



夕方からは恒例の焚き火のそばでのまったりワインタイムからの。。ディナーのフィレミニョンを外のグリルで焼いて、大好きなミディアムレアで頂だきました。塩コショウだけのシンプルな味つけなのに、ジューシーでお肉の旨みがジュワッと口に広がる。思わず目を閉じて食べちゃいました 笑

Vacation in the Catskills is almost over!

Wondered around a little town near the cabin today and had curried chicken sandwich and kale Cesar salad for lunch. After coming back home, made a fire pit and had relaxing time drinking wine : )

Grilled fillet mignon outside (medium rare of course) for dinner. For such a simple salt and pepper seasoning, the steak was super juicy and flavorful and made my mouth watery even before I put it in my mouth! : ))
