#customer service is hell



So I’ve worked overnights at Mickey D’s for about a week now, and this is a list of all the crazy shit that’s already happened

  • Yelled FUCK through the headset while talking to a customer because I spilled a drink I was trying to put a lid on (meanwhile my coworkers are laughing in the background)
  • I was trying to bring a customer their food who was waiting at the 3rd window, and the car was completely empty. And then I got yelled at because I left the food at the window instead of bringing it back because I was more concerned about the EMPTY FUCKING CAR.
  • Had a lady walk through the drive-thru and my manager threatened to call the cops on her. Meanwhile I didn’t even notice cause I wasn’t looking at the screen, so I ended up taking her order anyway
  • Already went home crying because I was supposed to be training on the window, but we got busy, so I ended up getting stuck on the window barely knowing what I was doing, and both my coworkers and I were equally frustrated


  • So the town I live in had a boil mandate on water, so for the first few days working there we didn’t have any fountain drinks, only slushies, shakes, hot coffee, or bottles of water. So a customer orders a slushie, so I make it, and I think all is good UNTIL it proceeded to expand and explode all over me and the floor

So I’ve worked overnights at Mickey D’s for about a week now, and this is a list of all the crazy shit that’s already happened

  • Yelled FUCK through the headset while talking to a customer because I spilled a drink I was trying to put a lid on (meanwhile my coworkers are laughing in the background)
  • I was trying to bring a customer their food who was waiting at the 3rd window, and the car was completely empty. And then I got yelled at because I left the food at the window instead of bringing it back because I was more concerned about the EMPTY FUCKING CAR.
  • Had a lady walk through the drive-thru and my manager threatened to call the cops on her. Meanwhile I didn’t even notice cause I wasn’t looking at the screen, so I ended up taking her order anyway
  • Already went home crying because I was supposed to be training on the window, but we got busy, so I ended up getting stuck on the window barely knowing what I was doing, and both my coworkers and I were equally frustrated

Y'all, if a new job already has me in tears after less than a week, is it even really worth it?


There’s a regular customer that is like this, and every time he opens his mouth, I swear I wanna punch him in the dick.

This dude literally defended one of my old coworkers who was fired for sexual harassment towards a minor, and tried to hit on me after thinking I was a minor (I’m not, but it’s still gross) IN THE SAME FUCKING CONVERSATION.

He is the worst.
