

My first Inktober piece for the prompt poisonous

Again, thanks y’all for the support in my previous Mermay batches!
Part 1
Part 2

This week, I wanted to explore the various forms of sexual dimorphism in Merfolk, ALSO inspired by real life Biology! From the massive size of differences between male and female Blanket octopus and Angler fish to the almost non existent size difference in Oarfish and Beaked Whales!

It was also neat to explore various cultures from outside of Kara’s (The Great White from Part 1) town, for example the Narwhal and Salmon folk are northern adjacent nomadic tribes.

And unlike their IRL animals, even after pairing up or having kids, these Merfolk still get to live their lives (so the Salmon and Octopus folk get to live long lives here!)


New stickers!

I got a few of these to see if there was any interest in them. They are $3 a piece (free shipping to the US). DM me if you’re interested! I can take paypal or you can order them on etsy.
