

Once of the things I used to struggle with was understanding why a guy dumped me.  I thought I was independent enough, nice enough, etc., but I wanted answers.  The truth is that we may never know why someone decided to break up or walk away from us, but finding individual closure is the best way to heal.  Through the course of dating, I have been lied to many times with many excuses of why they couldn’t date me anymore.  My favorite break up line was “you are so amazing and such a sweet person.  It’s not you, its me”.  I used to let it bother me, but then I realized that it was never about me and that I am a good person.  I learned that focusing on myself and the things that I enjoyed to do was the best way for me to heal.  Having an understanding that I am beautiful inside and out, and that I tried my best is what I focused on.  What are some ways that you have pulled through a break up? 
