#dance sans


Art block slowed my comic drawing so have this lil doodle of Horror and Error from Coalverse that I drew to give myself a break from… drawing??

Art is complicated :(

Sometimes your found Family is a Hobo-(ex)Destroyer with Pixlexia, an Axe lover with authority issues, an (ex)Star sans that shouldn’t be allowed near coffee and a dude that dances away his pain,


There’s also a spy but he’s a secret,



And just a little WIP as proof that despite my lack of speed I am still working on the Sanschool comic (along with Coalverse Blu)

More Coalverse doodles if you’re interested

Coalverse doodles cause it’s my fave ✨

That awkward moment when your arche nemesis accidentally causes the entire multiverse to collapse so you steal the original Undertale kidnap three Sanses and run

Both classes are now open for Asks!

Part/1Previous PartNext Part


In order of appearance!!

(Remember that no all the Aus will look accurate to their designs, as this is my own take on them)

Class S1

Epic: Yugogeer

Cross: Jakei95

Blueberry: Popcorn Pr1nce

Error: CQ/Lover of Piggies

Ink: Comyet

Dust: Ask-Dusttale

Horror: Sour-Apple Studios

Idle: AfterArtist

Fresh: CQ/Lover of Piggies

Dream: Joku

Killer: Rahafwabas

Lust: NSFWShamecave

Spoke: AfterArtist

Geno: CQ/Lover of Piggies

Nightmare: Joku

Sans: Toby Fox

fell: Vic the Underfella

Outer: 2mi127

Bird: Greyscales

Barrierfall: AfterArtist

Class S2

Reaper: Ren

Axe: thebananafrappe, azulandrojo

Sci: TalkingSoup

Over:(??? I literally can’t find any info, please tell me if you know the OG creator/s)

Ccino: black-nyanko

Delta: Animated Zorox

Candy: BabyAbbieStar

Nega: ArtsyGum

Dance: Teandstars, Sterrenschijnsel

Abyss: Meta-Kaz

Ganz: Golzy Blade Dee

Farm:(??? Again, please tell me if you know the OG creator/s)

Possession: Jitterzart

Ethos: Ethan.boi, AfterArtist

Phthalo: AfterArtist, Ethan.Boi

Glitch: Camilaart/Camila Cuevas

Deltarune: Toby Fox


Color: superyoumna

Anti: xx-avj-xx
