#cutie pie ep8


Whoa, y’all…

Can we talk about Cutie Pie ep 8 for a sec?

Never in my life have I seen a s*x scene that… well… hot, frankly, without it feeling raunchy. And damn if they didn’t pull it off in this series.

So many good things, man. The multiple check ins, the conversation in the middle, the enthusiastic consent, the reciprocal nature of the whole scene… not to mention the natural, realistic representation of an affectionate, newly physical relationship.


Everything else is going to pale in comparison now, isn’t it?

Is this:

the new this:

In other words..is this particular hand gesture in BL giving the same message as the image of a train going into a tunnel from Old Hollywood films under the Hays Code? (We can’t show you actual on-screen penetrative sex, so we’ll give you an image that clearly communicates what is happening…)

Obviously current BL is less censored than old Hollywood films, but I had the thought when I saw this gesture yet again in Cutie Pie. It used to be used more generally during make-out scenes, but recently it seems to be code for something more specific.
