#cybird otome


Whimsey’s Story Event! “I Do, My Love!” - Kennyo- Epilogue

Ten years after our wedding, I was going through the halls of the temple, doing some sweeping and dusting. I was just taking a break for a moment to wipe the sweat from my brow when I heard that familiar deep voice coming from behind me.

“Ranmaru and the disiples were right.”

I turned to Kennyo and smiled. “Right about what?”

“That my dear wife was working when she’s supposed to be resting.” He answered. “The midwife has said you should be staying off of your feet more.”

“She’s said that every time and every time I have continued as I always do and everything is just fine.” I remarked. “Besides, I know my body and I listen to it, taking breaks when I need to.”

Kennyo sighed and shook his head as he came over to me, placing a large hand over my swollen belly. “It wouldn’t hurt you to slow down just a bit.” He reminded me. “At least be finished for the day and come join me in the garden for some tea…I also stopped at that bakery in town and picked up your favorite sweets.”

“Well…I mean if you went through the trouble of getting my favorite sweets…” I replied. “And I guess it would be nice to sit down and enjoy some tea together.”

Kennyo’s warm smile lit his face as he took my hand. We made our way out to the garden, where the tea and sweets were already waiting for us. Kennyo was helping me to sit down before sitting down beside me.

“How was your trip into town?” I asked.

“It went well. Everyone is doing wonderful. They also send well wishes for your health and the baby’s.” He answered.

I couldn’t help the smile that came to my face. “That must be why I have continued to be just fine. I have so many people wishing for my health.”

Kennyo chuckled. He was about to say something else when we heard the familiar running steps. Then the familiar high pitched voice. “Mama! Papa!”

We both turned as our daughter, Anzu came running up to us tears streaming down her face. I opened my arms as she came to me. “What’s the matter, my little love?” I asked her.

“It's…Hiro and Soji…they…” She began, trying to get whatever out between sobs.

It was then we heard the familiar stomping run of two pairs of slightly larger feet. “Mom…before she says anything…you have to listen to us!” Hiro, our eldest son said.

“Yeah, Anzu was totally asking for it!” Soji agreed.

Hiro glared at Soji and smacked him on the arm. “Way to go, doofus.”

Kennyo and I shared a look. “What happened?” I asked.

Hiro and Soji both clammed up at that moment.

“They told me that when the new baby gets here…that I have to go away! They said all of your love would go to the new baby and you wouldn’t need or want me around anymore.” Anzu exclaimed before bursting into tears.

I tightened my arms around her. “Oh sweet girl, nothing could be farther from the truth.” I assured her. “Your big brothers were playing a little prank on you…a mean one.” I added this last part giving my boys the side eye.

“Your mother is right.” Kennyo assured Anzu, reaching his hand over to stroke her silky dark locks taht were just like his. “We will never stop loving you.”

“You are our daughter and nohing will ever change our love for you.” I agreed. “Just as nothing will ever change our love for your brothers. Do you think Mama and Papa stopped loving Hiro when Soji was born? Or stopped love Soji when you were born?”

Anzu sniffed. “Well…no…but don’t you only have so much love to go around?”

Kennyo was reaching for Anzu and pulling her till she was sitting in his lap. “My sweet one, that’s the thing about love. It doesn’t shrink as we bring more people into the world and our lives, it only grows.”

“That’s right.” I agreed.

“How…how does love grow?” Hiro asked.

I scooted over and patted the places on either side of me. “Come and we’ll tell you.”

Hiro and Soji came over and sat on either side of me. I placed my arms around them and hugged them.

“You see, our family started out with just your mama and I.” Kennyo said, looking at me with a tender smile. “Our love was just the two of us. And then we had you, Hiro.” He was then turning to Hiro. “And our family and our love grew.”

“And then it grew again, when we had you, Soji.” I added.

“And again when we had you, Anzu.” Kennyo continued. “And so, our love will only grow once again with this new baby.”

“And the love grows even bigger because, despite how you three act sometimes, you love each other.” I added.

“I don’t know. I don’t even really like them right now, Mama.” Anzu said.

“You’re upset with them because they hurt your feelings with that mean joke?” I asked.

Anzu nodded.

“That doesn’t mean you don’t love them or that in their own way they don’t love you.” I explained. “Though you two really could stand to be a little kinder to your sister.”

“Yes, you all should look out for each other.” Kennyo said. “Protect each other.”

Hiro and Soji nodded. “Right.”

Hiro was then looking at Anzu. “I’m really sorry we played that joke on you. It wasn’t nice.”

“Yeah, we won’t do it again.” Soji agreed. “Sorry, Anzu.”

“I guess I forgive you guys.” Anzu replied.

“Let’ go play in the garden together.” Hiro suggested.

“Yeah, we can play tag!” Soji agreed.

“Alright!” Anzu said, happily jumping from Kennyo’s lap. She gave us both a quick hug before leaning down to my belly. “I love you…and I hope you’re a little sister. Then I’ll have someone on my side!”

Kennyo and I laughed as we watched our oldest three children run off, playing together, their squabble soon forgotten. Childish joy and giggles filled the air.

Kennyo scooted closer to me and wrapped his arm around me. I leaned into him as we watched our children. Kennyo placed his other hand over my belly. “Ava, my love, thank you.” He said.

“For what?” I asked.

“For loving me and giving me these amazing gifts that are our children. My days are filled with joy and laughter thanks to you and our love.”

I felt tears begin to sting at my eyes at these sweet words. “I can’t take all of the credit. Though I have the hard part, these children are here because of the both of us. Because of our love for each other. Because you opened your heart to me.”

We were soon sharing a kiss…much to the chagrin of our children. “Ew! Mom and Dad are kissing again!” Soji exclaimed.

“Yuck.” Hiro agreed.

“Yeah, gross.” Anzu agreed.

Kennyo and I laughed and shook our heads at their reactions. But these were the peaceful days. Our life was beautiful and filled with so much love and happiness. I knew it would go on forever.

Whimsey’s Story Event! “I Do, My Love!” -Kennyo Pt 3- The Wedding Night

18+ NSFW content in this installment

After the ceremony, we had a beautiful reception banquet, choosing to hold that out in the garden as well. We’d decided to have a giant picnic for everyone, enjoying the sunlight fresh spring air. Masamune had made all the food, spending all morning leading up to the wedding in the kitchen. He had insisted, saying that he wasn’t about to let anyone else feed me for my wedding.

Sasuke, with some help from Yoshimoto and Keiji had managed to hire a band that played music for all of us to enjoy during the party. It was beautiful and perfect. Everyone who was a part of our lives had contributed to our special day in some way. It also gave me hope that we could see true peace someday. As everyone had been able to set aside their differenes for this one day.

“You seem to be quite happy, my love.” Kennyo said to me, that kind, warm smile on his face.

I returned his smile. “How could I not be? I just got to marry the love of my life and now we are celebrating with all of the people who are closest to us.”

Kennyo’s cheeks reddened ever so slightly, but he continued to smile. “I am truly blessed to have you by my side, Ava.” He said, leaning in to kiss my cheek.

“I feel just as blessed to have you at my side, Kennyo.”

“I hope that I will always be able to keep you so happy.” He replied.

Before I could say anything, Ranmaru was standing up. “Alright, I think it’s time everyone!” He announced.

Kennyo and I both looked up at Ranmaru, confused. This was not something we had planned. “Time for what?” Kennyo asked.

“The special gift we all came up with for the both of you!” Ranmaru answered, smiling brightly.

“Awe, you guys didn’t have to get us anything. Just everyone being here to celebrate with us is gift enough.” I said.

“Yes, we couldn’t possibly ask for more.” Kennyo replied.

“Learn to take a much deserved gift, my friend.” Shingen said, looking at Kennyo.

“We had to make sure there was a proper gift for our little mouse.” Mitsuhide said, looking at me.

“Alright, now stop with the teasing. We have to let them know and send them off.” Ranmaru said. He then turned to us once again. “We all know you weren’t planning on going on a honeymoon, but we all agreed that you guys should have a little vacation.”

“But we still have many things to attend to here.” Kennyo said.

“Yes, and having the one day was enough.” I added.

“Nonsense.” Ranmaru replied. “So, we all decided to set you guys up for a little hot spring vacation at the inn in town!”

“Yes, we all decided you deserved something nice and relaxing.” Shingen said. “Your room is reserved for three days.”

“And if you two want to make it there before nightfall, you should be leaving now.” Mitsuhide informed us.

“But…we didn’t pack anything.” I protested.

“And that’s really too much.” Kennyo added.

“It’s not too much!” Ranmaru countered.

“And we’ve already had things delivered to your room for you.” Nobunaga said, wearing that haughty smile of his.

“You two should be going and enjoying your honeymoon.” Hideyoshi agreed.

“Yes, do get started on some children.” Mitsuhide said with a grin.

“We have a bet going on just how soon before we hear news that you’re with child.” Masamune teased.

I felt my cheeks redden. “Y-you…you guys!”

Kennyo coughed and looked away, his cheeks also turning red.

“Alright, now get going!” Ranmaru declared.

We were soon being pushed from our wedding reception. As we were at the edge of the temple grounds, Ranmaru leaned in and whispered in my ear, “Oh, and Lady Ava, this onsen allows mixed bathing.” He then gave me a cheeky grin as he and the others practically shoved us out.

We made our way through the forest and into town, our hands twined. When we arrived at the inn, we were led to our room, which had everything ready for us. Ranmaru and the others really had thought of everything and sent anything we would be needing for our stay. The inn was also arranged around the hot springs. There were larger more public ones and then there were a few smaller ones that had room built off of them, for privacy. We had one of the private baths.

“Wow, this is all so nice.” I said as I looked around the room. A large comfy-looking futon was laid out for us along with some fruit and what appeared to be some wine.

“It appears they went all out for us.” Kennyo agreed. “We should make sure we enjoy ourselves to the fullest.” He was coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around me, hugging me.

I smiled as I leaned into his embrace. It was then that I remembered Ranamru’s cheeky comment about the baths. I turned around in Kennyo’s arms and wrapped my own around him. “Maybe…we should start with a nice bath?” I suggested, feeling my cheeks burning.

Kennyo looked at me surprised a moment and then smiled. “Were you thinking we should bathe together?” He asked.

“I mean…it IS our wedding night.” I replied, before burying my face in his broad chest.

A warm chuckle rumbled in his chest. He was then kissing the top of my head. “Then come, my dearest wife.”

I felt my heart melting once again at him calling me his wife. Ah! We really are married! I squealed internally. I couldn’t be happier. “Alright, my dear husband.”

Kennyo’s breath seemed to catch for a moment and then he was coaxing my gaze back up to his, bringing my lips to meet his for a sweet kiss.

It wasn’t much later that we had made our way out to the private open air bath, shedding our yukata before climbing in and sinking into the hot water together. Kennyo placed his arm around me as we sat next to each other and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

“I don’t think I told you just how beautiful you looked today in your wedding dress.” Kennyo told me. “And I’m glad we kept it a surprise until the ceremony.”

I smiled up at him. “I’m glad we kept it a surprise, too.” I told him. “And you looked even more handsome than I imagined in your kimono I made.”

“I was stunned when you first walked out.” He confessed. “It took me a moment to believe that you truly were there as my bride and not for someone else.”

“Oh, Kennyo…” I said, “You’re too sweet. And you deserve all of the love and happiness in the world.”

He smiled warmly at me. “And it is only your love and happiness I desire.”

I swear this man could melt me with his words. I stretched up and kissed him gently on the lips. “And you will have it for the rest of our lives.” I replied, as I pulled away. It was then that I noticed the slight red stain to his lips. “Oh, I guess I should be washing this makeup off. Let me get that for you.” I was grabbing a cloth and wetting it to wash the red lip paint that had rubbed off in our kiss.

Kennyo chuckled. “Then allow me to return the favor.” He was taking the wash cloth from me and ever so slowly and gently running it over my face, washing away the makeup I wore. I closed my eyes and leaned into the touch and feeling of the warmth. He soon finished and set the wash cloth aside. I opened my eyes as his large warm hand cupped my cheek.

Those dark eyes were looking at me with such tenderness, love, and desire. He was soon drawing me in until our lips were meeting once again. His strong arms wrapped around me as I wrapped my arms around him, our kiss quickly deepening into a more passionate hungry kiss, our tongues coming out to play. He slid those large hands over the curves of my body.

I pulled myself closer, not satisfied until I could feel his skin against mine under the water. I ran my hands over the broad plains of his chest. I could feel my body temperature rising with every kiss and touch we shared. We broke apart, both of us panting.

Kennyo smiled at me, his hand going to stroke my hair. “Perhaps we should continue this inside? I am afraid in the onsen you will get too hot and pass out.”

“That's…probably a good idea.” I agreed. “Definitely don’t want to pass out.”

Kennyo was then standing up and climbing out of the bath, turning to me to offer his hand. I placed my hand in his and allowed him to help pull me up and then out of the onsen. We dried off and loosly wrapped towels around ourselves as we walked back into our room. Kennyo slid the door shut behind us before immediately embracing me once again.

Our lips met and the towels fell away as we released our hold on them to hold onto each other. Kennyo’s hands were gently tracing over my body even as our kisses became hungier. It wasn’t long before I felt the soft futon cover at my back. I wasn’t even sure how we’d gotten here already, but I was more than happy for it.

Kennyo was hovering above me, looking at me with so much love and desire. “You’re so beautiful Ava.” He told me. “And I am truly blessed to get to call you my wife.”

“I still believe I am the blessed one to call you my husband.” I replied, as I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him closer.

Kennyo’s warm smile was so close. He kissed me on the lips and then slowly trailed kisses down the side of my neck while he brought a calloused hand to my breast, kneading and massaging before taking and circling my nipple with his thumb.

“Ah…Kennyo…” I moaned at his touch.

“Am I being too rough, my love?” He asked, pulling back to look at me with tender concern.

I shook my head. “No…in fact…I want you…to touch me more.” I replied, looking at him through love-hazed eyes. Kennyo was always so gentle and reverent in his love for me.

He chuckled warmly before leaning back in, this time bringing those soft lips to my chest, kissing in the valley between my breasts before going to lavish each of them with affectionate attention. He slid a hand lower, fingertips tracing over the sensitive flesh of my hips. Each kiss, each caress sent new thrills through my body.

“Mmmm…Kennyo…” I moaned with both pleasure and frustration. Those attentive fingers weren’t going where I wanted them most. “More…please…”

“As you wish.” He whispered against my skin and slid his hand from my hip, his fingers finally slipping between my thighs, his thumb stroking that sensitive bud and sending a jolt of electricity through me.

“Ah…yes! Kennyo!” I cried out for the touch that I had been craving.

Kennyo continued to stroke me, eliciting more cries from me as he slowly slid two fingers inside my welcoming heat, stil keeping pace with his thumb. Wave after wave of please washed over me as he continued to work me until I was coming undone.

Kennyo placed gentle kisses over my trembling body as he withdrew his fingers only to reposition himself between my parted legs. “Are you ready, my love?”

“Yes…I want…all of you…my love.” I answered breathless. It was then that I felt him enter me. I let out another moan at the familiar stretch. I wrapped my arms around Kennyo clinging to him as he brought his arms around me, holding me close to his chest as he made love to me.

We shared many kisses and caresses as we clung to each other, Kennyo thrusting and my own hips bucking to meet his. “Ava…I…love you.” Kennyo’s deep voice was in my ear, his breath washing over my skin. “Being with you…sharing our lives and…our love…I will never tire of it. I am happy…to have you…as my…wife.”

“Awe…Kennyo…I love…you too.” I replied, my gaze meeting and holding his. “I never…want to…spend a day…without you…my love…my Kennyo…my husband.”

Our love, expressed in our words, and our bodies was soon taking us both to new highs in our pleasure. Soon, release came for both of us. Gasping out each other’s names as sweet paradise came to us.

Afterwards, we lay in the futon, cuddling close together. Kennyo’s strong arms held me even as I rested my head on his broad chest. I sighed contentedly. “Hmm…today really was the happiest day of my life.” I said, looking up at him.

Kennyo smiled at me. “I can think of one day when you might be even happier.”

“And what day is that?” I asked.

“When our first child is born.” He answered.

“You…you really want children?” I asked. “I mean to make a family with me?”

“I can think of nothing I’d rather do more.” He answered. “We don’t have to decide, now of course, if you are not ready…”

“Of course I want to have a family with you, Kennyo!” I declared with a bright smile. “I think you’ll be an amazing father. You’re already amazing with the children that come to the temple to study.”

“And you are equally good with those children. I think you will be an amazing mother…not to mention how adorable you will look pregnant.”

I smiled and blushed. “I don’t know about that…but I will be more than happy to start a family with you, Kennyo.”

“Then we should get started.” Kennyo replied with a roguish smile as he pushed me onto my back and came to hover over me once again.

I giggled as I wrapped my arms around him. “Yes, let’s get started.”

And so a long night of celebrating our love and trying for our family began.

You want to know what happens next? Stay tuned for a sweet epilog!

Whimsey’s Story Event! I do, My Love- Kennyo Pt. 2 The Wedding

After Kennyo’s oh so sweet and romantic proposal, our wedding preparations began. SInce the ceremony didn’t have to be religious, it actually gave us a lot of freedom to make it just about us and our love for each other and our desire to commit our lives to one another.

Kennyo was also being so very sweet with all of it, telling me he wanted the wedding to be everything I had ever dreamed of. “It’s not just about me.” I told him, as we sat with our friends who had become our unofficial planning committee. “It’s about both of us. We should make sure the wedding is the way you want, too.”

Kennyo gave me a warm smile. “Just the fact that you even want to dedicate your love and your life to me is more than enough.” Kennyo assured me.

“Kennyo…” I said, feeling so happy at his sweet words.

“Awe, there truly is nothing more beautiful than love.” Shingen said from his place across from us.

“Master Kennyo and Lady Ava are so great together.” Ranmaru agreed.

I felt my cheeks redden at the words from our friends. “You guys…”

“So, since this is going to be a wedding that reflects you guys, are you planning to follow some of the traditions from our…hometown?” Sasuke asked, looking at me.

“I was thinking of a few.” I answered smiling.

“That will be fun to see.” Ranmaru said, smiling brightly. “What kinds of things were you thinking?”

Kennyo and I had already discussed most of this stuff on our own. “Well, there were a few we decided we wanted to do. One of them is exchanging rings as an outward symbol of our commitment to each other.” I then went on to explain some of the other traditions. “Oh and one of the last traditions, Yoshimoto, I’m really going to need your help with in finding just the right fabrics, since you have such an eye for these kinds of things.”

Yoshimoto smiled. “I’d be more than happy to help you create your next masterpiece.” He said.

“So, you are making a wedding dress?” Sasuke asked, already knowing.

I nodded. “Yes.” I then turned to Yoshimoto. “I’ll show you the design when we go out shopping later.”

“Why not show me right now?” Yoshimoto asked.

“Because she has already forbidden me from seeing it until the wedding.” Kennyo answered. “Another tradition we will be following.”

“It’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her dress before the ceremony.” Sasuke said knowingly.

“I don’t believe in that.” I said. “But I like the idea of a surprise.”

“Does this mean you will be having a more Western style wedding?” Sasuke asked. “And would you be having anyone give you away?”

I laughed. “I suppose it will be a little more of a Western style.” I agreed. “But I don’t think I’ll be having anyone give me away. My father isn’t available for that after all.”

“Giving the bride away?” Shingen asked.

Sasuke gave a quick explanation of the tradition. Once he had finished the explanation, we heard a voice that I had not expected. At least not for a few more days when the official visit would be. “If anyone is to give the bride away, being that you are a princess of the Oda Forces, I shall gladly take that honor. You are my lucky charm after all.”

We all looked up, surprised. “Nobunaga?” I asked.

“What are you doing here, Devil?” Shingen asked, all mirth gone from his eyes.

“I have reached peace with Kennyo and his disiples.” Nobunaga explained. “And then of course, I received word of a wedding to take place between my lucky charm and the man she has chosen to live her life with.”

“This is a happy occasion.” Kennyo said to Shingen. Though I knew Kennyo still had a hard time dealing with Nobunaga, even knowing that Kicho had acted alone all those years ago and started everything…there had been a lot of hurt. I was proud of him for working so hard to move past that. “And this temple is neutral territory.”

Shingen sighed. “I suppose it would make sense for you to attend…nor would I want to cause problems for my friend or the beautiful goddess he is marrying.”

I looked up at Nobunaga. “But…you really want to give me away?” I asked him.

Nobunaga smirked. “It is only right.”

I was surprised by the touch of warmth I saw in those red eyes. There were times that I never understood the man, times I still didn’t but he could be surprisingly warm at times. “I would appreciate that.”

Nobunaga then came to join us. There was clearly still tension in the air, but as we all focused on discussing and planning the wedding, that tension slowly began to ease. It was nice that everyone could put aside their differences for the sake of mine and Kennyo’s wedding. I just hoped that this would continue and be the same on the day of our wedding…which would be in three months.

Three months later…

I stood in the spare room, looking in the mirror. Hideyoshi, Mitsuhide, and Yoshimoto had surprised me by helping me with my hair and makeup. Nothing too over the top, thankfully. I had honestly thought Yoshimoto would try going really grand and fancy, but he said that would detract from my natural beauty. He’d also said he didn’t want to take away from the masterpiece that was my dress.

With some help from some maids, I had managed to get my dress on. I had combined elements of a modern wedding dress and kimono to make something that was unique to me, but also still modest enough for the time period…and for becoming the wife of an abbot. Granted the monks had all already started referring to me as Abbess, but still…this would make it feel more official.

I smiled as I looked at my white dress, patterned with purple and gold flowers. My obi a solid purple, trimmed in gold, and a gold chord around the middle. I’m not sure how, but Nobunaga and Yoshimoto had managed to find lace for me in order to make a veil. I smiled as I looked at my reflection. As most young girls do, I had been dreaming about my wedding day for a long time. I never imagained it would be like this, and yet I couldn’t think of it being any other way.

“Ava, I’m coming in.”

I turned at the sound of the familiar voice and the door slid open. Nobunaga was walking in, dressed in his finest robes. He smiled at me. “I should have known you would have come up with such a creation. It is very fitting for you, Fireball.”

I could see the warmth in his eyes as he looked at me. “Thanks, Nobunaga.”

“Are you ready? It is almost time.” He asked me.

I nodded with a bright smile. “Yes.”

Nobunaga offered me his arm and I linked mine through his. We exited the room and began to head to the temple gardem, where we decided to hold the ceremony. All of the disiples were gathered, along with all of our friends…including all of the Oda forces and Shingen, Sasuke, and Yoshimoto.

I couldn’t help but to feel an added happiness at seeing all of these people who were enemies, putting that aside for the day. I knew it wasn’t easy for any of them, but they were doing this all for Kennyo and me. Of course, I couldn’t focus on the guests for too long.

Kennyo stood under the very tree he proposed to me under. He looked so handsome in the black kimono I had made for him, with a gold and purple sash. He smiled at me as I walked towards him on Nobunaga’s arm. Once we reached our makeshift alter, Nobunaga was releasing me and then placing my hand in Kennyo’s before taking his seat.

Kennyo and I stood facing each other and joined both of our hands and smiling. Given that this was just about us pledging our lives and our love to each other, we had agreed to write our own vows. Echanging those vows and rings.

“Ava,” Kennyo said my name, reverently as he began his vows, “you have given me so much. Far more than I deserved. You rescued me from myself and showed me that I was still a man. Your pure heart, your kindness, and your love are all gifts to me. Gifts that I treasure above all else. In return, I pledge to you my life and my love. I swear to love you every day and see to your health, safety, and happiness for the rest of my life.”

I could feel the happy tears stinging my eyes at how sweet his words were. I had not imagined just how beautiful his vows would be. Though it made sense, he was a wonderful orator. “How am I supposed to follow that?” I asked, giving him a smile. This also earned a chuckle from Kennyo and everyone in attendance.

“I am sure your words are beautiful.” He replied, giving my hands a squeeze.

I smiled at him and nodded. “Kennyo, you have shown me a love and kindness as I have never known. Even when you didn’t believe yourself kind, I always saw through to the kindness in your heart. I pledge my life and my love to you. I swear that I will love you every day and I will keep and protect that kind heart of yours and make sure you are happy for the rest of my life.”

Ranmaru was then approaching us and handing us the rings. They were simple wooden bands Shingen had carved for us. Inside the bands he had carved the characters for love, life, kindness, and joy. Kennyo took my left hand and slid the band on my ring finger. With trembling hands, I managed to slide his ring on his finger.

We stood looking at each other, smiling. Then from the crowd, Sasuke called out. “You may now kiss the bride!”

“Kiss the bride before I do!” Masamune called.

“Is kissing the bride a tradition? I’d like to participate in that.” Shingen said.

I felt my cheeks reddening, but Kennyo was smiling at me. He pulled me closer and soon our lips were meeting in a sweet kiss, sealing our wedding vows. When we broke apart, we were both smiling. “I love you, Kennyo.” I told him.

He smiled at me. “I love you, Ava…my wife.”

My heart soared at those words and my smile widened. “My husband.”

I really love this story, I’m so glad I got the bonus story from Kenshin’s B-Day Fest 2022. It’s so sweet and has a lot of things that I like when they include them in IkeSen

This craftsman needs his own route. He’s so sweet and I want to romance him


14 more days to go before his birthday ^^

Alyn Crawford ( Midnight Cinderella) ❤
