#sans aus


Art block slowed my comic drawing so have this lil doodle of Horror and Error from Coalverse that I drew to give myself a break from… drawing??

Art is complicated :(

Sometimes your found Family is a Hobo-(ex)Destroyer with Pixlexia, an Axe lover with authority issues, an (ex)Star sans that shouldn’t be allowed near coffee and a dude that dances away his pain,


There’s also a spy but he’s a secret,



And just a little WIP as proof that despite my lack of speed I am still working on the Sanschool comic (along with Coalverse Blu)

More Coalverse doodles if you’re interested

4 hours with just my cracked iPad, finger and 8 coffees,

Hnnnn it’s still a WIP but a lot more people were interested in Barrierfall then I thought would be

Sooooo, more angsty lore

(Even tho Barrierfall only ever had one run, a true pacifist, I’m still gonna kill off basically everyone, aha I’m so nice)

Ignore the fact I can’t draw shoes-

Coalverse doodles cause it’s my fave ✨

That awkward moment when your arche nemesis accidentally causes the entire multiverse to collapse so you steal the original Undertale kidnap three Sanses and run

Sans doodles just cause

Also a frame from the Sanschool comic cause I feel it has meme potential


Next Part/



This is my first time doing something like this,

But the Ask blog is open! :)

[I would like to remind you that I may not get to all Asks as they may not fit with the current situation or I’m unable to answer them for other reasons!! Thankyou for understanding]
