#daily living


Get up…dress up…show up. If you can.


Protip for anyone who has trouble self starting the cleaning process: invite someone over.

Even though I’m not enough of self starter because of my executive dysfunctions to get things done on my own or for myself, I find that the thought of someone I care about seeing my mess is enough incentive to get going and make my bed, get the bathroom clean.

It ain’t much, but it works for me– and, even if you’re battling depression or other mental illness, inviting someone over can help you feel more connnected to society anyway. It’s a win-win.

I’m not saying it’s for everyone, but it’s worth a shot. If nothing else, at least you’ll have gotten up and gotten to see a friend.

5 signs it’s time to walk away #mondaymotivation

we’ve all been there. trapped in life/work/relationship/financial woes that make it difficult to get out of bed each morning — our lives feel like they’re not our own.  instead of chucking the deuces to painful experiences, we allow insecurities, financial needs or other challenges to convince us to sit front row at the “my life is a hot ass mess convention.” we start to listen to the voice in…

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