommy

Like thats so fucking RICH coming from him oh my god clenchin g my fist s


the discs aren’t bad, you guys are just mean: an essay

Deconstruction is a style of analysis that explores the relationship between text and meaning. When used to analyze and/or critique a plot device, the plot device is used seriously and examined in detail, usually to demonstrate a circumstance in which it would make logical sense, its real-life consequences, and its flaws. I pulled that mostly from the TV Tropes page and ninth grade English, so don’t quote me or anything, but that should give you an idea of what I mean when I use the term.

The Wikipedia definition of a MacGuffin is “an object, device, or event that is necessary to the plot and the motivation of the characters, but insignificant, unimportant, or irrelevant in itself.”

I’m sure you can tell where this is going.

Keep reading


Tired of people drilling it into c!Tommy’s mind every time they can that him having attachments is Bad and he’s in the Wrong for doing so and He’s the issue


…. not c!phil redoing “throw your items in a hole” in a different font….



cphilza will never fucking understand by the way

just sayin notice how different the convo went when ctommy talked to another abuse survivor (c!quackity)




guys im not mad at cphil for simply giving “bad advice” he literally yelled at ctommy for saying he hesitated and then victim blamed

c!dreams obession with the discs was the same as c!dreams obession with c!tommy at the time. they where one in the same. c!tommy was choosing between c!tubbo and what was to him, “ending the game” between him and c!dream

and he still chose c!tubbo. Its okay he fucking hesitated

nd phil doesnt know this of course but he had no reason to yell and immediately victim blame when he KNOWS the kind of person cdream is, and KNOWS the mental state ctommy is in. HE FUCKED UP– accept that!


also, phil telling tommy to just overcome this is in no way productive for tommy. tommy constantly asks “what do I do?” “someone help me!” this advice doesn’t help because there’s literally nothing tommy can do at this point. it confuses tommy because abuse isn’t something he can just overcome. and it’s so frustrating to watch


you know. I’ve really had enough of watching this kid throw himself at a wall and beating himself up over it. tommy is taking bad advice, he’s building safehouses, he’s putting up and taking down walls, all to fix the dream problem. tommy is trying to fix a problem that does not reside in him because he’s been told that he is the problem instead of dream. and i’ve really had enough of people telling him that.




Why are people acting like c!Tommy is the issue for holding onto sentimental items and “not moving on” or not being able to heal yet and. Not his abuser that’s currently roaming free and stalking and actively harming him?

Okay cool. c!Tommy gives up all his item attachments. His abuser is still out to get him.

idk why people are acting like him having attachments is what’s confining him either. like, him having attachments isn’t what’s hurting him it’s the fact that he’s being abused and his abuser is using those attachments to have power over him. it’s not his fault nor his responsibility to keep those attachments in check in order to protect himself, at least it shouldn’t have to be anyways.

do y’all know how terrible of a message “take away all sentimental value from your possessions in order to keep control over your life and not let anyone take advantage of you” is? ESPECIALLY in an abuse situation?

Cool and awesome thing I noticed in Final Waltz is that Tommy doesn’t have the braid in his hair anymore. Cool and awesome to remember that it’s because this takes place after doomsday.


he’s broken into tears meanwhile we’re pulling out the confetti

—-Chapter 2—-

“Grabbing a fresh page of parchment, he settles on the floor and dips his quill in the ink. The crow hops around him for a while before settling on his lap. He strokes its feathers as he thinks of how to write back.”

“The Tommyinnit Files” by LostPage

You guys should ABSOLUTELY check out this fantastic fic that I have the honor of beta reading for! It’s an amazing read and I’d happily recommend it to all of you!<3
