

found another niche interest to add to the pile!

the pure gender euphoria of singing bass is literally equal only to top surgery

when i see abandoned iced coffees i wish i was able to pick them up video game style

today, i taught a comics class for the first time!! here’s a comic i made while doing so, featuring a funky lil guy i came up with during the character design step.

also, i was using a big ol’ easel, so this is much bigger than my usual work! :0 (see color pencil included for scale)

A collage constructed from pink and purple stickers. Wings, hands, and more radiate out from the center. Words read, “A gift from the fairies.”
A close-up of the same collage

i was inspired by some sticker collages that @jayrockin made to try my own hand at it!

(image description in alt text)

a purple freeform illustration sticker surrounded by yellow flowers

a new month means a new sticker club sticker! head over to my patreon to grab one for yourself✨

(image description in alt text)

this is fun for me bc usually when i yell ppl say things like ‘why are you screaming’ and ‘stop that’
