#new chawarin


lian & kuea: *dramatically break up* 

the 435 guests: 

MaxNat giving ZeeNunew a run for their money in the sexy scene department, I see

Alright though, what a SOFT scene. My friends that was a love scene not a sex scene. The soft smiles, the eye contact, the I-can’t- stop-touching-you caresses… (also the framing and scene blocking was on point)

And once again, the stand out factors in this scene : comfort, consent, reciprocity.

LIVING for the quality, queer love scenes happening lately

Whoa, y’all…

Can we talk about Cutie Pie ep 8 for a sec?

Never in my life have I seen a s*x scene that… well… hot, frankly, without it feeling raunchy. And damn if they didn’t pull it off in this series.

So many good things, man. The multiple check ins, the conversation in the middle, the enthusiastic consent, the reciprocal nature of the whole scene… not to mention the natural, realistic representation of an affectionate, newly physical relationship.


Everything else is going to pale in comparison now, isn’t it?
