#dazai oneshot


Dazai x reader

When we are born, we gain everything. Then, as we grow up, we tend to lose up a bit of our magic. I’m talking about that magic that makes you wanna stare into the sky for a while. That kind of magic that brings out the sparkle in your eyes when you laugh. And it’s that magic that gave you your dreams.

What happens when you lose it?

“That’s the stupidest thing I have ever heard, Dazai.”

”Come on, don’t tell me you never believed in this soulmate kind of thing.”

It was an unusual day for you, really. Dazai has been so fixated about the concept of soulmates that had made you lose your temper multiple times today.

“I’m not saying you’re wrong, I just think it is silly of you to believe in fairytales.”- you roll your eyes, an ironic laugh escaping your mouth.

“How can I not believe in fairytales when you look like you came straight out of one? - Dazai says and his eyes threw an arrow on yours. He had definitely grabbed your attention now.

“You have that magic, - he whispers as he puts away some strands of hair out of your face, revealing daring eyes that stared into his. - a magic that very few posses.“

You two are lost into each other’s eyes. As his lips try to approach yours, you turn away, leaving him a bit surprised.

”What magic are you talking about?”- you turn your back on him, looking forward to his answer.

“I have lost many things in my life, but I could never have the strength that you have, your sincerity… But i think that the real magic lays somewhere else…”

There‘s a pause and knowing Dazai, you are ready to throw hands at him.

”A lot of people have a good heart, but very few posses a heart of gold. And you have it. A heart that feels what people can’t. A heart full of pain but decorated like a garden full of light and beauty. That’s your magic, love. You have a light in your heart that never shatters. A magic that’s never lost.”

Maybe a tear rolled down your cheeks, and you smiled knowing fully well that this was the most honest you could ever see Dazai.

“A magic that’s never lost uh? - you wipe away a tear, bite your lip and turn to face him. - You think too highly of me.”

”I think highly of no one. That is the reality.” - with hands on his pockets, Dazai heads towards the exit. He had a peaceful expression on and his eyes were almost closed.

”About that soulmate thing, - you grab his coat, making him turn towards you,- maybe it’s not a fairytale after all.”

Dazai opens his eyes wide and smiles.

”What made you change your mind?”- with a smirk and wiggly eyebrows, you push his face away from yours and avoid his gaze that had began to make you feel nervous.

”Because I think we have the same magic, Dazai.”

He stares at you for a while, thinking about all that he said.

Were you applying he had a golden heart? A beautiful soul? A magic that is never lost?

”You are truly fascinating, - he replies. - if it’s really like you say, then we will stay together for a while.”

He opens the exit door and looks back with a smile.

”Looking forward to it.”- you smile back and Dazai leaves the room.

Your relieved sigh echoed through the room. Your heartbeat calmed down and your eyes shifted to a nearby window.
Dazai was always like this, cheeky and loving. On his way home, your words stayed on his head.
”Because I think we have the same magic, Dazai.”

He smiles to himself and walks on a bridge, staring at a river.
“Not today, I have something to look forward to.”

A silent wind blew and leaves started to leave the trees. Dazai stared at it all with much awe, and decided to stay.

Don’t be Reckless | Dazai x Reader|

Pairing: Osamu Dazai x Reader (Gender Neutral)

Summary:You have been paired up with Osamu Dazai to smoke out drug dealers but things quickly take a turn for the worst and Dazai is injured.

Warnings:FLUFF, so nothing hectic but it does get a little steamy in the end. Mild Swearing.

Word Count: 2931

A/N:This took long to write and it is a lot longer than my usual work but it is cute and I feel very alone now. Also to those who write Dazai, how do you do it??



A drug bust. A simple drug bust.

A group of thugs were illegally selling the stuff to some of the local gangs and it is being redistributed to some of the high school and college kids around the area.

Find them. Find the Stash. Arrest them. Confiscate the stash. No more drugs circulating around schools.

It’s honestly a small request for the agency which often deals in much larger cases so you were nominated to investigate it. You’re relatively new and the experience would be really good for you.

Thus, you were paired with Osamu Dazai. According to Kunikida, he could use the fresh air.

You spare a glance out the window and take note of the setting sun. The light casts deep dancing shadows across the walls. The air feels cold and wet as you take careful steps across the damp bricks. You and Dazai had left the Agency in the early morning and it’s already rapidly approaching evening. Ranpo said we’d be finished by lunch.

A simple Drug Bust. What a joke.

You pad lightly down the dingy hallway. Each deliberate step is cushioned by the moss that appears to have rooted itself on the bricks. The stench is suffocating at best. Dazai had gone off on his own as soon as you stepped inside the dilapidated building. He didn’t explain much, just said that he was going left and you should go right, and that you needed to wait by the east wing. Then he sauntered off leaving you alone.


You come across a fork and debate if you should turn left or right. Two pairs of footsteps sound off at the end of the hall on the left. Two people. One pair sounds heavy and reverberates against the walls while the second almost scuffles along with the first. You reach for the gun at your belt. The weight of it resting against your hand gives you a feeling of comfort.

Two men step out from the end of the hallway. You slink back further and cover yourself in shadows. You hope they are enough to cover you completely. A man with a crew cut has his hand wrapped around the other’s arm as he appears to half lead half drag the man across the floor. You’re too far to make out his expression but the stark white of his face lets you know that he’s absolutely terrified. On closer inspection you can see that his other hand is bent at an odd angle. Perhaps, you and Dazai were not the only ones investigating the place. Assuming that Dazai is actually investigating and not lounging around somewhere while you did all the work.

The man opens a side door and yanks the smaller man into the room before following suit. The world has become deathly still once again. Not a sound to be heard. They’re the first two people you’ve seen since entering this damned place. After a minute of silence you emerge from your corner and creep down the hallway. Dazai’s instructions pop back into your head and you hesitate.

They may kill the cop.

Pushing Dazai’s words to the side, you stride forward and give chase.


You slip into the room and crouch behind a broken conveyor belt. You slip the gun off your belt and into your hands. Show time.

“Boss, I found this idiot sneaking ‘round back”, the bigger man says. A man steps out of the shadows dressed in a white lab coat and cocky grin. The ringleader walks forward with an air of arrogance, each step sounds deliberate and confident. He has dark eyes and long shoulder length hair. You can’t help but think he has very handsome foreign features.

“Is he a cop?” the leader asks. The large man reaches into his pocket and pulls out a badge and presents it.

“That’s the second one today”, he frowns as he carefully inspects the badge. His long hair falls in gentle waves around his face as he peers down. He then waves a dismissive hand, a frown gracing his handsome features, “The other one is being pursued as we speak. Once he’s been handled we’ll leave. Gather your men and tell them to inspect the surrounding area.”, he turns his attention to the man kneeling on the ground, “Asahi, was it? Tell me, who did you come with?”

Asahi pauses. “No one”

The leader smirks and waves his hand towards his subordinate who swiftly grab Asahi. Taking his remaining good arm in his hands, he twists it. Asahi cries out. The leader simply smiles coldly before he adjusts his glasses for dramatic effect.

“Who did you come with?”

Your mouth goes dry. Where’s Dazai when you need him? Is he the other cop being pursued? Step in now or wait?

The man in the lab coat begins to circle around Asahi who has said nothing but whimpers in pain instead. The leader steps in front of your hiding place with his back turned towards you, still facing the cop. You make a decision. Dazai isn’t here to help you or hold your hand. You grab onto your gun more firmly, you begin to rise, ready to step out.

The doors at the other end of the room fly open. The swing against the walls with a loud bang and you immediately duck back down. Heart in your throat. Who the fuck? Two men step forward both escorting the same man across the floor. He puts up no fight and simply allows himself to be dragged into the room. Hands tied behind his back. They force him into a kneeling position. However, he remains unbothered as a lazy smile graces his features.


This fucking idiot.

Four men. Two hostages. And You are only equipped with a gun.

“Found the other cop.”

Dazai grins, “I’m not a cop.”

Like they care

The man in the lab coat steps forward, ignoring Asahi who’s still kneeling in the other man’s hold and instead approaches Dazai. Dazai’s posture is calm as he lazily scans his environment. His eyes briefly roam over your position.

He says, “I believe I’ve arrived just in time.”

You clutch your gun tighter. Dazai never discussed anything beforehand and you can only think that surely none of this is going right.

An explosion sounds off in the distance and the building shakes. Dazai makes a face of confusion but the glint in his eyes speaks of mischief, “That is exceedingly unusual.”

A smile curls over your lips. Guess he wasn’t lazing around after all. The man in the coat finally drops his cocky grin. All traces of arrogance vanishes. He turns to his subordinates. “Go! Move! Find whatever worms have stumbled across our hideout. Kill anyone you don’t recognize. Take whatever leftover stock you can find and leave”, he shouts.

He spins towards the man still holding the cop, who’s gone completely white from fright. “Not you. You’re going to get me out of here safely. You can dispose of the two cops.”

The man nods and reaches into his jacket. Absolutely not. Somehow having Dazai in the room fuels you with confidence. You waste no time before you spring out of your hiding place. You charge towards the larger man who pauses in surprise as you suddenly rush in front of him. Before he can equip his gun you slam yours into his temple. He stumbles backwards but gathers himself quickly. He charges forward but every painstaking lesson with Fukuzawa flashes before your eyes. Before anyone can react the man has already landed heavily on his back, hands cuffed together.

“Now who the fuck are you?”

You turn towards the man in the lab coat. The boss no longer looks as in control as he did a few minutes ago. He pulls out a gun and points it towards Dazai who narrows his eyes at him before he flashes you a look of warning.

“How many of you are there?!” He demands.

You look around you and pull a face of mock concentration. “I believe there’s three of us here.”

“FUCK YOU!” He takes a step towards Dazai and jams the gun into the back of Dazai’s head. The gun in your own hands feels heavier.

“How many are you?”, he says, voice like steel.

“Drop your gun and I’ll tell you.”

“Only if you drop yours first. Or would you like to see who has the faster trigger finger.?”

You, would in fact, not like to find out. Your earlier confidence begins to fade away. You drop your gun on the floor. He doesn’t budge and simply glares at you and then the gun. You understand and kick the gun forward, far enough so that it’s out of your reach. The man smiles in a way that makes you feel as though he is unhinged. Perhaps, he is.

He steps away from Dazai and towards your gun. He kicks it away so that it clatters against one of the pieces of old equipment. Suddenly, Dazai who has been complacent this whole time stands up and rushes towards him. The ropes around his wrist seem to have disappeared. He leaps forward and the man spins around and fires off gunshots, maybe eight? Panic seizes you and you let out a cry of panic as you spring forward. The leader turns to you with wild eyes but only empty clicks sound from his gun. You immediately grab him and force him to the ground. You hastily cuff him before looking up for Dazai.

“Dazai!” you shout. You leave the man on the ground and run towards him. Dazai stands casually with a smile on his face but his right hand touches his shoulder.

“That was close”, he comments drily as he moves his hand away and inspects the blood. “Just a scratch.”

He grins at you and then walks towards the cop on the floor. “I imagine you arrived alone. Not a very smart move on your part.”

Asahi nods, “Thank You, I’ll call back up and arrest them.”

Dazai turns away from him and heads for the door, “No need. I’ve already called in my own back up. Y/n, Kunikida arrived on scene roughly five minutes ago with Tanizaki and Atsushi.”

You nod silently. He’s acting so calm. And true to his word, the others had shown up with the police in tow. The situation was neatly resolved and you handed over your findings to them. By the time the whole situation was completely resolved, night had descended onto Yokohama and the breeze was chilling.


“Dazai, what was that?” you ask.

Both of you had left earlier than the others and had met up at the agency. The clock steadily ticks towards 10pm. Your movements feel sluggish but you are wide awake. The events flash behind your eyes on loop. The repetitive gunshots firing in your ears. Dazai looks over at you with a confused look. “A drug bust?”

“Not that, why did you run at him? He had a gun in his hand, he could’ve killed you. Heck, you already got injured. Why would you suddenly rush him like that?”

Dazai simply shrugged. “I knew he wasn’t going to actually hit anything fatal. He could barely hold the gun properly. He wouldn’t have killed me even if I was standing right in front of him with a target between my eyes”

“Don’t be reckless, Dazai.”

“Speaking of “reckless”, why were you there?” I told you to head to the east side of the building and yet you were prancing about the headquarters right into his hands. Romanoff is a dangerous man, he would’ve killed you immediately. Also, I do believe you charged a villain with a gun today.”

Romanoff? Where was this information earlier?

“Nothing even happened on the east side, no one was there, why does it even matter. And don’t you dare compare what you did to what I did. The difference, Dazai, is that that man didn’t have his gun in his hand yet and I did. The difference is also that Yosano can heal whatever injury I walk out with while her gift will never work on you.”

“She can’t fix a corpse”, he seethes at you. You pause. Your face has gone completely red and you can’t believe you’re even arguing with this intolerable man. He’s already been hurt, how much more does he want?

“I wasn’t going to-”, you suddenly pause. Something isn’t adding up.

“Suddenly at a loss of words”, he taunts.

“No”, you eye him carefully. This man is a genius. Out of all your joking and sniping at him, you’ve seen him work. You’ve seen him come up with incredible plans and predict the enemies movement as if they were all nothing but pawns on his chessboard. So why?

“Why did you want me on the east side of the building?” you ask. “When the police were inspecting, there was nothing there. No one was there.”

Dazai says nothing. For a second the only thing that can be heard are your shallow breaths.

“Why did you send me away? Were you going to handle it by yourself?”

Dazai lets out a dry huff of laughter. “You think too much. I thought the ringleader would try and escape that way and then you would’ve been able to catch them off guard.”

You step towards him “But all of the vehicles were on the right, that’s what you blew up.”

“Most leaders will have a second escape route if they’re smart.”

“No one was there, Dazai.”

You walk towards him and he doesn’t move, but only continues to smile with eyes that hide a million little secrets. Perhaps if you stare at them long enough, you will finally unlock hissecrets.

Finally you stand in front of him and reach a hand to grasp the corner of his jacket as he moves back. The material is surprisingly soft in your hands. You stare up at him and his warm eyes meet yours, for once it feels as though a layer of his armour has been stripped away.

“Don’t run away.” you whisper, he’s so close that you fear a harsher sound may break him. That he may recoil once again back into his shell and shut you off again.

He glances away from you and chuckles.

“I’m not made from drywall", you joke lightly, “I can support you, you don’t have to hide me in a corner.”

He doesn’t face you when he responds, “I’m well aware, Little miss detective.”

“I don’t think you are”, you chuckle. You release his coat and reach up to cup his face in your hands. You force him to look at you. Your light smile disappears when you meet his eyes. They are burning. His eyes darken as he watches you, the next layer of armour stripping away when he says, “That was really dangerous, what you did today.”

“Not as dangerous as what you did, I hear they were chasing you all over the place.”

He frowns, “It’s different when I do it.”

“I don’t think so.”

He huffs and leans forward. His ice cold hands reach for you as he cradles your face in his hands. Oddly enough, the cold feels good against your burning cheeks. He brings you closer to him as he leans down towards you.

“You are so frustrating.”

You narrow your eyes at him and playfully frown. “Me? What about you and your vague ass instructions, you know, maybe if you-”

Soft lips press against your own. He steals your breath away along with every last one of your words. His hand that was cradling your face so gently has slipped around your waist as he pushes you flush against him. He’s cold. He’s so cold and you wrap your arms around him. He doesn’t always have to be cold. He doesn’t always have to be alone.

You finally pull away and gasp for air. His eyes burn with intense emotions and he immediately begins kissing your jaw. He nips at your neck before sucking the skin aggressively. His tongue rolls out his mouth as he laps at the area before he moves on to the next. You burn. A shiver runs down your spine and you want him closer. You want to dissolve and drown in him. It’s been so long since you’ve felt like this. His teasing smirks and dry comments have annoyed you to no end and yet he’s here with you against the wall with his long slender finger digging into your hips in the most intoxicating way. You wish for nothing more than for this man to devour you whole. Your hands have tangled into his hair as you tug gently. He groans against your neck and his hand moves further down to grab your thigh rubbing small circles.

“Don’t tease me”, he whispers as his teeth graze your ear.

“I’m still mad at you.”

“Then let me apologize, Belladonna.”

